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Xinhua: The Compliment of China Outshining Has a Hidden Evil Intention

Xinhua published a commentary article on June 20 to “warn” Chinese that the western media report naming China as the sole country prospering in the middle of world financial crisis is a “compliment” with an evil intention. The article says, “In recent years, various bizarre comments on China have appeared now and then in western media, for example, “China Threat,” “China Being Responsible,” and so on. Most recently, a new name of “China Outshining” (in the global financial crisis) came up in the western media.” “The so-called ‘China Outshining’ is to say that, in the middle of the world financial crisis, western countries are burdened with economic difficulties, while China (has moved) all the way up, is gaining the most (from the crisis), and has come out as the biggest winner.” The purpose of the compliment is to “…harm China. Their intention is to pressure China to take on disproportionate international responsibilities beyond (China’s) ability, and damage China’s relationship with other countries, particularly the developing countries.”

Source: Xinhua, June 20, 2010

PLA Daily: China Building up Military Deployment Capability

China’s military transportation capability has been significantly improved over the past decades, People’s Liberation Army Daily reported. Its transportation system includes trucks over highways, high-speed trains, large transport aircraft, and more. Besides, China has more than ten highways that can be used as runways for war aircraft. The article listed the following areas as new directions: developing sea and air based strategic deployment capability; constructing an effective military transport system and mechanism; and improving battlefield transportation protection capability.

Source: People’s Liberation Army Daily, June 21, 2010

China Expanding RMB Settlement to All Countries

China has expanded the trial regions that may use the RMB to settle cross-border trade from Hong Kong, Macao, and ASEAN countries to all countries. The Bank of China, the Ministry of Finance, the Ministry of Commerce, the General Administration of Customs, the State Taxation Administration, and the Banking Regulatory Commission jointly issued an order on June 22, 2010. The number of trial provinces increased to 20. For 8 bordering provinces, all enterprises with import or export permission are allowed to use the RMB for trade. For other provinces, only approved trial enterprises can use the RMB for settlement and the number of those trial enterprises are increasing.

Source: China News Service, June 22, 2010

Syphilis Is the Number Three Wide-spread Infectious Disease in China

According to the “China’s Syphilis Prevention and Control Plan (2010-2020)” published by the Ministry of Health on June 21, 2010, syphilis has become the third most infectious disease in China. According to China’s statistics, the number of syphilis infection cases increased to 330,000 in 2009 from 80,000 in 1999. In 2009, among every 100,000 new born babies, there were 64 with congenital syphilis, versus 0.5 in 1997. Syphilis is transmitted via sexual activities.

Source: Xinhua, June 21, 2010

China’s Widening Income Gap

[Editor’s Note: This report by a Xinhua research team provides a sobering view of China’s social economic disparity. Published on the government media Jing Ji Can Kao Bao (Economic Information Daily), the report reveals some sensitive data that are unflattering to China. Although, similar data has been widely reported outside of China, reading them on the Chinese media is somewhat unusual as it is generally against the party’s nature to reveal bad news. The publication of this report may be an indication of the government’s increasing inability to conceal facts from the public. It may also be a decoy to divert people’s attention from more serious issues.

The first part deals with the widening income gap in China. The second part presents various color-coded income types. Many of them are illegal; most are hidden. It paints a disturbing picture of today’s society in China.

The following is a translation of the excerpts of the report. Subtitles were added by the editor.]

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People’s Daily: National ID Card Required by Wuhan Internet Bars

The police department of Wuhan City, the largest city in central China, has recently required a second generation national ID for anyone who wants to use the Internet bars in the city to get onto the Internet. This is a new movement by the Internet Monitoring and Administration Division of the police department, after waves of complete pre-checks, heavy penalties and a netizen report reward programs. This new wave is to ban all anonymous Internet access at the Internet bars. The police spent four days to visit all Internet bars in the city to enforce the regulation. The penalty for bars that refuse to cooperate is an order to be shut down.

Source: People’s Daily, June 16, 2010

Bank of China Issued First RMB Debit Card in Zambia

With the approval of the Central Bank of Zambia, on June 14, Bank of China issued the first RMB debit card in all of Africa. The debit card is branded under UnionPay, which is the dominant credit card issuer in China. The theory behind this move is that typical international traveler’s checks only support seven western currencies, which are not accepted by most Chinese businesses. UnionPay is widely accepted in China. Thus the new debit card benefits the African customers visiting China. Bank of China in Zambia was approved to offer full RMB based services in 2009. Its RMB services include RMB accounts and RMB cash. Since the services were made available to the public this past March, the Bank has received total deposits of RMB 50 Million.

Source: Xinhua, June 15, 2010

Xinhua: Internet War Has Threats beyond Virtual Reality

Xinhua recently published an article by a teacher of National Defense University on internet war. The article pointed out that, following the United States, France, Germany, Japan, India and South Korea all strengthened their research and established internet war theories as well as development plans. The author believed that internet war by itself created a new and independent warfare. The strategic war competition of Information Age is primarily internet war. The analysis of the form of internet war in the article is solely aiming the US, with all the data and discussions around US military infrastructure and activities. The author concluded that the development of internet war is determined by 3 factors: (1) militarization of the internet; (2) militarization of physical infrastructure network; (3) wireless interconnectivity. The military threats brought forward by internet war are beyond cyberspace.

Source: Xinhua, June 17, 2010