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China’s Cultural Counselor: Cultural Exchanges Are an Important Part of China-French Relations

A Xinhua reporter interviewed Pu Tong, the Cultural Counselor for the Chinese Embassy in France. Pu Tong said, “China and France are both big countries with a strong cultural background. The interaction of both countries started with a cultural exchange. … China-French cultural exchanges are an important part of the two countries’ relations.”

Pu expressed that culture naturally evokes curiosity, and a feeling of closeness and fascination. Therefore, cultural exchanges will play a major role at this juncture as China-French relations are reaching a new level.

Source: Xinhua, November 3, 2010

Hu Jintao: China-French Relations Should Surpass Simple Trades and Investments

French Le Figaro and Portuguese LUSA interviewed Chinese President Hu Jintao ahead of his visit to France and Portugal. In discussing how to further advance the strategic partner relationship between China and France, Hu said that China and France have major responsibilities in international affairs: The two countries’ relations should be given a new meaning at a time when the international situation is undergoing profound and complicated changes. …What’s important is that the cooperation from both sides should go beyond the simple trade and investment relationship. They should become equal and collaborative partners, fully utilize Chinese and French cultural advantages to enhance cultural exchanges, strengthen strategic cooperation, and work together to face global challenges.

Source: People’s Daily, November 4, 2010

Chinese Securities: Unreasonable Allocation of Revenue Contributes to Social Instability

According to a China Securities Journal article, the unreasonable allocation of revenue between the central and local governments has contributed to social instability. The central government takes the lion’s share of revenue, while smaller shares are allocated to local governments. However, local governments are responsible for expenditures on education, medical care, and retirement. When revenue falls short, two problems arise. One, local governments resort to auctioning land to augment their revenue. This has become the most popular source of income for local governments. Two, the severe lack of adequate funding for housing, education, medical care, and retirement, coupled with insufficient public facilities and services, has directly “impacted the stability and harmony of our society.” In contrast, the central government’s revenue is unusually high, “demonstrating the increase in national power.”

Source: China Securities Journal, October 28, 2010

Qiushi: The Financial Crisis Proves the Success of Marxism

Wang Weiguang, Executive Vice President of the China Academy of Social Sciences, published on Qiushi that the financial crisis validates socialism and Marxism. “Looking back to the 1980s and 90s, socialism was at an unprecedented low, and anti-socialist and anti-Communist Party views were widespread. Neo-liberalism then emerged and was promoted by Western capitalists all over the place. Now, 20 years later, this international financial crisis, on the one hand, gave an unprecedented blow to capitalism and led to the bankruptcy of neo-liberalism, challenging the capitalist ideology. On the other hand, socialism with Chinese characteristics succeeded in open-door reform and survived the financial risk; socialism rebounded from the bottom. This has provided a most favorable environment to develop socialism and Marxism and to strengthen the ideological work of the Party.”

Source: Qiushi, November 1, 2010

Xinhua: Party Conducts Intensive Training of Leaders Who Are Not Party Members

Xinhua reported that the Communist Party Central Committee’s United Front Work Department held a seven-day training on October 27 in Beijing to train provincial level leaders who are not Party members. The objective of the training was to study and implement the spirit of the 5th plenary session of the 17th National Congress of the Party. Du Qinglin, head of the United Front Work Department, spoke at the opening. “It is the primary political responsibility of United Front members, especially leading cadres who are not Party members, to study and implement the spirit of the 5th plenary session of the 17th National Congress of the Party.” Du called upon the non-Party member leaders to “fully carry out their important mission and be clear on their dual role …”

Source: Xinhua, October 27, 2010

Guangming Daily: On China Enduring a U.S. Trade War

According to an article on the Guangming Daily Online Website, the U.S. has intensified its trade war against China. Over the past 2 weeks, the U.S. filed 24 trade actions against China. These cases of trade violation exhibit a new pattern: 1. They focus on high value-added products and new industries; 2. Instead of using anti-dumping charges, the new cases are an outgrowth of 337 investigations and 301 methods of investigation; and 3. They represent highly-synchronized attitudes and actions on the part of all U.S. departments.

The article also stated that the exchange rate war was just the beginning of the trade war. “The exchange rate debate is an excuse. Starting a trade war against China is the fundamental reason.” The article praised China for not taking action to counter the U.S. trade war. It also warned the U.S. that, given its extremely weak economy, it will not be able to bear the consequences of a Sino-U.S. trade war.

Source: Guangming Daily Online,  November 1, 2010

Qiushi: Losing Control over Media Caused USSR’s Collapse

Qiushi Journal, a publication of the CCP Central Committee, published an article that claims that the Party’s losing control over its media was what triggered the USSR’s collapse. The article said that “media reform” in the USSR was the reason more and more media abandoned their Party loyalty and shunned the Party’s leadership.

“Negative information (about the Communist Party) flooded the news under the name of ‘openness.’” Also, a foreign ideology invasion flourished. The USSR’s media reform thus caused a cycle of “news reform – the media opening up – the entrance of foreign forces – exposure of the negative side – the accumulation of public unhappiness – an inability to counter the assault – a complete loss of media control – a loss of power.”

The article concluded that it is critical for the CCP to control the media and not to open the media to private ownership.

Source: Qiushi Journal, November 1, 2010

Defense University Professor: Establishing IT-Based System for the Military

Qiushi Journal, a publication of the CCP Central Committee, republished an article from Chinese Social Science Today titled “Establishing a Chinese-Characteristic IT-Based System for the Military.” Author Yuan Wenxian is a Major General, professor, and head of the information warfare, command, and training section at Beijing’s PLA National Defense University. Yuan outlined the Chinese military information system as “three layers, six areas, and four types.”

The three layers are: the Central Military Commission (general command) layer, the military region/military type layer, and the combat troop layer. The six areas are: IT warfare, military composition, armory and equipment, military training, military political work, and military supply and management. The four types are: the policy system, organization system, legal system, and technology standards system.

Source: Qiushi Journal, October 27, 2010