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CCP Politburo Meeting on Next Year’s Economic Work

A Chinese Communist Party Politburo meeting was held in Beijing on December 3, 2010. Hu Jintao presided over the meeting, analyzing the economic requirements for the coming year. The meeting’s outcome stipulated “this year, the economic development environment in China has been extremely complex, with many natural disasters and major challenges.” It also concluded that “China will face many difficulties and challenges in the coming year.” For next year, “(China) should continue to strengthen and improve its macro-economic control, adjust the short-term and long-term priorities … not only solve the current issues, but also advance on solving the deeper conflicts and resolving potential risks … ” It outlined many directions, including increasing internal consumption and raising income for the low to mid-level income group, preventing blindly repetitive government investments, stabilizing consumer prices, developing energy-saving industries, expanding exports, and so on.

Source: Xinhua, December 3, 2010

People’s Daily: Correctly Understand the Culture Industry’s Functions

People’s Daily recently published an article on the importance of having the right understanding of the functions performed by the culture industry. The article suggested that the culture industry is an emerging industry that has both an “entertainment function” and an “education function.” The author explained that the “education function” is about providing “social benefits” that actually refer to guiding public opinion. The article called for “insisting on an advanced socialist culture direction” and “emphasizing government guidance." The goal of the culture industry’s “education function” is to establish “the core value system of socialism.”

Source: People’s Daily Online, December 3, 2010

Xinhua: Hu Jintao Held a Symposium for Non-Party Personnel

On December 3, 2010, Xinhua reported that Chinese President Hu Jintao had met with non-Party personnel in the format of a symposium on November 30 and delivered an important speech. Members of the Standing Committee of the Politburo of the CCP Central Committee, Wen Jiabao, Jia Qinling, Xi Jinping, and Li Keqiang, attended the symposium. Some non-CCP political leaders expressed fundamental support for the CCP’s economic policies and offered a few suggestions. In Hu’s speech, he admitted that China’s economy had some serious problems and described the domestic and international situation as “complex and volatile.” Hu pointed out six areas to focus on next year: 1) improve macroeconomic control; 2) emphasize agriculture; 3) speed up adjustments to the economic structure; 4) push hard on focal reform areas; 5) actively participate in the global economic reform; 6) enhance social control. Finally, Hu called for non-Party assistance to connect “the Party and the Government” with the people.

Source: Xinhua, December 3, 2010

Chinese Language Education Office Trains German Teachers

People’s Daily Online reported on November 28, 2010, that, for the first time, the European Branch of China’s National Office of Chinese Language Education had provided training in the Chinese language to native German teachers. The training took place from November 26 to November 28. Certificates were issued to 184 German Chinese language teachers. In the closing ceremony, senior editors from several well-known Chinese publications discussed the usefulness of the six series of educational materials with the teachers.

Source: People’s Daily Online, November 29, 2010

The CCP Central Committee: Propagandize the Fifth Plenary Session of 17th CCP Central Committee

According to Xinhua on November 30, 2010, the CCP Central Committee issued a notice on how to propagandize and “educate” the whole country on the “spirit” of the Fifth Plenary Session of 17th CCP Central Committee. The propaganda and public education campaign will go from November 2010 to April 2011.

The focus of the campaign is to "further unify the Chinese people’s thinking," strengthen their confidence, and make no changes, so that they firmly and willingly walk on the socialist road with Chinese characteristics and "unite closely around the CCP Central Committee with Comrade Hu Jintao as the general secretary."

Source: Xinhua, November 30, 2010

People’s Daily: Good Ideological Work Is Important in Consolidating the Party’s Ruling Status

People’s Daily, the official newspaper of the Communist Party of China, published an article on December 02, 2010, emphasizing the significance of ideological work in “consolidating the Party’s ruling status,” “maintaining social harmony and stability,” and “driving forward the smooth development of socialism with Chinese characteristics.” The following are some of the key points:

  1. Always ensure the Party’s absolute leadership over the armed forces.
  2. Be more vigilant toward the hostile forces’ plots to Westernize and divide our country.
  3. Always ensure the smooth delivery of the Party’s administrative and military orders.
  4. Use media to propagandize the Party’s viewpoints. Take the earliest opportunity to cover the news about emergent incidents and major natural disasters so as to guide public opinion.

Source: People’s Daily, December 02, 2010

China Review News: Wisely Expel the U.S. Aircraft Carrier from the Yellow Sea

On December 4, 2010, China Review News published an article saying that the U.S. just wants to
“stir up trouble” and “find an excuse to launch a war.” "China should wisely expel the U.S. aircraft carrier from the Yellow Sea." If a war starts, "China should actively call for the UN to send in peacekeeping troops and urge all parties to stop the war."

“The Chinese military can closely monitor the communication signals from the U.S. aircraft carrier on land or on sea so as to understand the basic work principles of the American communication system. Based on the captured communication signals, we can discover the aircraft carrier’s weaknesses. Since the aircraft carrier entered directly into the area that China’s long-range carrier rockets can reach, China’s rocket army can use the aircraft carrier as a hypothetical target in order to strengthen the flexible combat capability of China’s military troops.”

Source: China Review News, December 4, 2010

Xi Jinping’s Speech at the 60th Anniversary Symposium of the Korean War

[Editor’s Note: The following is an excerpt from Xi Jinping’s speech marking the 60th anniversary of the Korean War. In his speech, Xi said that the Chinese army was sent to the Korean War because it was “a just war that safeguarded peace and forestalled invasion.” “Sixty years ago, the Chinese people sent our volunteer troops to resist America because we were driven beyond the limits of forbearance. It was a righteous act carried out only to safeguard the peace and resist invasion.”] [1]

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