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China News Net: 2010 Chinese Domestic Market Estimated to be $2,000 Billion

The Chinese Minister of Commerce, Chen Deming, recently wrote an article estimating China’s domestic market size for 2010 to be US$2,000 Billion. The article was published with the background that many foreign investors have recently started to worry that China is no longer focusing on attracting foreign investments and is no longer welcoming foreign capital. The article also admitted that foreign investments have declined 2.6% so far this year. The article discussed the strategy on how China plans to get out of the “crisis.” The primary solution is to adjust and upgrade industry structures. Services, high-end manufacturing and environmental products are identified as key areas.

Source: China News Net, July 28, 2010

China Youth Daily: Beijing’s ‘Middle Class’ is Just a Fairy Tale

China Review News recently reviewed an article by China Youth Daily on the recently published number of the percentage of the Beijing population that is middle class. It was reported that 40% of the population, which equals 5.4 million, are considered “middle class.” This percentage is above the national average – 23%. However the article questions the accuracy of the numbers and suggests that the largest majority is at the bottom of the “middle class” range. The article also refers to other statistics to prove that the 40% is hard to justify. Also, the new 40% number is based on registered households. A large number of people who live in Beijing are not registered. The article concluded that the latest optimistic number is just a “fairy tale.”

Source: China Review News, August 2, 2010

Huanqiu Editorial: Use China’s Economic Strength to Conquer U.S. Military Power

Huanqiu, the Chinese edition of Global Times, published an editorial on August 7, 2010. titled, “China Should Use its Own Economic Strength to Conquer U.S. Military Power.” Below is a partial translation:

“What is the strength of the U.S. today? It is its military.”
“What is the weakness of the U.S.? Its economic system is sick.”

“China should first deal with the United States in those weak issues. China needs to get closer to the U.S. until it is twisted together through economic cooperation and multilateral diplomacy. Just like two boxers fighting with each other, the weaker one always smartly and strategically approaches and entangles the one who has the longer arms and heavier fists. This kind of closeness will make the U.S. attitude toward China become diversified. Any extreme policies against China will be subjected to strong domestic resistance. China can get this done without problems.”

Source: Huanqiu, August 7, 2010

Huanqiu: The Biggest Obstacle to China’s Rise is the United States

Huanqiu, China’s official newspaper, published an article commenting on the U.S. aircraft carrier, the USS George Washington, participating in the military exercises in the Yellow Sea on August 13, 2010.

“In recent years, the United States has repeatedly probed China’s strategic bottom line, attempted to limit China within the U.S. preset framework, and tried to block China’s progress by creating conflicts on the seas, supporting the separatists in China, and being provocative in trade and economics. This is considered to be the Pentagon’s regular strategy toward China. A growing China will definitely not tolerate this.”

“The biggest external obstacle to China’s rise is the United States. The Pentagon is making a big effort to activate the obstacle.”

Source: Huanqiu, August 13, 2010

Huanqiu: The U.S. Navy Is Worried about the China’s Reported Aircraft Carrier Killer

Xinhua republished an article from Huanqiu on August 12, 2010, saying that the United States Navy is worried about the reported “Aircraft Carrier Killer,” the Dongfeng-21D missile, made by China.

“Actually, the U.S. aircraft carrier ‘cruising around’ China makes the Chinese angry, but cannot frighten the Chinese. On the contrary, it is the U.S. media that, from time to time, worries about China’s ‘Aircraft Carrier Killer.’"

“Recently, a former U.S. Navy Commander in Chief Calasca (ed. Note: spelling is based on the Chinese pronunciation) described a hypothetical scenario in his article. In 5 years, a Dongfeng-21D missile armed with a penetrating warhead sinks the USS George Washington aircraft carrier, which then results in a “new era international order – the United States replaced by a risen China.”

Source: Huanqiu, August 12, 2010

China’s Discourse Right on Financial Market Information

[Editor’s Note: On July 16, 2010, an article was published on Qiushi, the core publication of the Central Committee of the Chinese Communist Party. The author is the deputy editor-in-chief of Xinhua News Agency, a ministry level government agency. The article is about strengthening China’s discourse right in the financial industry. In particular, it criticized the developed nations for monopolizing financial information and gaining an unfair advantage over developing nations. The article highlights Xinhua 08, a financial information portal developed by Xinhua to compete with Wall Street technology. The following is a translation of excerpts from the article] [1]

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Xinhua: Preemptive Diplomacy in Response to U.S. Moves in Asia

A Xinhua article proposes preemptive diplomacy to handle a dilemma posed by the U.S. presence in Asia.

According to the article, if China reacted to America’s attempts to restrain China, it would prove the accusation, that China will not rise peacefully, is true. If, on the other hand, China did nothing, its national interests would suffer and it would not do any good to promote a peaceful rise. Thus, the article recommends preemptive diplomacy: “As China has more and more external interests at heart, it should act to safeguard when needed and to be on the offensive when appropriate, as well as to provide more clarifications and explanations.”

Source: Xinhua, August 9, 2010

Guangming: U.S. Targets after Iraq

Guanming Observer published a comment on U.S. withdrawal from Iraq and subsequent deployments in Asia. It predicts that the U.S. will likely withdraw from Iraq next year, thus ending the 10-year military adventure, which has gone nowhere.

Given the large contingent of 50, 000 military advisors, military instructors, security guards and other personnel, plus 94 military bases, the U.S. is not withdrawing. The article warns that a defense line has already been formed. The U.S. plans to monitor China from a South Korean island, resume cooperative activities with Indonesia Special Forces, support Vietnam in its dispute with China over territories and encourage India to restrain China’s naval expansion. “Thus, it is an illusion that the United States is backing away from Iraq. … Its next targets are China and Africa.”

Source: Guangming Observer, August 5, 2010