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Leadership: “Unwaveringly Adhere to the Zero-COVID Policy”

Xi Jinping hosted the Chinese Communist Party’s (CCP’s) Politburo Standing Committee meeting on May 5, 2022, to discuss the COVID strategy. People’s Daily reported that the meeting called for continuing Xi Jinping’s “Zero-COVID” strategy, unswervingly adhering to the general policy of “dynamically zeroing out” and resolutely fighting against words and deeds that distort, doubt, and deny our epidemic prevention policies.

The article said, “Practice has proved that our prevention and control policy is determined by the Party’s nature and purpose, our prevention and control policy has stood up in history, and our prevention and control measures are scientific and effective. We have won the Wuhan battle and we will definitely win the battle of Shanghai.” (Editor’s note: It might be a stretch to say that the COVID policy is determined by “the Party’s nature and purpose.” However, it indicates that whether to follow the “Zero-COVID” policy is whether to align oneself with the party. Thus the people who suggest to stop “Zero-COVID” and switch to coexisting with the virus are taking a wrong path from the Party.)

On May 7, The CCP Central Commission on Discipline Inspections supported this decision by publishing a commentary titled, “Deeply, Completely, and Comprehensively Understand the COVID Prevention and Control Policies Set by the Party Central Committee.”

The military also supported Xi’s position. On May 7, the People’s Liberation Army (PLA) Daily also published a commentary, titled “Unwaveringly adhere to the ‘dynamic zeroing out’ general policy.”

Related postings on Chinascope:

1. People’s Daily, May 6, 2022
2. CCP Central Commission on Discipline Inspection website, May 7, 2022
3. PLA Daily, May 7, 2022

Beijing Highly Praised Hong Kong’s Chief Executive Election and Condemned the EU & G7

The election of the sixth-term chief executive of Hong Kong was held on May 8. The only candidate who ran for this office, Lee Ka-chiu (John Lee, 李家超) was elected with a vote of 99.16 percent of the 1,428 attending Election Committee members. China highly praised the election. The Council of the European Union and the G7 expressed their regret and their concerns. 

The CCP’s high praise of the election 

The official agents of China such as the Liaison Office of the Central People’s Government in Hong Kong, Global Times, a media affiliated with the Central Committee of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP), and others so affiliated all praised the election highly.

This shows that “patriots governing Hong Kong, ” who are deeply bolstered by all sectors of Hong Kong society, and the democratic development of Hong Kong have turned a new page after the improvement of the electoral system, which is the embodiment of quality democracy with Hong Kong characteristics

The success of the sixth-term chief executive election has further implemented the principle of “patriots administering Hong Kong.” It fully demonstrated the advantages of the new electoral system and proved the new system is a good one that follows the “one country, two systems” principle and suits Hong Kong’s reality.

In addition, Lee Ka-chiu was congratulated. Lee has served Hong Kong for more than 40 years. He is very familiar with Hong Kong. In fighting the violent demonstrations against the extradition bill (in 2019). He played a key supporting role in restoring order and rebuilding confidence. His election represents the vivid practice of “patriots governing Hong Kong.”  

Hong Kong has entered the era of “patriots ruling Hong Kong.”

Comments from the EU and the G7

The Council of the European Union issued a declaration on May 8 after the Hong Kong chief executive’s election. The declaration indicated that the number of voters for the Election Committee was substantially reduced by the electoral overhaul, weakening the already limited democratic elements in the governance of Hong Kong and running counter to the commitments to greater representation enshrined in the Basic Law.  

The EU regrets this violation of democratic principles and political pluralism and sees this selection process as yet another step in the dismantling of the ‘one country, two systems’ principle. 

The EU calls on Chinese and Hong Kong authorities to abide by their national and international commitments, notably the ultimate aim of electing the Chief Executive and members of the Legislative Council by universal suffrage. 

On May 9, the foreign ministers of the Group of Seven (G7) countries and the EU High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy issued a statement to underscore their “grave concern over the selection process for the Chief Executive in Hong Kong as part of a continued assault on political pluralism and fundamental freedoms.” 

The statement said, “Last year, the PRC and Hong Kong authorities moved away from the ultimate aim of universal suffrage as set out in Hong Kong’s Basic Law by increasing the number of non-elected members appointed to the Election Committee and dramatically curtailing the number of voters eligible to participate in the Committee elections.”

The current nomination process and resulting appointment are a stark departure from the aim of universal suffrage and further erode the ability of Hong Kongers to be represented legitimately. We are deeply concerned about this steady erosion of political and civil rights and Hong Kong’s autonomy.  

The CCP’s condemnation of the EU and theG7 

The CCP’s media, Xinhua and Global Times had some words on the Chinese Mission to the EU and the Chinese Foreign Ministry. 

Zhao Lijian, spokesperson for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, said, at a routine press conference on Monday, that the EU couldn’t wait and “jumped out” by pointing fingers at and smearing the process, which fully exposes its true intention of interfering in China’s internal affairs.    

Zhao noted that those politicians applauded fake democracy and the pan-democratic camp that allowed the rioting and violence to rage, but they are afraid of true democracy with the implementation of the principle of “only patriots administering Hong Kong,” “Such tactics of interference won’t work in today’s Hong Kong.”   

On May 10, the Liaison Office of the Central People’s Government in Hong Kong  firmly rejected and strongly condemned the comments by the G7 and the EU High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy. 

That office indicated that their statement smeared Hong Kong’s sixth-term chief executive election and attacked the Chinese central government’s policies towards Hong Kong. The words used were irresponsible remarks that only exposed their hypocrisy and their true intention of interfering in China’s internal affairs and trying to destroy Hong Kong’s stability and prosperity. The election is a successful practice of “only patriots administering Hong Kong,” and this can’t be defamed or smeared by any external forces. 

The rejection continued, saying that the ministers and the EU high representative have turned a blind eye to the structural flaws of their own democratic systems. They have wantonly attacked Hong Kong’s chief executive election and the Chinese government’s implementation of the “one country, two systems” policy, calling their statement, a serious violation of international law and the basic norms of international relations. 

The statement is full of arrogance and prejudice, ignoring the fact that the chief executive election was conducted in accordance with the law and that the result of the fair election is in line with the Hong Kong people’s aspirations.  

Behind the many problems that have emerged in Hong Kong in recent years, there is invariably the shadow of some US and Western hostile forces. The more chaotic Hong Kong becomes, the better it is in their interests.  They will continue to attempt to create problems in Hong Kong.  

“Patriots governing Hong Kong” will certainly make the U.S. and Western hostile forces as well as their proxy in Hong Kong desperate. Only when they are desperate, is there hope for Hong Kong. 

1. Council of the EU, “Hong Kong: Declaration by the High Representative on behalf of the European Union on the Chief Executive election held on 8 May,” 8 May 2022.
2. Global Times, “Hong Kong CE-elect discusses tasks for transition, successful election plunges West into hysteria, fury,” May 9, 2022.
3. Global Times, “Huaqiu Commentary: G7 Played Another Farce,” May 9, 2022.
4. Global Times, “Commentary: Unity at Hong Kong Made Some Westerners Desparate,” May 9, 2022.
5. Xinhua, “Liaison office of central gov’t slams G7 foreign ministers’ statement on HKSAR chief executive election,” May 10, 2022.
6. U.S. Department of State, “G7 Foreign Ministers’ Statement on the Hong Kong Chief Executive Selection,” MAY 9, 2022.

Public Opinion: Law Profession Pointed Out: Two Government “Zero-COVID” Measures Violate the Law

Tong Zhiwei, a Professor of Constitutional Law, East China University of Political Science and Law in Shanghai, published on social media that two of the government’s “Zero-COVID” measures are illegal. He said that he had consulted over 20 professors from his university, Fudan University, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Shanghai Academy of Social Sciences, South China University of Technology, Wuhan University, Hubei University, and Peking University, before publishing the article.

The first government practice that he stated violated the law is to forcibly take residents to modular hospitals or other facilities for quarantine. That practice should be stopped right away. The authorities’ justification for the force-taking is the claim that Shanghai is in an emergency state. However, according to the Constitution, any organization or officials in Shanghai do not have the legal right to declare an emergency state for Shanghai.

The second illegal government practice is to force residents to hand in the keys to their homes so that the authorities can go inside to spray chemicals to kill the COVID virus. According to the law, citizen’s homes are inviolable. An illegal search or illegal intrusion into the homes of citizens is prohibited.

Source: Epoch Times, May 8, 2022

U.S. Updated Its Taiwan Relationship Description

On May 5, the U.S. Department of State updated its bilateral relations fact sheet on Taiwan . There were many changes. Particularly worth noting is the second paragraph.

Updates: “The United States has a longstanding one China policy, which is guided by the Taiwan Relations Act, the three U.S.-China Joint Communiques, and the Six Assurances. Though the United States does not have diplomatic relations with Taiwan, we have a robust unofficial relationship as well as an abiding interest in maintaining peace and stability in the Taiwan Strait. Consistent with the Taiwan Relations Act, the United States makes available defense articles and services as necessary to enable Taiwan to maintain a sufficient self-defense capability. The United States continues to encourage the peaceful resolution of cross-Strait differences consistent with the wishes and best interests of the people on Taiwan.”

Previous version: “The United States does not support Taiwan independence. Maintaining strong, unofficial relations with Taiwan is a major U.S. goal, in line with the U.S. desire to further peace and stability in Asia. The 1979 Taiwan Relations Act provides the legal basis for the unofficial relationship between the United States and Taiwan, and enshrines the U.S. commitment to assist Taiwan in maintaining its defensive capability. The United States insists on the peaceful resolution of cross-Strait differences, opposes unilateral changes to the status quo by either side, and encourages both sides to continue their constructive dialogue on the basis of dignity and respect.”

1. U.S. Department of State Website, May 5, 2022

U.S. Relations With Taiwan

2. Way Back Machine

Zero-Covid Policy – No Sign of Changing Course

As more cities in China brace for a possible lockdown, the Chinese Communist leadership shows no sign of changing the course of its zero-COVID policy.

On May 6, the CCP in Shanghai held a mobilization meeting to, “Resolutely Win the Great Shanghai Defense War.” The CCP Shanghai Secretary Li Qiang asked “military orders to be issued at every level.” Shanghai Mayor Gong Zheng requested that every building, street and door must be checked in Pudong New District, Xuhui District, and Minhang District so that not one household is missed. The Mayor of Pudong New Area ordered that “even if one is smashed, he must complete the task.” Experts believe that this move was driven by political considerations and has no bearing on public health.

On May 7, CCP Shanghai Secretary Li Qiang inspected Jiading District. He reiterated the rhetoric. “The top priority is to reduce new cases and prevent rebound.” He called on people to “grit their teeth, stick it out, and resolutely win the battle of Shanghai’s defense.”

On the same day, the Xuhui District issued an emergency notice. From May 1 through 15, all residents must stay at home except for going out to have COVID testing. The community will stop accepting group purchases and express delivery. If a resident has placed an order, he must cancel or postpone the delivery time until after May 15. In addition, the authorities will suspend food distribution for those who do not participate in the COVID testing of them. The neighborhood committee will no longer issue exit permits to anyone to leave the community.

Earlier, a neighborhood committee in Pudong District issued a notice stating that it had received an order from above that if one has tested positive, all the residents on the entire floor would become “positive contacts” and “all the residents above and below the floor where the positive case occurs will be transferred and quarantined.”

Source: Epoch Times, May 8, 2022

A Number of China’s Project 985 Universities Withdraw from “International Universities” Ranking

Project 985 was a project that was announced by the Chinese government at the 100th anniversary of Peking University on May 4, 1998, to promote the development and reputation of the Chinese higher education system by founding world-class universities in the 21st century. The name derives from the date of the announcement, May 1998, or 98/5 according to the Chinese date format. The project involves both national and local governments allocating large amounts of funding to certain universities in order to build new research centers, improve facilities, hold international conferences, attract world-renowned faculty and visiting scholars, and help Chinese faculty attend conferences abroad.

As of today, 39 universities are members of Project 985. They are regarded as the tier 1 universities in China out of 3,012 higher education institutions as of 2021.

Recently, a number of project 985 universities announced that they have withdrawn from the international ranking of universities and will not provide relevant materials and proof to the relevant authorities in the future. They include Renmin University of China, Nanjing University, Hubei University, and Lanzhou University.

Source: Sohu, May 9, 2022

UDN: U.S. Poll Showed Two-Thirds of Americans See China as A Competitor

United Daily News (UDN), one of the primary Taiwanese news groups, recently reported that, according to a poll by the Pew Research Center, two-thirds of the American people regard China as the main competitor of United States. Most of them have no confidence in the Chinese leader Xi Jinping’s handling of international affairs. Younger Americans are less concerned than older Americans about the cross-Taiwan-strait tensions. China has so far refused to condemn Russia’s military aggression in Ukraine. Around 62 percent of the respondents were concerned about the China-Russian partnership. Among those polled, 47 percent are worried about China’s influence on U.S. policy, 43 percent are worried about China’s military power, and 35 percent each are worried about China’s economic competition and Taiwan Strait tensions. In the past year, the proportion of Americans who have a negative view of China has also increased, reaching 82 percent, of which 40 percent felt very negative. There are significant differences in the perceptions of China between older Americans and younger generations, with older Americans holding more negative views of China. With regard to Xi Jinping as a leader on the international stage, about 41 percent of the respondents said they had no confidence at all, and 42 percent were not very confident. Only 15 percent of the respondents had confidence that Xi Jinping can handle international affairs properly.

Source: UDN, April 28, 2022

EU Passes Resolution Condemning Chinese Communist Regime’s Forced Organ Harvesting

The European Parliament passed a resolution on May 5, 2022, expressing their “serious concerns” over the ongoing, systematic and inhumane harvesting of organs from Chinese dissidents, especially Falun Gong practitioners, Uyghurs, Tibetans, Christians, and other Muslims.

The resolution states “The People’s Republic of China has extremely low rates of voluntary organ donations owing to traditional beliefs; . . . Whereas China declared that it had stopped using organs from executed prisoners in 2015 and had launched a national donation system, without, however, ever completely banning the practice, which still remains legal;”

“The organ transplant system in China does not comply with the WHO’s requirements for transparency and traceability in organ procurement pathways, and whereas the Chinese Government has resisted independent scrutiny of the system; whereas voluntary and informed consent is a precondition for ethical organ donation;” hence the resolution.

The resolution “calls for the EU and its Member States to raise the issue of organ harvesting in China at every Human Rights Dialogue. It insists that the EU and its Member States publicly condemn organ transplant abuses in China; it calls on the Member States to take the necessary actions in order to prevent transplant tourism to China by their citizens and to raise awareness of this issue among their citizens traveling to China.”

Source: Radio Free Asia, May 6, 2022