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Chinese Scholar: China Should Reflect on Its Overall Strategic Direction

{Editor’s Note: The United Morning Post, a Singapore news media, published an article that Yu Zhi authored. Yu is a Professor of Economics at the, Shanghai University of Finance and Economics. Yu argued that the series of economic actions that the U.S. recently took against China are a result of China’s competing for the world’s leadership. Continue reading

CRN: Competition for Chinese and American AI Talent Intensifies

China Review News (CRN), a Beijing sponsored media based in Hong Kong, reported on how the world-wide competition for artificial intelligence (AI) experts has intensified. The areas involved include driverless cars, consumer data analysis, voice recognition, and facial recognition systems.

The “universal language” at the artificial intelligence conference held in New Orleans, Louisiana, in February of this year appeared to be Chinese. Chinese Internet companies such as the Alibaba Group and Tencent actively recruited talent.

According to the White Paper on Global Artificial Intelligence that Tencent’s research department published, companies around the world need about one million people who are experts in the area of artificial intelligence, but there are only 300,000 professionals who are actually active in this field. About 370 educational institutions around the world have the relevant research capabilities. Each year, they can produce around 20,000 experts. To fill such a serious talent gap, companies have gone abroad to search around the world for talent.

China and the United States are engaged in a fierce competition in the field of artificial intelligence. China’s state-issued plan for the “Next-Generation Artificial Intelligence Development Strategy,” released in 2017, pointed out that by 2020, the overall technology and application of artificial intelligence will be synchronized to the world’s advanced level. By 2030, the artificial intelligence theory, technology, and applications will reach the world’s leading level.

By 2025, the amount of data that the world generates will reach 10 times that of 2016. How to utilize this huge data will involve the work of how to get those who are talented in artificial intelligence and who have mastered high-level mathematics, statistics, and information processing knowledge.

Source: China Review News (CRN), June 26, 2018

Hong Kong Oriental Daily News Commentary: Beijing Assisted Pyongyang to Resist Peaceful Transformation

On June 25, Hong Kong Oriental Daily News published a commentary report that was titled, “Beijing Assisted Pyongyang to Resist the Peaceful Transformation.” Below is a translation of the commentary.

Following the Trump-Kim summit in Singapore, Kim Jong Un made his third visit to China in less than 100 days. During his meeting with Kim Jong Un, Xi Jinping delivered the following three commitments: No matter how the international and regional situations change, the firm position of the Chinese government and the Party to engage in the development of China-DPRK relations will not change; the Chinese people’s friendship with the Korean people will not change; and China’s support for socialist North Korea will not change. Among the three “no change” commitments, the first two are relatively vague but the last one, “China’s support for socialist North Korea will not change,” carries more substance. It means that, on the issue of the reunification of South Korea and North Korea that may take place in the future, Beijing will be on the side of socialist North Korea. This is in response to the fact that, when the U.S. and South Korea have tried to denuclearize in the Korean Peninsula and achieve permanent peace on the Korean Peninsula, some people have always wanted to use force or “peaceful transformation” to get rid of the Pyongyang regime. The U.S. and South Korea have always wanted Pyongyang to repeat how West Germany reunited with East Germany.

This is the biggest concern for the Kim family. For more than 20 years, Pyongyang has been desperately trying to develop nuclear weapons with the purpose of just protecting the regime’s lifeblood. For this reason, they will not hesitate to fight a nuclear war. Now that Pyongyang has nuclear weapons, it uses its military power to protect its regime while warning Uncle Sam not to act irrationally. Going forward, Pyongyang should be particularly on guard against the “sugar cannonballs” that the U.S. and South Korea have launched when dealing with peace issues. In this regard, the former Soviet Union and the European Socialist camp suffered painful lessons. China, on the other hand, has had very rich political, economic, military, cultural, and diplomatic experiences and opposing methods. Therefore Kim Jong-un should seriously learn and consult with China.

As for Beijing, it ought to understand Kim Jong-un’s concerns fully and should try to dispel his worries. Only in this way can Pyongyang “put aside burdens and move forward with lightness.” Then it can deal with the U.S., Japan, and South Korea to denuclearize the Korean Peninsula and secure a peaceful environment for a long time to come.

This kind of situation is in line with China’s strategic interests and will help China win more time and space for peaceful development before it can come back to counter the U.S..

Source: Oriental Daily News, June 25, 2018

China to Speed up “Sharp Eyes Surveillance Project” in Rural Regions

RFA reported that, on June 21, the Central Political and Legal Affairs Commission held a national video conference on the “Sharp Eyes Surveillance Project.” The Commission made it clear that the goal was to have the Sharp Eyes Surveillance Project completed in rural regions by 2020 in order to achieve “full coverage, network sharing, real time availability, and full control.” Similar to the Skynet Project, which is a surveillance system covering the urban region, the Sharp Eyes Surveillance Project is the version for the rural region. Developed by Guangdong AEBELL Technology Group, the Sharp Eyes Project has the capability of monitoring activities of individuals living in rural areas with its control centers stationed in nearby villages, towns and counties. It uses an application installed on television sets or mobile phones and can mobilize the general public to watch the surveillance recordings to ensure full security coverage. In February 2008, the Sharp Eyes Surveillance Project was first incorporated into the top document that the Central Committee of the Party issued. Since then, it has been highly valued at the top level. According to an article that Legal Daily published in February, in Pingyi County in Lin Yi city of Shandong Province where the Sharp Eyes project was first launched, by the end of February, 360,000 surveillance cameras had been installed. In Shandong Province, 2.93 million surveillance cameras and 2,491 surveillance centers have been set up across the entire province. In Sichuan Province, by the end of December 2017, the Sharp Eyes Surveillance Project was completed in 14,087 villages with 41,695 cameras installed.

Source: Radio Free Asia, June 22, 2018

Xi Jinping Sets New Direction for Foreign Diplomatic Work

Xinhua reported that the Central Foreign Affairs Working Conference was held in Beijing on June 22 and 23. It established the guiding position of “Xi Jinping’s diplomatic thoughts on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics in a New Era,” which provided a new direction for diplomatic work. During his speech, Xi summarized China’s achievements in foreign diplomatic relations over the past five years and proposed ten diplomatic thoughts. They included “safeguarding the authority of the Central Administration and strengthening the Party’s uniform leadership in diplomatic work” and “China should actively participate in leading the reform of the global governance system and create a more comprehensive global partnership network.” According to Xinhua, the participants included seven members of the Party Standing Committee, Vice Chairmen Wang Qishan, the members of the entire Politburo, the Secretariat of the party, and the highest ranking leaders of the following: the National People’s Congress, the State Councilor, the Central Publicity Department, the Central Foreign Liaison Department, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and the National Development Committee, the leaders of the reform commission, the Ministry of Commerce, and the Joint Chiefs of the Central Military Commission.

The Duowei News article quoted reports from The Nikkei, a Japanese newspaper, which reported that the participants at the conference were not allowed to take notes and the discussions were not fully disclosed. According to Nikkei, Xi told the participants that “we shouldn’t feel lost in the chaotic international climate” and that “China needs to understand our position and role in the changing world and scientifically set foreign policy guidelines.”

An Epoch Times report commented that the conference was held just as the U.S. is changing its China policy, a possible Trade War will take place between China and the U.S. and the Western world has started to guard against China’s infiltration. It is unusual for Beijing to hold such a high level conference on Foreign Diplomacy work. The intent of this meeting was to set the direction for foreign diplomatic work, which must be consistent with the Central Administration and ensure a unified coordination of action among the different departments.

1. Xinhua, June 24, 2018
2. Duowei, June 25, 2018
3. Epoch Times, June 24, 2018

Xinhua: The U.S. Has Become the Number One Destination for Asylum Applications

Xinhua recently reported, based on OECD (The Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development) data that, among OECD member countries, the United States has become the number one destination for asylum applications. The OECD has 35 members, including the United States, Germany, Great Britain, France, Australia and Turkey. In the year 2017, OECD countries received 1.2 million more asylum applications than in 2016. Between 2013 and 2016, Germany was the top destination. However, in 2017, the U.S. surpassed Germany to receive the largest number of applications. Germany is now the second largest, followed by Italy, Turkey, and France. Most of the asylum applicants for EU countries came from Afghanistan, Syria, and Iraq. Most applicants for the U.S. came from El Salvador, Guatemala, and Venezuela. According to the OECD, with massive numbers of refugees pouring into OECD countries, residents in the member countries have started to question the benefits of accepting these immigrants. This has already changed the political landscape in Germany.

Source: Xinhua, June 22, 2018

Pakistan Announced Anti-Dumping Tariff against China

Shanghai-based industrial news media SMM (Shanghai Metals Market), which specializes in reporting news regarding non-ferrous metals, recently reported that the Pakistani National Tariff Commission announced an anti-dumping tariff on color-coated steel coils and sheets made in China and South Africa (Announcement ADC51). The Pakistani government made the final judgment call and determined the products in scope did established tangible damage to Pakistani domestic products. The anti-dumping tariff will remain in effective for the next five years. The tax rate for Chinese manufacturers will be in the range of 5.36 percent to 10.88 percent, depending on the specific product tax code. This announcement was made at nearly the same time that the U.S. Trump administration instated its 301 tariffs on China. Also, the Pakistani government approved the initial conclusion of its anti-dumping findings for pencils made in China. A four-month temporary pencil anti-dumping tariff will also apply.

Source: SMM, June 19, 2018

Caijing: May Growth Rate of China’s Retail Sales of Consumer Goods Reached Fifteen Year Low

Large Chinese financial news media Caijing recently reported that, based on the data that the Chinese National Bureau of Statistics just released, the May growth numbers for the total retail sales of all consumer goods slowed down significantly to 8.5 percent, year-over-year. This growth rate is much lower than the expected 9.4 percent. The number is at its lowest level since May 2003. Interestingly, the growth rate of urban consumer retail is significantly lower (8.3 percent) than that of the suburban rate (9.6 percent). Another noticeable trend is that automobile related consumer spending growth actually saw a decline of one percent. The Chinese National Bureau of Statistics offered the comment that the significant slowdown is mainly due to short-term factors and external uncertainty. The Bureau expects the growth to remain stable.

Source: Caijing, June 14, 2018