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Live photos from Chendu: City Officials Trapped by Angry Crowd

A group of photos show a standoff at the front entrance of the Sichuan Conservatory of Music. A fight broke out between officers from Chendu City Management Administration office and students and faculty from Sichuan Conservatory of Music at 6pm on September 18.

It started out when a staff member from the school attempted to stop the officers of the city administration from violently exercising their duty in an office supply store next to the school. As more and more students joined the standoff, the city management administration officers had to retreat into their vehicle which was almost turned over by the angry crowed. Students shouted slogans at those officers. Initially there were only four policemen at the scene. An eyewitness said that at one point in time a police officer had to fire a gun shot to take control. Finally, after more police officers arrived, they helped the city administrative officers leave the scene.

Source: Boxun, September 18, 2008

Exposure to Lehman Brothers of Chinese Banks Reaching $331 Million

Industrial and Commercial Bank of China (ICBC) and Bank of China have total exposure to failed U.S. investment bank Lehman Brothers of $151.8 million and $75.62 million respectively, the official Xinhua news agency said on September 17, 2008.  Exposure of both banks accounts for 0.01 percent of their respective total assets.  The exposure consists of Lehman-related bonds and loans, said Xinhua.

Sources in Shanghai indicate the exposure of other major banks.  Industrial Bank has exposure of $33.60 million and China Merchant Bank has exposure of $70 million. Construction Bank is still in the process of assessing possible losses and no figures have been released.  Communications Bank has limited exposure, according to sources from the bank.

Source: Xinhua, September 17 and 18, 2008

More Companies Found To Have Produced Toxic Milk Powder

22 Companies have produced melamine milk powder, the People’s Daily reported.  China’s General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine, tested 491 batches of products from 109 companies after the deaths of infants who had taken Sanlu milk powder.  69 Batches from 22 companies were found contaminated by melamine to varying degrees.

Source: People’s Daily, September 17, 2008

Xinhua: Neither U.S. Party Platforms Talk about China Threat

A Chinese government think tank believes the omission of a "China Threat" approach in the platforms of both Republican and Democratic Parties marks progress compared to the use of the term “strategic competitor “ by President Bush, reported the International Herald Leader under Xinhua. However, there are problems, observed International Herald Leader. The Republican platform discussed policies towards China and Taiwan separately. In particular, there is no mentioning of “one China”, clearly leaning toward Taiwan. In contrast, the Democratic platform stated that it upholds the “One China Policy.” International Herald Leader further stated that the Democratic Party favors protectionism and attacks China several times in the past on trade issues, quoting Biden’s remarking on banning toy products from China. It was noted that McCain is against protectionism.

Source: Xinhua, September 16, 2008

More Arrests in Toxic Milk Powder Case

Two more arrests were made according to Hebei authorities’ press conference on September 16, 2008 in connection with the melamine-tainted milk powder recall. As of September 16, 4 people were arrested and another 22 were in police custody. As of September 15, 2008, about 10,000 infants who had been fed contaminated Sanlu powdered milk were examined. 1,253 have been diagnosed with kidney illness. 2 of them have died. 913 are being treated as outpatients. 340 remain in the hospital. "…The number could rise sharply in coming days as more parents take their children for medical check-ups," Xinhua reported, citing Health Minister Chen Zhu.

Source: Xinhua, September 15 and 16, 2008

China and India Media Exchange Words over Nuclear Issues

Recently, Xinhua published several articles about India media’s attack on China. The issue seems to be originated from the conflict of both countries on the Nuclear Suppliers Group’s decision to lift the ban on India’s nuclear application for civil use. India believes that China is supporting India’s nuclear opponent Pakistan. On September 12, a Xinhua article says “India media again talk nonsense, saying giant China dragon is making people sick.” The article quoted words from Times of India “We can only know who is our true friend at difficult times” and India’s Economic Times “This disgusting giant dragon wants to get exchange for the mother of nuclear dissemination (Pakistan).”

Xinhua also published a few related articles: “India media vilifies that our army trespassed the border, talking about “China invasion;” ( “India says China is worried about India strengthening military force and forming ally with U.S.” (

Source: Xinhua, September 12, 2008

Pakistan Imports over 100 Fighter Planes from China

Xinhua reports that Pakistan air force will soon sign an agreement with China to import fighter airplanes. The agreement includes a plan to imports 42 JF-17 fighter planes in the near term. Eight of them has already arrived Pakistan for test and evaluation. It is said that Pakistan air force ordered 150 JF-17 with a possibility of increasing the order to 250-300. The agreement also includes a plan to import 36 FC-20 multipurpose fighter planes from China and 18 F-16 from the United States. When the whole plan is realized, Pakistan’s air force will have an absolute advantage in South Asia. China’s fighter planes will be the main part of Pakistan’s air force.

Source: Xinhua, September 13, 2008

A Township’s Working Plan of Olympic Security Measures and Complete Control of the Society

China mobilized the whole country to participate the Olympics, both ideologically and physically. Below contains a document of a grass-root level government in Fangshan District, Beijing on how to implement the measures of ensuring a “successful” Olympics as instructed by the upper level government.  The document is abridged. [1]

The Implementation Measures of The People’s Government of Dashiwo Township on the Working Plan of Olympic Security Measures and Complete Control of the Society

Document No. 27 [2008] of the People’s Government of Dashiwo Township

Dashiwo Township

Date: July 7, 2008

In order to ensure the absolute security of the 2008 Olympic Games and complete the task of protecting specific area by covering the entire region, we have formulated implementation measures for the security of our region according to The Fangshan District Working Plan of Olympic Security Measures and Complete Control of the Society and considering our situation.

II.    Task Objectives and Working Principles

1.       Objectives of the Measures:

The detailed task objectives of the measures are: no big incidents; reducing minor incidents; strict management; good social order, and “The Eight Guarantees.”

“No big incidents” means no terrorist acts that endanger the community security, no destructive events by hostile forces or Falun Gong or other cults; no large-scale social unrests; no major accidents involving group deaths or casualties or involving the Olympics or foreigners.  “Reducing minor incidents” means to reduce all kinds of street incidents, property trespass, criminal cases from the public security problems; reduce all kinds of disputes and appeal cases; and reduce all kinds of general safety and security incidents.

 “The Eight Guarantees” include:

1)    To guarantee complete implementation of our town’s security measures; maintain social stability and a secured environment, and have no occurrence of significant crimes or events that disturb social stability;
2)    To guarantee complete implementation the measures for water, electricity, transportation, finance, postal services, and other important departments, and no severe theft or destruction activities;
3)    To guarantee the effectiveness of monitoring “The Falun Gong” diehards, and achievement of the two “Zero-Tolerance Targets” (No one goes to appeal in Beijing, and no illegal television signal interceptions);
4)    To guarantee there will not have massive group appeals, appeals that skip the process, or major repetitive appeals;
5)    To guarantee the safety of food productions; strengthen the sanitary inspections of the food industry, and prevention of occurrence of major epidemics or diseases;
6)    To guarantee the security of the thousand-year ancient Yunju Temple; no occurrence of vicious cases or high profile incidents that involves foreign athletes or international and domestic tourists;
7)    To guarantee the safety of the construction sites and coal mines; tightly control lethal chemicals, explosives and other dangerous products, and have no major safety incidents.
8)    To guarantee complete implementation of all the fire prevention measures and proper prevention of forest fires and fires in the communities.

2.       The Working Principles.

During the Olympic games, the control measures should follow the policies listed below:

1)    Adhere to the principles of holding leaders of the working units and various villages responsible;
2)    Adhere to the principle of stringent management and enhancement of primary forces formed by the local police station, the joint public security teams and patrol squads;
3)    Adhere to the principle of overall controls targeting key areas of villages and the people;
4)    Adhere to the principle of relying on people and mobilizing all positive elements in the neighborhood to ensure participation of all in the communities in the security work

III.    The Commanding Structure

Establish the Olympics Security Supervisory Groups to be responsible for leadership and coordination for security of our town during the Olympics. Next, set up a headquarters as a platform for resource deployment, information exchanges, and implementation of decisions for the area, and carry out the measures.
1.    Dashiwo Town Olympic Security Supervisory Group

2.    Dashiwo Town Olympic Security Operational Command
Establish Security Operational Command for Dashiwo Town. Under the leadership of Dashiwo Town Olympic Games Security Supervisory Group, the Operational Command will be responsible for overall planning, plan formulating, issuing, organizing and implementing the measures for the safety of the entire region during the Olympics.  It will also direct all villages, units and all other departments to completely control the society.

The Security Operational Command has 5 teams:

1)    The Comprehensive Coordination Team: primarily responsible for making, issuing the working plan for complete control of the society, adjusting manpower, materials and financial resources, coordinating relationship among local organizations, departments and within the headquarters.   It will hold daily briefings of intelligence collect and analyze information from various sources and promptly find solutions to ensure scientific and highly effective processing of the information.
2)    The Monitoring Team: Primarily responsible for monitoring the security work of the entire community area during the Olympics, monitoring entire town’s local units and public security and potential dangers, inspect the implementation of security measures and provide feedback in time, organizing cadres to into inspectors with one for each key village.
3)    Intelligence Team:  Primarily responsible for collecting and analyzing information, determining important and difficult issues and providing solutions to prevent, timely analyzing and providing security data to assist town leaders in their decision making, publishing regional control measures related statistical data to guide local security work. During the Olympics, every morning and evening, local level situation, the entire security resource deployment, work progress, and all relevant information should be reported on time. The sensitive and urgent information should be reported immediately. Also compile special reports, periodically summarize and report various task information.  Coordinate with the schedules of the Olympics as well as releasing bulletins for the targeted areas every three or five or seven days.
4)    Emergency Team: Primarily responsible for handling significant, emergent events during the Olympic Games to ensure the personnel arrive promptly and process quickly when such an event happen.
5)    Logistics Support Team: Primarily responsible for logistics to ensure sufficient supplies of food, lodging, and transportation for all the personnel.

IV.    Allocation Of Anti-Terrorist Forces

Under the township, the Security Operational Command deploys and arranges public security police forces, professional and concurrent task security patrol troops, security patrol volunteers, management forces in all functional departments, social unit security forces and other social forces that specialized in mass prevention forces, holds coordinated prevention and control activities, strengthens social security and maintains stabilized working systems, focuses on important aspects under the achievement of an overall control to achieves all-weather, all-directional, and long-term prevention and management.
  1.  Overall Allocation Of Basic Anti-Terrorist Forces.

During the Olympics, there are three levels of the security work for the Township:  conventional, strengthened and superior prevention and control.  The requirements for different level of prevention and control are:

1)    Conventional Prevention: No less than five persons, 227 (60%) professional full and part time security officers on duty, at least 595 (50%) security patrol volunteers on duty, and regular daily staffing for government personnel, local police and other assisting forces.
2)    Strengthened Prevention and Control: No less than eight patrol police on duty; 302 (80%) professional full and part time security officers on duty; at least 952 (80%) security patrol volunteers on duty.  Government personnel, local police and all other assisting forces will be provided as needed.
3)    Superior Prevention and Control: No less than 12 patrol police on duty; 378 (100%) professional full and part time security officers on duty; at least 1,191 (100%) security patrol volunteers on duty.  Government personnel, local police and all other assisting forces will be deployed at key areas and districts.

2.  Detailed Deployment of Major Prevention and Control Force.

1)    Professional police patrol.  It primarily local police stations.

2)    Professional full and part time security officers. It is the Township’s overall security department and the security task station at villages.

•    Establish a twenty-three person Township patrol team. Establish twenty-four village patrol teams, one for each village.  These teams are identified by codes assigned by the Township security office.
•    Each member is assigned a number and grouped into teams at villages.  Township will appoint team leaders.  Teams work under the direction of local police, village authorities and professional security officers.

3)    Security Patrol Volunteer Troop

The Security Patrol Volunteer Troop is mainly under the jurisdiction of the village commission. Under the leadership of the village cadres and overall security workstation leader, village commissions assign the 1,191 staff that wear red armband.  They targeting on the important village areas and its targeted persons in their neighborhood.  Divided into squad, they are responsible for a few districts or important prevention areas, and monitoring the targets at fixed locations.
4)    The Community Security Force

This is under Township Commission.  It should establish a joint force including professional security officers at various organizations, appoint liaison officers and implement united defense; strengthen the combined efforts of the security and defense among the communities; to participate in the effort to build to the maximum extent a joint force of all security forces in the society, and to maintain complete control.

V.    Task Requirements

1.    Leaders at all levels must take this safe Olympics campaign as a political task with heightened sense of political responsibility and sense of mission.  They should take it as the priority of the Party; establish an Olympics Security Task Leadership Team, and implement strategies and solutions.
2.    Under the leadership of the Olympics Security Task Leadership Team and its Operational Command, the five teams should carry out various tasks, each responsible for its own activities.  Villages, work units and departments should do well the Olympics security work in according with the requirements Olympics Security Task Leadership Team.
3.    Strengthen the control of cadres at the Township and villages.  Adhere to the principle of “whoever in shall be accountable.”  During the sensitive period, the leaders should be on duty and be responsible. During the Olympic Games, the Township’s top leaders will not allowed to have out of town travel.  The Township’s security leader group should inspect the duty log to ensure performance.  The cadres of the Township and villages should guarantee the flow of information, and in times of emergency, react, be on site immediately and handle it promptly.
4.    Perfect the accountability system of leaders and one vote can veto the annual performance award at villages, work units and departments if there are incidents that impact the security of Olympic Games. Those who do not perform well, or fail to handle properly and cause major, severe ramifications will be subject to fines, and Party and administrative disciplinary actions.

[1] Beijing, Fangshan District Info Net, July 7, 2008