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Xinhua: China’s Interests in the Middle East Severely Impacted

Xinhua recently republished an article discussing how the current round of political volatility in the Middle East has impacted China’s commercial interests in that region. The article made a few key points: 1) Normal trade activities have been heavily disrupted in the areas of the import and export of goods, including the export of labor, engineering and technology, and intellectual services; 2) China’s energy supply is clearly endangered, because 50% of the oil consumed in China is sourced from the Middle East; 3) Compared to the U.S., Europe, and Russia, China does not have “a card in hand to play” under the current circumstance to effectively influence the situation in the Middle East. The article called for establishing a strategic precautionary system.

Source: Xinhua, February 28, 2011

Beijing’s Efforts to Maintain Socio-political Stability and Crush a Potential Jasmine Revolution

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Starting in January 2011, popular protests erupted in some Middle East countries, leading, within weeks, to the removal of the authoritarian presidents of Tunisia and Egypt. The shock waves continue to spread across the region and reached Zhongnanhai in Beijing, where the Communist dictators are deeply apprehensive about their own future.

This article explores some of the Chinese regime’s responses, as of early March 2011, in the following areas: misinformation and propaganda; the tightening grip of the military and the police; the exercise of social control; and Internet censorship and arrests. While the timing of Zhongnanhai’s actions suggest they are a clear attempt to avoid a Middle East style crisis, these methods used are not new; they have long served the purpose of handling China’s own social instability. The collected facts may offer interesting insights into the regime’s maneuvers in its attempt to survive and continue its rule.

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China to Conduct over 20 Space Launches in 2011

The chief designer of the Chinese "Shen Zhou" spacecraft recently disclosed that China intends to conduct over 20 space launches in 2011, compared to 15 in 2010. The missions include its first target spacecraft “Tian Gong No. 1,” the “Shen Zhou No. 8” space shuttle, as well as the first unmanned space docking test. In November, China’s first Mars exploration space probe is to be sent by Russian carrier rocket.

China’s five-year (2011-2015) space plan focuses on space detection, earth observation, information utilization, and breakthroughs in space technology and applications. The year 2020 will see the accomplishment of the exploration of the Moon and Mars, the establishment of a high resolution earth observation system, and a global positioning system.

Source: Xinhua, March 2, 2011

CASS: Yellow Book on China Model and Warning on Collapse of Russian Communist Party

On March 1, 2011, the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences (CASS) published its World Socialist Yellow Book. The book attributes China’s economic success to its own development model. It points out that China will neither accept any forms of foreign intervention nor export its development model or value system.

On the same day, CASS released a new book "Ju An Si Wei (Preparing for Danger in Times of Safety) – Recollections on the 20-Year Anniversary of the Collapse of the Russian Communist Party." The book concludes that the root cause of the collapse of the Russian Communist Party was not the Russian socialist system, but rather the corruption within the the Russian Communists. It pointed out that during the late 1970s and the early 1980s, corruption went uncurbed and reached an alarming level, resulting in an “elite class” that gained absolute control over the army, Party, and government organs at both the central and local levels.

Source: China News, March 1, 2011

Beijing Daily: Actively Guard Social Stability and Harmony

During the “Two Sessions,” Beijing Daily published an editorial stating that, in the midst of social turmoil in the Middle East, foreign forces with ulterior motives are attempting to use the Internet to stir up social crises in China. The editorial reminds people to protect China’s economic accomplishments and the social stability that it has gained over the past 30 years.

The article also warned those foreign forces who intend to encourage illegal gatherings and incite “street politics” that the Chinese people do not welcome their attempts, which will eventually end up in failure. The article concluded, “Safeguarding stability is the wish and voice of the entire Chinese people.”

Source: Beijing Daily, March 5, 2011

U.S. Exports Domestic Crisis to North Africa, Said Official Paper

An article published on Jiefang Daily, the official newspaper of Shanghai’s Communist Party committee, blames the turmoil in North Africa on the United States for shifting its domestic crisis to other countries. Many other state media republished it on their websites. The article claims, ”The recent continuous turmoil in North Africa and the Middle East may have profound world economic and social causes. It not only results from the global financial crisis, but is also the result of the decline of the U.S.’s ability to lead in world affairs. In the end, it is due to the U.S. shifting its domestic crisis to other countries through two waves of quantitative easing of its currency.” The article concludes that, as long as the internal problems arising from the financial crisis are not completely resolved, such turmoil will continue. It warns, “What’s even more worrisome is that some big power will use ulterior political and economic motives to implement irresponsible policies while the Arab countries in Africa are still not stable, making the situation even more complicated.”

Sources: Jiefang Daily, February 28, 2011

China Review News: The U.S. Cotinues its Tricks with Internet Freedom

China Review News republished an article by a Chinese scholar nicknamed “Dong Shen" (meaning "Statement from the East") criticizing U.S. “Internet freedom.” The article stated, “There is a saying called ‘Internet freedom.’ It is said to have originated in the U.S. in February 2010. One year later, on February 15, 2011, U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton issued a speech on ‘Internet Freedom,’ in relation to the political turmoil in North African and Middle East countries. She further explained ‘Internet Freedom’ in more detail, and specifically included it in the framework of U.S. foreign policy.” The article continued, “Every citizen on earth who knows a little about the various U.S. ‘freedoms’ understands that ‘Internet freedom’ is nothing new. It is, in essence, another U.S. trick to impose American values on other countries. The fundamental issue is that the U.S. wants to expand its interests around the world, using American values to control other countries.” The article concluded, “Facing ‘Internet freedom,’ we (Chinese) must resolutely walk the path of the ‘Chinese style Internet.’ A Chinese style Internet is the requirement of the Chinese style Socialist path.”

Source: China Review News, March 2, 2011