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China Grapples with Anti-Foreign Sentiment Following Attacks on Foreigners

Recent attacks on American and Japanese citizens in Jilin and Suzhou have sparked heated discussions on Chinese social media platforms. The Suzhou incident, which resulted in the death of a Chinese national, led to a surge in anti-Japanese sentiment.

Chinese social media platforms have begun intervening to curb nationalist rhetoric. Some commentators believe the Suzhou incident could have far-reaching effects on China’s economy and foreign investment.

The attack in Suzhou, where a Japanese mother and child were assaulted, resulted in the death of a Chinese bus attendant who tried to prevent the attack. Online discussions following the incident ranged from praising the attacker as a national hero to questioning the loyalty of the deceased attendant.

Former Chinese media professional Zhao Lanjian noted a proliferation of anti-Japanese videos online, many created by young people openly expressing radical views. He suggested these groups might be organized and tacitly approved by authorities.

In response to the controversy, major Chinese social media platforms like Tencent, Douyin, NetEase, and Baidu have taken steps to moderate extreme content and suspend accounts promoting xenophobia.

Political scholar Wu Zuolai observed that nationalism has long been used by Chinese authorities to garner public support and divert attention from social issues. He noted that the recent escalation in anti-Japanese sentiment could have serious economic consequences, potentially affecting foreign investment and job opportunities in China.

The Chinese government has expressed regret over the Suzhou incident and pledged to protect foreigners in China, but some Japanese media outlets have criticized the response as inadequate.

Source: Voice of America, July 2, 2024

North Korea Switches to Russian Satellites, Signaling Closer Ties with Moscow

North Korea has switched from using Chinese satellites to Russian satellites for broadcasting its state television programs, according to South Korea’s Unification Ministry. This change has disrupted South Korea’s ability to receive North Korean signals in some areas.

The move comes as North Korea and Russia strengthen their ties. Recently, Russian President Putin visited Pyongyang and signed agreements with Kim Jong-un, including promises of military aid in case of attack.

While South Korean public is legally banned from watching North Korean media, officials and journalists need access to monitor North Korean communications and propaganda.

The US and its allies accuse North Korea of supplying ammunition and missiles for Russia’s war in Ukraine. The recent summit between Kim and Putin has raised concerns about increased material exchanges between the two countries.

Experts suggest this satellite switch could be an experiment to enhance North Korea’s space capabilities, possibly leading to future development of commercial satellites with Russian support. It may also help North Korea block South Korean cultural content from reaching its people through Chinese satellite frequencies.

The change in satellites also indicates that Pyongyang is strengthening its relationship with Moscow, potentially surpassing its traditional alliance with Beijing. This shift might prompt China to increase diplomatic pressure on North Korea.

Source: Deutsche Welle, July 2, 2024

Xi Jinping Warned CCP Members Not to Touch the “High Voltage Line”

CCTV published an article titled “The General Secretary Warns Party Cadres Not to Touch This ‘High Voltage Line’.” It quotes Xi Jinping from 2015 to 2024 to warn the Chinese Communist Party cadres to be loyal. On January 1, 2024, the newly revised ” Regulations on Disciplinary Actions of the CCP Members” came into effect, outlining 37 “high voltage lines” across seven aspects for the Party organizations and members. On January 8, Xi stated the “Nine Musts,” which are also considered the “high voltage lines.” Observers have analyzed that the first three “musts,” which are to adhere to the centralized and unified leadership of the Party Central Committee, to lead the great social revolution, and to follow the ideology of socialism with Chinese characteristics of the new era, refer to absolutely safeguard Xi’s leadership and absolutely be loyalty to him.

Echoing the CCTV article, the South China Morning Post reported on June 16th that the Central Committee on Disciplinary Inspection issued a special report on June 12th, warning, “Do not openly speak ill of the Party on major issues,” and that “publicly expressing opinions that contradict the decisions of the Central Committee is absolutely not allowed.” The report also warned that “irresponsible discussions” of the Party’s major policies, “disrupting thoughts,” publicly criticizing party unity, and obstructing policy implementation will be “severely dealt with.”

Radio France International commented that these articles showed the politicla atmosphere in China is tense as the CCP’s Third Plenary Session of the 20th National Congress approaches.

1. Radio France International, June 17, 2024中国/20240617-勿碰高压线-习近平在警告谁
2. CCTV, June 17, 2024

Guangming Daily: The Impact of Artificial Intelligence on Security Governance

Guangming Daily published an article on Artificial intelligence (AI)’s impact on governance over national culture and security. It stated that AI exhibits a series of prominent characteristics, such as deep learning, cross-domain integration, human-machine collaboration, open collective intelligence, and autonomous control. These features are having a profound impact on national cultural security and governance systems.

The data-driven intelligent analysis capability makes AI an effective tool for in-depth analysis and mining of massive amounts of data, providing extensive data support for security governance. The latest generation of AI technology, by integrating diverse types of information and relying on big data models and powerful computing capabilities, can process and analyze data in real-time and quickly produce and publish results. This efficient and timely information processing greatly facilitates the convenience of cultural dissemination and the timeliness of security governance.

AI can also be used for real-time monitoring and risk identification of cultural security, effectively enhancing the foresight and precision of governance. By deploying advanced algorithms and machine learning models, AI systems can continuously collect information from the internet, social media, and other data sources, analyzing the trends and patterns of cultural dissemination. Statistics show that by the end of 2023, AI systems in China were able to monitor and analyze about 100,000 pieces of sensitive information related to cultural security every day, with approximately 80% of the information being processed in a timely manner.

Source: Guangming Daily, June 23, 2024

China Held a Propaganda Campaign over International Media Reporters on Xinjiang

To shape the views of some international media reporters, Beijing organized a themed interview group, “Exploring the Core Area of the Silk Road Economic Belt,” to visit Xinjiang for interviews and filming. Nearly 20 media professionals from different countries participated, most of them visiting Xinjiang for the first time. During the nine-day trip, the group will visit cities such as Yining, Urumqi, and Kuqa to gain an in-depth understanding of Xinjiang’s “real situation in terms of high-quality development, ecological protection, cultural heritage, and opening up to the outside world.” Canadian journalist Aiden Jonah said, “My initial impression of Xinjiang came from negative reports in Western media. But as I gradually learned more, many of the accusations and lies in those reports fell apart. I always keep an open mind about Xinjiang and believe in seeing things with my own eyes.”

Source: China News Agency, June 20, 2024

TCL’s Trade Route Shift: Adapting to US Tariffs

TCL Chairman Li Dongsheng addressed the impact of US tariffs on Chinese products at the Summer Davos Forum in Dalian, China. He revealed that TCL has adapted its trade route to maintain sales in the US market, its largest export destination.

Previously, TCL purchased components from the US, manufactured in China, and exported back to the US. However, due to increased tariffs, TCL now buys chips and materials from the US, processes core components like displays in China, then ships semi-finished products to Vietnam, Mexico, and Indonesia for final assembly before exporting to the US.

This new multilateral trade route has maintained TCL’s US sales but has extended the process and increased costs, potentially contributing to US inflation issues.

Li emphasized the importance of balancing interests in economic globalization. He suggested Chinese companies should not only sell products overseas but also invest, create jobs, increase local tax revenue, support local supply chains, and cultivate local suppliers.

Li proposed that Chinese firms should shift from “exporting products” to “exporting industrial capacity,” enhancing awareness and responsibility for promoting local economic development.

Source: Central News Agency (Taiwan), June 25, 2024

China-EU ‘Dragon Programme’ Enters New Phase: 20 Years of Earth Observation Cooperation

The 5th Dragon Programme summary seminar and 6th Programme (2024-2028) launch meeting, a scientific cooperation initiative between China’s Ministry of Science and Technology and the European Space Agency (ESA), opened in Lisbon, Portugal on June 24th.

Initiated in 2004, the Dragon Programme is a large-scale Earth observation research cooperation. From 2024, the China Science and Technology Exchange Center will manage the Chinese side of the project.

Both parties signed the 6th Dragon Programme cooperation agreement, covering 10 key areas including land, atmosphere, climate change, and big data. They will promote Earth observation data sharing and application development through collaborative research, academic exchanges, and talent training.

Chinese Ambassador to Portugal Zhao Bentang called the programme a model of China-EU scientific cooperation. Dai Gang from China’s Ministry of Science and Technology highlighted the programme’s achievements in fostering a stable joint research team and providing technological support for global challenges like climate change.

Gao Xiang, Director of China Science and Technology Exchange Center, noted the programme’s expansion in research fields, shared data sources, and participating scientists over its 20-year history.

ESA Director General Josef Aschbacher described the Dragon Programme as one of the longest-standing and most successful projects in EU-China cooperation, promoting in-depth exchange between scientists and advancing technological applications.

The five-day meeting will focus on Earth observation technology developments and satellite remote sensing applications in environmental protection and disaster prevention. Nearly 300 experts from China and Europe are attending.

Source: People’s Daily, June 26, 2024

China’s Venture Capital Crunch: Funding Decline Spurs Overseas Shift

China’s venture capital market is experiencing a sharp decline in investment funding. This downturn is attributed to global trends, such as rising U.S. interest rates, as well as specific factors like U.S.-China economic decoupling and a sluggish real estate market. As a result, some investors and entrepreneurs are shifting their focus to overseas markets like Japan.

The Hong Kong Stock Exchange recently celebrated a rare high-profile IPO by XtalPi, an AI-driven drug discovery company. However, despite efforts to attract innovative companies, Hong Kong’s IPO market is struggling, with predictions of falling to 10th place globally in the first half of 2024.

Venture capital investment in China dropped 66% in 2023 compared to its peak in 2021, with foreign investments declining by nearly 90%. This reflects the impact of U.S.-China tensions and increased U.S. scrutiny of investments in sensitive technologies.

Chinese startups are facing difficulties securing funding, with local government and private equity investments becoming scarce. Many are turning to tech giants like Tencent and Alibaba or seeking opportunities abroad.

The current situation is pushing both startups and investors to explore international markets. Japan, in particular, is attracting interest from Chinese entrepreneurs and tech talent. While China’s venture capital industry is not considered to be in decline due to its strong talent base and government support in strategic sectors, the ongoing shift towards overseas markets could reshape the future landscape of the industry.

Source: Nikkei Chinese, June 21, 2024