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Xi Jinping: The International Situation Is Advantageous to China; There Are Still Important Opportunities to Build the “Belt and Road” Jointly

According to Xinhua News, on November 19, Xi Jinping attended the 3rd Symposium on “Belt and Road” Construction in Beijing  and delivered a speech. He said that, on the whole, the theme of the era of peace and development has not changed and the general direction of economic globalization has not changed. “The international situation for strategic development is advantageous to the mainland.” The joint construction of the “Belt and Road” still faces important opportunities. At the same time, the international environment for joint construction of the “Belt and Road” is becoming increasingly complex.

Source: China Times, November 25, 2021

Taiwan: Voice of China Commented on Far Eastern Group’s Statement of “Anti-Taiwan Independence”

The Chinese Communist Party (CCP) fined Taiwan’s Far Eastern Group in the amount of US$5.7 million, blaming it for supporting “Taiwan Independence” activists. On November 29, the Far Eastern Group’s Chairman Xu Xudong yielded to the CCP and published a statement on Taiwan media, expressing an “anti-Taiwan Independence” position and supporting the “One China” principle.

China ‘s Media Group, also known as the Voice of China, published a commentary stating that the Far Eastern Group’s statement was not enough. “Regarding Xu Xudong’s expression, we heard his words, but more importantly, we need to see his actions.”

“If the Taiwan Far Eastern Group wants the sincere recognition of compatriots on both sides of the Taiwan Strait, it must completely abandon the illusion of being a ‘two-faced person.’ It must stop supporting the ‘Taiwan Independence’ elements, and avoid making itself an accomplice to ‘Taiwan Independence’ again. Only in this way can people believe that Xu Xudong’s statement is really in support of the ‘One China’ principle, rather than a temporary measure to protect his interests in the mainland.”

“Regarding Xu Xudong’s statement, we focus more on the future and want to see their actions. On the one hand, they should really stop political donations to the ‘Taiwan Independence’ elements, to combat the ‘independence’ from the origin. Any ‘two-faced’ behavior cannot escape the sharp eyes of people on both sides of the Strait. On the other hand, they should also exert their influence to promote cross-strait exchanges actively and lead more Taiwanese enterprises operating in the mainland resolutely to oppose the Democratic Progressive Party authorities’ despicable tactics of ‘decoupling’ the two sides…”

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Source: CCTV, November 30, 2021

Taiwan: The Netherland, France, and Ireland Supported Taiwan

After China retaliated against Lithuania for opening the Taiwan Representative Office, a de facto embassy in Lithuania, both the Netherlands and France took actions to support Taiwan in boosting its international status.

On November 23, the Dutch House of Representatives passed a motion with an overwhelming vote of 149 to 1, calling on the Dutch government and countries with similar ideas jointly to study the feasibility of supporting Taiwan’s participation in Interpol’s General Assembly.

On November 30, the Dutch House of Representatives passed two motions in support of Taiwan. Both actions happened on the same day. In the first, it was120 votes to 30 to call on the Dutch government not to accept the Chinese Communist Party’s unilateral change of the status quo in the Taiwan Strait, and 117 votes to 33 to urge the European Union to support Lithuania in strengthening its relations with Taiwan.

On November 30, the French National Assembly passed a non-binding cross-party resolution with a vote of 39 to 2, to support France’s continued diplomatic steps to support Taiwan’s participation in the work of international organizations, and in particular of the WHO.

On December 1, The Irish Senate passed without dissent a resolution condemning China for human rights abuses, supporting Taiwan’s participation in international organizations, and reaffirmed that reunification between China and Taiwan must not be sought by force. It also called on the Irish government to maintain its strong support for the personal and political liberties of the people of Taiwan, to increase its interaction with the government and people of Taiwan, including through the use of the EU Representative Office in Taiwan.

1. Radio France International, November 23, 2021国际/20211123-149票对1票-荷兰众院力挺台湾参与国际刑警组织
2. Epoch Times, December 1, 2021
3. Radio France International, November 30, 2021法国/20211130-法国议会决议支持台湾参与重要国际组织
4. Central News Agency, December 2, 2021

The CCP Uses Macao’s Casinos for Its United Front Work

The Chinese Communist Party (CCP) recently arrested Alvin Chao, a prominent Macao casino CEO.  Yuan Hongbing, a writer and political dissident from China, pointed out that Alvin Chao and Macao’s casinos are part of the CCP’s united front work. That work consists of expanding the reach and influence of the CCP.

According to Yuan, Alvin Chao worked for the CCP’s United Front Work Department. Zeng Qinghong, Jiang Zemin’s right-hand man and former Vice President of China, was previously in control of the united front work. Alvin was given a membership in the Guangdong Provincial Committee of the Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference. The People’s Political Consultative Conference is under the United Front Work Department.

The CCP’s spies belong to five systems: state security, the military, public security, the CCP’s International Liaison Department, and the CCP’s United Front Work Department.

The CCP has used the casino business to push its Belt and Road Initiative throughout Southeast Asia. In addition, “The CCP used the casino business to infiltrate the high-ranking officials in Southeast Asia.” Macao is a base that the CCP has used to capture politicians from Southeast Asian countries, including Taiwan. “We know many Taiwanese who have defected to the CCP. First they went to Macao to gamble and later they fell into the CCP’s trap.”

Yuan also expressed that the arrest of Chao is part of the infighting between Xi Jinping and Zeng Qinghong.

Source: Epoch Times, November 30, 2021

HKEJ: Italy Vetoed Third Attempted Chinese Acquisition of an Italian Company This Year

The Hong Kong Economic Journal (HKEJ) recently reported that the administration of Italian Prime Minister Mario Draghi has vetoed a Chinese acquisition of an Italian company. This was the third veto since Draghi took office in February this year. The Shenzhen Stock Exchange had listed Zhejiang Jingsheng Mechanical (300316.SZ). It issued a notice stating that a joint venture with Applied Materials Hong Kong Branch planned to acquire the Italian branch of a U.S. display printing equipment company. At a Cabinet Meeting on November 18, the Italian government vetoed the deal. Italian Industry Minister Giancarlo Giorgetti favored the use of the veto power, saying the transaction may have an impact on the semiconductor industry. The semiconductor industry is regarded as one of the strategic industries in Italy. Italy enacted the “Golden Powers Bill” in 2012 to prevent non-EU companies from acquiring companies in strategic industries. Since then, this is the fifth time that relevant powers have been exercised. The first four times involved Chinese companies, and the Draghi administration made three of those decisions.

Source: HKEJ, November 24, 2021

China Tightened Control over Celebrity Online Information

Well-known Chinese news site NetEase (NASDAQ: NTES) recently reported that China’s Central Cyberspace Administration just issued an administrative notice on regulating entertainment celebrities’ online information. The key points of the notice were: Celebrity online information must present “positive values” and must promote “socialist core values.” The government will establish a “negative list” of the behaviors that are not allowed online. Key link collections, such as top search lists, in principle, can only present one information piece about a celebrity in the collection at a time. The celebrity’s daily life, schedule, family members and personal interests cannot be presented in critical information display spots. These spots include recommended hot news, celebrity account names, descriptions and avatars. These cannot be used for negative information distribution. “Disgraced” celebrities will be banned across the network, The government will “closely monitor” online public opinion and verify the authenticity of the celebrity accounts.

Source: NetEase, November 23, 2021

China Youth Daily: Tencent Apps Found Violating End User Rights

China Youth Daily recently reported that, in a recent government compliance inspection movement on app infringement of users’ rights and interests, nine products of Tencent had not been rectified as required. Tencent had been warned publicly four times. The Ministry of Industry and Information Technology has required that all new apps and updates to existing apps must pass government technical inspections before they can be released. Tencent responded to the news report, stating that the company is continuing to update its apps, to protect users’ rights, to cooperate with the regulatory authorities and to conduct normal compliance inspections. Currently Chinese mobile app users have felt strongly that many apps violate the rules of handling users’ personal information. They set up configuration barriers, harass users, and mislead users, among other violations. So far 2.44 million apps have been inspected. Of those, 2,049 apps that violated regulations were notified, and 540 apps that refused to be updated were removed from the app stores. In today’s Chinese app market, new issues such as microphone eavesdropping, communication theft, and unauthorized reading and writing of albums, are frequently exposed. There have been reports on some businesses, such as banks, that have asked employees to pause the use of popular Tencent apps such as WeChat.

Source: China Youth Daily, November 27, 2021

Taiwan: CCP Imposed Hefty Fines Because a Company Supported the DPP in Taiwan

The Far Eastern Group is one of the biggest conglomerates in Taiwan. It has made substantial investments in mainland China. Recently, the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) targeted the company and fined it 36.5 million yuan (US$5.7 million), because of its support for the Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) in Taiwan.

Xinhua News Agency reported on November 22nd that the authorities in five provinces, including Shanghai, Jiangsu, Jiangxi, Hubei, and Sichuan, inspected Far Eastern Group’s chemical fiber textile and cement companies in their regions and found a series of violations in environmental protection, land use, employees’ occupational health, safety production, firefighting, taxation, and product quality. Authorities imposed fines, recovered taxes, and took back unused land that was given to the company.

Zhu Fenglian, the spokesperson from China’s Taiwan Affairs Office connected the fine to Taiwan independence activists. She said the mainland will absolutely not allow people supporting Taiwan independence to make money in the mainland and “eat the food and destroy the pot” – meaning to get benefits from the mainland while damaging it. She stated, “Taiwanese businessmen and companies (operating in mainland China) should discern right from wrong, stand firm, draw a clear line (separating them from) the ‘Taiwan independence’ separatist forces, and take practical actions to safeguard the cross-strait relations.”

The Far Eastern Group has made legal contributions to politicians from both the DPP and the Kuomintang, with more money to the DPP side. The CCP has been trying to collaborate with the Kuomintang and suppress the DPP.

Source: Radio Free Asia, November 23, 2021