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Xinhua Accuses U.S. to Infiltrate Other Countries under the Cover of Non-Government Organizations

Xinhua published a long article accusing U.S. government to conduct subversive activities in other countries under the cover of non-governmental organizations (NGOs). The article specifically named U.S. National Endowment for Democracy (NED) as a U.S. political role player funded by the U.S. government. The article listed Venezuela, Ukraine, Iran, and Burma as examples in the respective areas that was influenced by its subversive activities or promoted “color revolutions.” It also accuses NED to directly interfere with China’s internal affairs by frequently funding “anti-China force” groups such as “Democracy Movement,” “Tibetan Independence,” and “Eastern Turkistan.”

Source: Xinhua, October 6, 2008

China’s Investment Created over 10,000 Job Opportunities for Zambia

Xinhua quoted a report by Zambia Time on October 6 claiming that Chinese companies has invested in more than 140 programs in Zambia and created 11,000 jobs for the local residents. China has become the biggest source of foreign investment for the country. China’s investment in Zambia covers a broad area, mostly on agriculture, machinery, mining, and tourism.

Source: Xinhua, October 6, 2008

The Beijing Olympics: Control News Sources, Step up Positive Reports and Eliminate Negative Reports

The following is a translation of widely spread article on Chinese language websites in August. Although the postings on China-based websites have now disappeared, uncensored overseas websites have preserved the posting. [1]
Beijing, China – Today (August 8, 2008) the Beijing Olympics opened. A few days ago, the authorities in charge of news media in China issued several notices to media on propaganda of the opening ceremony, and on rules and regulations pertaining to news reports of the Olympics. The notices emphasized positive reporting and reducing negative reporting such as the protest zone, the Kashgar incident [2], and misappropriation of the Sichuan disaster relief funds and other negative news.

On reporting the opening ceremony of the Beijing Olympics, media is required to:

1. Report effectively on leaders of other countries present at the Opening Ceremony who are gathering in Beijing;

2. Report effectively on congratulations and wishes from the athletes from other countries, and guests from all walks of life;

3. Report effectively on the opening ceremony, the torch lighting, and athletes entering the stadium;

4. Report effectively on positive remarks and comments on the opening ceremony both from home and abroad;

5. Report effectively on services provided on the opening day including transportation and security checks, etc;

6. Report effectively on the August 7 press conference (including announcements about the Opening Ceremony, news releases, and feature articles, etc);

7. Report effectively on the August 8 Rogge Press Conference and the Head of State Reception in the morning and the Opening Ceremony in the evening;

8. Report effectively on the press conference of the design and production of the Opening Ceremony;

9. Report effectively on cultural activities related to the Olympics;

10. On each day before 5:00 p.m., file internal briefings on reports from the Internet, including photos and reports, video, interactive discussions from all channels, and new reporting styles and highlights;

11. Establish a designated topic consisting of highlights of comments on the Opening Ceremony. (Positive Comments Only)

12. Provide good propaganda of the two songs on the Opening Ceremony day. Use Chinese red (regular red), make good use of the whole screen and apply other special effects.

When reporting on the Olympic Grams, pay attention to the following items:
1. Report the good news only when covering the Opening Ceremony; make full use of the news sources from the News Agency and; cannot use other sources but Xinhua and the People’s Daily for viewing ratings and the commentaries;

2. Do not report the Olympics as an entertainment;

3. Do not report any news on the protest zone;

4. Make effort to ensure the success of every detail, and pay close attention to the poem with hidden message and old photos;

5. Report the cost of the Olympics accurately;

6. Do not hype the selections of athletes;

7. Do not hype and predict our country’s goal for gold medals;

8. Do not hype the issues of the reward, retirement, placement and security of the athletes;

9. Positively report our country’s anti-stimulant effectiveness, standpoints, achievements, and attitudes;

10. Downplay the disrespectful behavior of any individual athlete;
11. The news reports on Kashgar Incident must fully comply with propaganda guidelines and must be from “conformed” sources;

12. When reporting the lifting of Internet ban, make best efforts to closely monitor and control live chat sessions;

13. When browsing on the Internet, do not deliberately search overseas websites;

14. The pictures of the Olympics cannot be vulgar or risqué;
15. Nie Weiping criticized Lang Ping vehemently. He needs to cool off and be careful in his choice of words when commenting;
16. On reporting the economy, the party line is that it is “good and fast,” includes the real estate and stock markets;

17. As regards the interactive aspect of the green channel, comments must be pasted to all without any problem;

18. For example, for emergency reports like in “The Four Men Climbed the Pole,” reporting must be in line with the “instructions.” This applies to blogs and videos;

19. Serious incidents like the two songs should not occurred again;

20. Pay attention to the selection of media reports: There’s a difference between the domestic and the international reporting. “China News Agency” and “The Global Times” are media reports geared to overseas;

21. The National Office of Audit has pointed out that one cannot report on misappropriation of the Sichuan disaster relief funds;

22. Do not over-report Alexander Solzhenitsyn

23. Do not report the attacks made by Western media linking the earthquake to the Olympics.

[1] Source:
[2] Sixteen Chinese policemen were killed on Monday August 4 in Kashgar city, of the western province of Xinjiang in an assault using explosives and knives that the state news agency described as a “suspected terrorist attack”. The attack, which also injured sixteen other policemen, came just four days before the opening of the Beijing Olympics, an event which had already put China’s security forces on high alert including the mobilization of 100,000 soldiers and police.

Internet Users Question the Authenticity of the Chinese Astronauts’ Spacewalk Videos by

A number of articles have circulated widely on overseas Chinese websites questioning the authenticity of the space walk the Chinese astronauts on the Shen Qi spaceship conducted. The articles listed a number of doubts based on official state medias published videos and concluded that the spacewalk was not the live footage of the spacewalk, but rather recordings from the rehearsal at the Astronaut Research and Training Center.

Source: The Epoch Times, October 3, 2008

Chinese Communist Party Launched New Campaign to Cope with Challenges

In the later part of September, Chinese Communist Party formerly launched a campaign called “Thoroughly Applying the Scientific Outlook on Development”, a theoretical development by the party in view of “China’s present preliminary stage of socialism to cope with many immediate challenges and woes for sustainable progress”. Top provincial leaders gathered at the Central Party School in Beijng for days to sit in seminars in order to bring the key messages back to their region and cascade it down its members. Hu Jintao spoke at the session citing the recent tainted food incidents and concluded that “the tasks to reform and manage the party have been complex more than ever”. Xinhua also setup a special webpage to echo this campaign.

The campaign was initiated in last October. Government agencies including financial institution and schools were selected as the trial sites in February of 2008. The campaign was said to last for a year and half.

Xinhua, September 22, 2008

Mainland Rights Website Shutdown Again

A prominent Chinese Human Rights website “Wei Quan China”,, was shut down again on October 3 since it was last resumed service on September 12. In its open letter published through Boxun, WeiChuan China said that their website has been shutdown minimum eight times in the past six months due to “sensitive information” including three times during the Beijing Olympic. The letter said that the website is civil based. Its contents mostly contain the facts about the dark side of the society. The letter questioned the Chinese authority: “Does the Chinese government allow websites managed by civilians? If our website has ‘sensitive information’, why don’t you inform us first so we can take necessary measures? Please do not violently shutdown our website. Our website will continue to operate as long as the government does not label us as illegal website’.

Source: Boxun, October 3, 2008

First Lawsuit Filed Against Sanlu Toxic Milk Power Producer

Parents of Xiao Tao, a one-year old victim of melamine-contaminated milk powder, have filed a lawsuit against Sanlu for 150, 000 RMB in damages.  Xiao Tao was taking Sanlu milk power ever since he was born in July 2007.  He has been hospitalized in Beijing in serious condition with his kidney, bladder and ureters filled with stones.  His attorney, Mr. Ji Chen from Beijing’s Heng De Law Group, has collected over 90 emptied packages of Sanlu milk powder from Xiao Tao’s home.  Mr. Ji indicated that the final amount of damages sought will be much higher.  On September 22 the family received notice from Henan Zhenping People’s Court acknowledging the filing of the complaint.

Source: Beijing Youth, September 26, 2008

Bank of China to Purchase AIG’s International Leasing Business

The State’s central bank, Bank of China, is said to have expressed interest in acquiring international leasing business of American International Group for $100 Million, Caihua (Hong Kong) reported.  Earlier Vice President of Bank of China Zhu Min indicated that the bank will proactively seek opportunities to acquire U.S. financial institutions.  In 2006 Bank of China acquired 100% of the issued share capital of Singapore Aircraft Leasing Enterprise (SALE) for US$965 million, and has now become the largest aircraft leasing company in Asia.

Source: Caihua, October 2, 2008