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Culture Ministry: Support the Culture Industry During the 12th Five-Year Plan

Xinhua reported on some comments made by Culture Minister Cai Wu about the future of the culture industry. Cai said that during the “the 12th Five-Year Plan,” the Ministry of Culture will actively coordinate the relevant departments to further perfect the policies in the areas of finance, tax, technological innovation, and land in order to support the development of the culture industry. He said that the Ministry of Culture will soon draft a “Culture Industry Promotion Law.” This will speed up the legislative process for the culture industry and will elevate the effective policy to the level of national law.

Source: Xinhua, December 9, 2010

Study Times: Combat Ability Based on Information Systems Determines the Outcome of War

On December 6, 2010, Chinese military scholar Cai Zenzhao published an article on Study Times that discussed the trend of future wars. Cai observed that recent local wars in the world suggest that combat ability based on information systems determines both the battlefield position and the outcome of the war. Cai believes that informationization is the core of the development of the modern combat system; future wars will be information wars. Therefore, the effectiveness of a combat system based on an information system becomes more obvious. Cai suggested that interaction between the military and civilians is an important avenue for the development of the information system, since it is the common responsibility of the Party, the nation, and the military to develop an information combat system.

Source: Study Times, December 6, 2010

Eighty-Five Percent of Chinese Unable to Afford Their Own Home

The Chinese Academy of Social Sciences released its 2011 “Economic Blue Book.” The Blue Book discusses real estate in 2010 and 2011. It reports that over 85% of households cannot afford to buy their own home. The market price of housing is growing much faster than personal income. An urban family would have to save their entire income for over eight years in order to buy a house. The Blue Book observed that another feature of China’s real estate is the government monopoly of the supply. Such a monopoly is an important force that drives up the price of real estate.

Source: Xinhua, December 8, 2010

China High Speed Rail to Meet Military Requirements

On December 7, 2010, Xinhua reported on the Chinese military’s participation in the design and planning of China’s high speed railway. Military requirements have become part of the rail development. In the Chengdu Railway Bureau, 14 military officers have been appointed to lead positions in key departments and at major stations. “Military transportation departments are riding the momentum and proactively coordinating railway planning, design, construction, and other departments. They propose the timing of the requirements and track the implementation. Military requirements were incorporated into the planning even before the start of construction. The high speed rail links Chengdu, Xi’an, Lanzhou, Guiyang, Kunming, Wuhan, Beijing, Tianjin, the Pearl River Delta, and the Yangtze River Delta.

Source: Xinhua, December 7, 2010

Huanqiu: Put a Question Mark by WikiLeaks

An editorial that appeared on Huanqiu on December 2, 2010, questions the background of WikiLeaks. “The biggest question: How can a website that is dedicated to exposing American scandals survive in the Western world?” ”The scandals created by WikiLeaks release of information are either old stories or irrelevant gossip; the United States has quickly digested the ‘negative impact’ they brought about. … If the authority of WikiLeaks is established, it may just be banter in Western countries, but in the non-Western world, leaking unverifiable documents could subvert the State.”

Source: Huanqiu, December 2, 2010

International Herald Leader: U.S. Should Take Responsibility in Dealing with North Korea

The International Herald Leader published an article on December 3, 2010, about the U.S. lack of responsibility in dealing with North Korea. While China suggested the six-party talks, meant to resolve the crisis of the Korean Peninsula, the U.S. was not interested. The article stated that the U.S. response showed that the U.S. does not want to pay its due, but instead wants China and Russia to “control” North Korea. It wants South Korea to bear all the risk for the failure to control North Korea. The article also stated that the U.S. joint military exercise with South Korea and Japan had no impact on North Korea. “Now North Korea is certain that the U.S.-South Korean joint military exercise won’t turn into a military attack against North Korea,” so the U.S. just saved face without any great effect.

Source: International Herald Leader, December 3, 2010

Study Times: Government’s Public Power Misused for State-Owned Enterprises

Study Times, a weekly Chinese Communist Party School newspaper, published an article pointing out problems with State-Owned Enterprises (SOEs), especially those with monopoly positions in China. It argued that many of these SOEs lack core competitiveness in the international market and damage fair competition in China. “With the government’s subsidies, their employees receive large salaries even though the company loses money.” “After recent reforms and reorganizations, the SOEs have become larger and their market dominance stronger, making it impossible for privately owned companies to compete with them.” This is the result of the SOEs misusing the government’s public power. Some large SOEs have financial power and economic influence as significant as that of a provincial government. The article didn’t offer any solutions.

Source: Study Times, December 6, 2010