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CNA: State Council Urges Local Governments to Complete Issuance of Special Bonds by September

The Central News Agency in Taiwan reported that, to avoid a big economic downfall, the State Council of mainland China has urged local governments to expedite the issuance of special bonds, which the governments use to raise money for special projects.

Prime Minister Li Keqiang held an executive meeting on September 4. He announced that, in order to further increase investments, local governments must complete the issuance of special bonds by the end of September and allocate funds to those projects by the end of October.

These bonds are for projects on transportation, infrastructure development, and medical care areas, and are not allowed to be used for real estate projects or repayment of matured bonds.

Depending on the needs of major projects, local government can use the special bond quota planned for the year 2020 in this year.

Source: CNA, September 8, 2019

Question Raised about First Chinese Australian MP’s Relationship to Chinese Communist Party

Gladys Liu was born in Hong Kong in 1964. In May 2019, she became the first Chinese Australian woman to be elected to the Australian House of Representatives. . She went to Melbourne in 1985 and became an Australian citizen in 1992. The Australian Broadcasting Corporation disclosed on September 10th that the Chinese government website showed that from 2003 to 2015, she served as a council member of the Guangdong provincial chapter of the China Overseas Exchange Association. In 2010, Liu also served as a council member of the Shandong branch of the association. The association accepts business guidance from the Overseas Chinese Affairs Office of the State Council. In 2018, the Overseas Chinese Affairs Office of the State Council was merged into the United Front Work Department of the Chinese Communist Party, an agency dedicated to expanding the political penetration and influence of the Party.

In the face of questioning from Sky News, Liu said, “I don’t remember . . .” However, shortly afterwards, she issued a statement acknowledging that she had held an honorary position in the Guangdong chapter of the China Overseas Exchange Association in 2011, but said that there had been no contact with the organization since then. According to Australian media, Liu supports the Hong Kong democracy movement, but she refuses to call Xi Jinping a “dictator” and refuses to condemn the Chinese government’s actions in the South China Sea as being illegal.

Professor Clive Hamilton, a China researcher at Charles Sturt University, told ABC, “I think Parliament itself must now ask whether she is in breach of section 44 of the constitution, which disqualifies any member who owes allegiance to a foreign power.”

In 2017, Labor senator Sam Dastyari resigned from the Senate after being accused of receiving funding from Chinese political donors to support China’s foreign policy interests.

Source: Radio Free Asia, September 11, 2019

IHS Markit: Hong Kong Economy Sees Its Biggest Decline in Ten Years

According to IHS Markit, a London based leading research and consulting firm, its recently released Hong Kong Purchasing Managers Index (PMI) shows that, in the month of August, Hong Kong’s business activity experienced its biggest decline since 2008.

The report pointed to the fact that Hong Kong’s business confidence has dropped to a record low. Pessimism continues to spread in major companies. The IHS Markit’s Hong Kong PMI, adjusted for seasonal fluctuations, fell from 43.8 in July to 40.8 in August, the worst month since February 2009. In general, an index above 50 represents an increase in activity in the private economy, while below 50 represents a decline. The calculation of the index includes statistics on new orders, outputs, employment, suppliers’ delivery time, and inventory purchases.

According to IHS Markit’s PMI index, Hong Kong’s economy has been declining for 17 consecutive months. The number of orders that mainland China placed in Hong Kong has fallen sharply. Almost half of the companies surveyed said that orders from mainland China had decreased. They believe that the Sino-US trade war, the sharp depreciation of the renminbi, and the large-scale demonstrations in Hong Kong are the reasons for the decline in orders from the mainland.

Bernard Aw, an economist at IHS Markit, said the latest survey shows that the Hong Kong economy is shrinking at a rate of 4 percent to 4.5 percent. In August of this year, the output, new orders, and the export volume of Hong Kong companies fell sharply. In the history of the company’s compilation of the PMI index, which is more than 20 years, only the 2003 SARS epidemic and the 2008-09 financial crisis were worse than today.

Even worse, more and more companies surveyed believe that the situation will deteriorate even further in the next 12 months. According to IHS Markit, about one-quarter of companies in July were pessimistic about the coming year; in August one-third of respondents held a gloomy outlook.

Source: Deutsche Welle, Chinese channel, September 4, 2019

Head of State Media Group Meets with Heads of Reuters and Associated Press

Shen Haixiong, deputy head of the Chinese Communist Party’s Central Propaganda Department and head of the China Media Group (CMG), met with Michael Friedenberg, President of Reuters News, and a leader of Associated Press, who attended the 2019 Belt and Road Media Community Summit Forum in Beijing on September 10. China Media Group is the most predominant state media company. It was founded in 2018 through the merger of China Central Television, China National Radio, and China Radio International.

According to the state media report, Friedenberg said that Reuters attaches great importance to the Chinese market, and attaches importance to the development of cooperative relations with CMG. He hopes to carry out all-round cooperation with CMG in financial reports and financial services, and improve the communication and feedback mechanism with CMG.

As reported by the state media, the AP leader said that the AP colleagues have witnessed the incredible rapid development in innovation and quality since the establishment of CMG. The Associated Press regards CMG as a partner and friend, while being neither a general customer nor a competitor. The Associated Press will support CMG’s objective and fair mainstream voice in the international public opinion arena.

Source: China Central Television, September 10, 2019

China’s Manufacturing PMI Continued Showing Decline in August

Well-known Chinese news site NetEase recently reported that China’s National Bureau of Statistics just released its August Manufacturing PMI (Purchasing Managers Index) number. The PMI index for the Chinese manufacturing sector was 49.5 percent. This is the fourth consecutive month in which PMI has remained below 50 percent. The key sub-indicators that dragged down the overall PMI number were New Orders (49.7 percent), Raw Materials Inventory (47.5 percent) and Employment Level (46.9 percent). Data also showed medium and small companies suffered the most. Large corporations are in a better shape. PMI is an indicator of financial activity reflecting purchasing managers’ acquisition of goods and services. A PMI number below 50 typically reflects a decline.

Source: NetEase, August 31, 2019

China’s Urgent Political Task: Pork Production

On September 6, Hu Chunhua, China’s Vice Premier of the State Council, said during his trip to northeast Heilongjiang province that ensuring the supply of pork is one of the most urgent tasks of the current agricultural work. Hu mandated that all production areas accomplish the task of ensuring a stable production and supply “one hundred percent,” and that they clean up improper practices in raising pigs.

In the past six months, after the outbreak of African swine fever in China, the retail price of pork soared. This led to a rise in the price of food and other livelihood products. At present, it is a “significant major political task” to restore pig production and stabilize pork prices.

Heilongjiang province is one of China’s main pig production areas. Hu Chunhua was inspecting pig slaughtering and processing companies and breeding bases in Mudanjiang city on September 6. Hu was there to learn about the main problems facing pig production, the demands from farmers and firms, and the impact of the African swine fever epidemic.

Source: Central News Agency, September 7, 2019

Top Apple Supplier Foxconn Will Build Two New Factories in India

Well-known Chinese news site Sina recently reported that Foxconn just announce that it plans to build two new factories in India. In the meantime, the company will also expand its current factories in India. Foxconn currently has two factories there. The goal of the new factories is to manufacture more iPhones. Foxconn’s chief of Indian operations Josh Foulger said that the strategy is to avoid putting all of its eggs in one basket. The factories that replace the ones in China must meet the criteria of being competitive. The Indian government is implementing policies similar to China’s in order to ease the process of establishing new factories for foreign investors. Foxconn opened its first Indian factory in Sri City in 2015. According to undisclosed sources, Foxconn has started the manufacturing of high-end iPhone models in India. The assembly lines for now can produce a maximum of one million iPhones. Foxconn also makes other smart phones in India. For example, it manufactures three times more Xiaomi phones than iPhones. Despite long preparation, at the moment it is still challenging to make high-end iPhones in India due to workers lacking the required skills.

Source: Sina, August 30, 2019

Huawei Founder: Harmony OS Won’t Work on Phones Anytime Soon

Major Taiwanese newspaper China Times recently reported that Huawei founder Ren Zhengfei made a comment not long ago on Huawei’s much hyped operating system called Harmony OS. Ren stated, in a BBC interview on September 6, that “it’s unclear” how Huawei’s natively developed operating system Harmony can be migrated to phones. It may need a few years of research and development. Under the U.S. sanction, Huawei runs the risk of losing the capability of using Google’s Android operating system for phones. According to Ren, Huawei’s Harmony OS was designed for low-latency Internet of Things (IoT) types of use cases, such as watches and TVs. His position is different from what Huawei Consumer Business CEO Yu Chengdong said on a number of occasions in the past several months. However, Ren criticized the United States, saying that Huawei cannot be blamed for the failure that the U.S. has suffered in leading the communications industry. He said, “The U.S. took the wrong path on communications technology.”

Source: China Times, September 7, 2019