After 1989, Deng Xiaoping gave 24 characters as a guideline for the CCP’s handling of international relations: 冷静观察, 站稳脚跟, 沉着应付, 韬光养晦, 善于守拙, 绝不当头, which translate as, “Observe calmly; secure our position; cope with affairs calmly; hide our capacities and bide our time; be good at maintaining a low profile; and never claim leadership.” When Jiang Zemin took power after Deng died, he attached four more characters 有所作为, translated as “do something.”
In China, there are very few independent academic institutions or think tanks. The regime usually approves scholars’ views that are published in high profile official publications such as the International Herald Leader, so they should not be taken as mere individual insights.
The following are excerpts from the article.]