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Jiang Zemin’s Son Jiang Mianheng Demoted at ShanghaiTech University

On June 5, ShanghaiTech University’s website posted a message stating that Jiang Mianheng, son of the former Chinese Communist Party (CCP) leader Jiang Zemin, has been demoted. He stepped down from the position of President of the university and has now been appointed to the position of Dean of the university’s Administrative Committee. Feng Donglai, an Academic from the Chinese Academy of Sciences, has taken over as the new President.

{Editor’s Note: Jiang Mianheng is 73 years old. This demotion would be less controversial if he had simply retired from the position of President. Giving him a lower position at the same university after his stepping down from being president is fairly humiliating, however.}

Mianheng’s father Jiang Zemin held the top position as leader of the CCP for over a decade (until 2002). He died in November 2022. He was called the “Grand Master of Corruption in the CCP.” Jiang Zhicheng, Jiang Mianheng’s son who was born in 1986, manages the Jiang family’s assets of over 1 trillion yuan (US$140 billion) and is viewed as one of the world’s top hidden tycoon. There have been widespread rumors that Xi Jinping wants to single out the Jiang family as the biggest culprit spreading corruption in China.

Source: Epoch Times, June 5, 2024

Banks in Shenzhen Require Reservations for Large Cash Withdrawals

Multiple banks in Shenzhen, China, have recently required customers to make reservations in advance if they wish to withdraw over 50,000 yuan (around $7,500 USD) in cash. Some banks even require reservations for withdrawals of over 20,000 yuan. Bank staff say this is to avoid scenarios where too many customers withdraw cash on the same day, leading to cash shortages at the banks.

Reporters at Southern Metropolis Daily have found that, at some Shenzhen banks, withdrawals of sums under 20,000 yuan can be made at ATMs, withdrawals of between 20,000 and 50,000 yuan can be made directly at the counter, and withdrawals of over 50,000 yuan require an advance reservation. Large withdrawals may require banking customers to document their intended use for the cash.

Specific withdrawal limits vary between banks. China Merchants Bank requires advanced reservations for withdrawals of over 20,000 yuan, whereas Shenzhen Rural Commercial Bank only requires it for sums of over 100,000 yuan. Hangzhou Bank requires proof of intended use for sums of over 200,000 yuan. China Construction Bank requires advance reservation (via an app) and approval for over withdrawals of over 200,000 yuan.

Staff at the Bank of Beijing and the Industrial Bank branches in Shenzhen said the 50,000+ yuan reservation requirement aims at preventing customers from making sudden large withdrawals. Such withdrawals could result in the branch having insufficient cash on hand. Customers are required to provide details when making their withdrawal reservation.

A branch manager at Postal Savings Bank said that reservations for next-day withdrawals must be made before 3pm.

A bank in Jilin province previously required police approval for withdrawals of over 20,000 yuan. This drew public controversy. The bank said that the requirement was for anti-fraud purposes.

The Southern Metropolis Daily report notes that bank staff will generally allow withdrawals after assessing the customer’s recent transaction activity, and that the process aims to be efficient for customers.

Source: Central News Agency (Taiwan), June 15, 2024

Visas Revoked as More Chinese Tourists Overstay in Japan

Recently there has been an increase in the number of Chinese tourists leaving their tour groups without authorization while visiting Japan. According to insiders in China’s tourism industry, more than ten groups of Chinese tourists have gone missing from their tours to Japan during May and June of this year.

Japan has decided to stop issuing visas to freelancers and low-income groups, and the Japanese government has revoked the visa issuance rights of 11 travel agencies in Guangdong and other provinces for tours to Japan. Another 15 provinces and cities have been added to a “high-risk” list and are being denied visas.

In recent months there have been multiple incidents of Chinese tourists from various travel agencies defecting from their tour groups and illegally overstaying in Japan during their visits. This phenomenon is particularly prevalent among 6-day tour groups from Guangdong to Osaka and Kyoto. As a result, Japan has tightened visa requirements for Chinese tourists across the board.

A leaked notice from the Japanese Consulate General in Guangzhou states that 11 travel agencies, including Guangdong Tieqing International Cultural Tourism Group and Shenzhen China Merchants International Travel Co., Ltd., have had their rights to apply for Japanese tourist visas revoked due to violations.

Travel industry insiders reveal that, in just the first part of June, there were already two tour groups from Guangdong with tour members defecting in Japan. Defectors included tourists from Fujian province. Japanese authorities are now requiring additional financial documentation from tour members when applying for visas.

Japan is denying visas to freelancers, those with low education levels or with no social insurance, as well as residents of provinces like Liaoning, Heilongjiang, Jilin and Shandong, which are considered high-risk areas for illegal overstays when touring in Japan.

Source: Radio Free Asia, June 18, 2024

China Levies Heavy Corporate Back Taxes From Up to 30 Years Back

Many listed companies in China have recently received notices that they must pay back taxes from several years ago. Some back taxes date as far back as 30 years and amount to hundreds of millions or even billions of yuan. Private enterprises have gone silent after hearing this news, with some announcing that they will cease operations. Last week, seven large companies in Guangdong went bankrupt, including some that had been operating for 30 years.

A recent announcement that companies need to pay back taxes over a 30-year period has caused unease among many enterprises in China and has drawn public attention. On June 13th, VV Drink Co. announced that it had received a notice from China’s tax bureau requiring the company’s former subsidiary to pay over 85 million yuan in unpaid consumption taxes dating from 1994 to 2009. Other companies like Shanghai Shunho New Materials Technology Co., Peking University Healthcare Corp., ChinaLin Securities Co., and LianTronics followed with similar tax repayment announcements, with BoHui Chemical Technology Co. ordered to pay 500 million yuan (US$ 69 million) and consequently issuing a production halt notice.

A lawyer commented that retroactively taxing companies on the past 30 years presumes guilt and violates administrative law principles. He stated that China’s economic downturn has severely reduced government fiscal revenue, leaving tax collection as their only income source, but that pursuing more taxes will only force more private enterprises out of business and increase unemployment.

The report notes examples of companies in Guangdong being taxed retroactively for 20-25 years. A banker noted that, despite local government salary cuts, governments are still in need of more tax revenue due to strained finances. Concerns were raised that taxing private enterprises so heavily could threaten livelihoods.

Source: Radio Free Asia, June 18, 2024

“Southern Water” Has Become the Main Water Supply Source Supplying Beijing

China has a South–North Water Transfer Project to channel fresh water from the Yangtze River in southern China to the more arid and industrialized north, with Beijing as one of the destinations for water transfer. Xinhua reported that by June 12, the project has transferred 10 billion cubic meters of water to Beijing since December 2014 when the first phase of the project started operation.

According to Xinhua, the “southern water” piped in from the Yangtze has met the water quality requirement and directly benefited over 16 million people. It has become the main water supply source for Beijing. However, despite the “southern water” supplying Beijing, the megacity continues to face a severe water shortage.

Source: Xinhua, June 12, 2024

People’s Daily: “Technological Weapons” to Prevent Cheating in the College Entrance Exam

China holds national college entrance exams once a year. Over 13 million people took the exam in 2024.  People’s Daily published an article introducing the idea of using “technological weapons” to prevent cheating on the exam.

  • Beijing has developed an Artificial Intelligence (AI) platform to monitor the exam rooms to identify student cheating and mass incidents (incidents involving many people, e.g. protests).
  • Shanxi Province created a system to ensure that mobile devices cannot “be brought in, used, or send signals out.”
  • Harbin City in Heilongjiang Province set up an AI check gate to prevent students from bringing any electronic equipment into the exam.
  • Henan Province “cleaned out” those local markets that sell cheating equipment. It also set up electromagnetic systems to inspect vehicles, houses, and people for radio transmission equipment and to check radio signals in the relevant frequency bands.

Source: People’s Daily, June 7, 2024

People’s Daily: Help Graduates Create New Career Concept

As college graduates in China are having a hard time landing jobs, People’s Daily published an article suggesting that graduates “reset their career perceptions.”

The article acknowledged that college graduates are facing “employment difficulties.” However, certain small cities and rural areas and certain industries have “recruitment difficulties” and “labor shortages” — according to People’s Daily, the “job paradox” is due to graduates’ (possibly unrealistic) preferences for jobs with internet platform enterprises, technology companies, modern service industries, or government jobs. Among the 2024 job-seeking graduates, 62 percent want to work in state-owned enterprises or government agencies, the article reported.

The article’s proposed solution to the difficulties facing graduates is to “mobilize the government, universities, and companies to change students’ job perspective.” The government should increase its promotional efforts and actively guide college graduates to adopt new career perspectives; universities should actively develop new career concept training and labor education courses, strengthen school-enterprise connections, take companys’ order to train students with specific, targeted skills; companies should expand career development opportunities and enhance their attractiveness; families should create a diligent and progressive atmosphere for their children’s healthy growth and future career development; and university graduates should be independent and face the reality.

{Editor’s Notes: China produces around 10 million college graduates each year, and there are just not enough white-collar jobs to employ all of them. On the other hand, manufacturers face shortage of labors. Jobs in manufacturing, however, are not only low paid (many have been filled by migrant workers, i.e. rural peasants who have migrated to cities) but also lack in job security (as many employers in the manufacturing sector face the pressure of a tough economy and the squeeze from the State-Owned Enterprises (SOE’s) that the government wants to expand).}

Sources: People’s Daily, June 14, 2024

Lianhe Zaobao: Turkey to Increase Tariffs on All Chinese Cars

Singapore’s primary Chinese language newspaper Lianhe Zaobao recently reported that Turkey will increase tariffs on all cars imported from China by 40 percent in a bid to narrow the country’s trade deficit with China. Turkey’s Trade Ministry said that the move is meant to protect Turkey’s declining share of domestic production. The Ministry’s statement also mentioned that the additional tariffs will reduce Turkey’s current account deficit and to encourage domestic investments. The decision will take effect on July 7.

The additional tariffs will be at least US$7,000 per vehicle; if the 40 percent tariff (as calculated based on the price of the imported car) is less than US$7,000 then a minimum tariff of US$7,000 will be imposed.

Turkey previously raised tariffs on Chinese electric cars in 2023 to support the country’s first domestically produced electric car. The Turkish government is now taking measures to combat inflation, including the maintenance of tight monetary policy, the strengthening of fiscal positions, and the narrowing of the trade deficit. Last year, Turkey’s trade deficit was US$45.2 billion. At the end of May, the country’s inflation rate reached about 75.5 percent.

Source: Lianhe Zaobao, June 8, 2024