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Samsung Intends to Expand in Vietnam

Well-known Chinese news site NetEase recently reported that Samsung’s CEO Koh Dong-jin told Vietnamese Prime Minister Nguyen Xuan Phuc of his intent to expand the scale of Samsung’s manufacturing in Vietnam. Samsung is Vietnam’s largest foreign investor. In 2017, Samsung Vietnam achieved US$54 billion in exports for Vietnam. This amounted to one quarter of the nation’s total export income. According to the Vietnamese government, Samsung has established eight manufacturing factories and one research and development (R&D) center in Vietnam. The total investment from Samsung has reached US$17.3 billion. Vietnam is now Samsung’s largest smartphone manufacturing base. Prime Minister Nguyen also assured Koh with his promise of providing Samsung with the best investment environment for growth. Samsung currently has plans to hire more local Vietnamese workers in Northern Vietnam. Not long ago, Samsung completely closed down its Shenzhen branch in China.

Source: NetEase, April 21, 2018

RFA: China Youth Daily’s Online Coverage of Beijing University Sexual Harassment Case Was Deleted Leaving Blank Open Page on Its Website

RFA reported that Beijing University was allegedly covering up a sexual harassment case involving a professor and a female student from 20 years earlier. A currently enrolled Beijing University student asked the University to release the investigation report to the public but the University authorities suppressed her request. On April 29, China Youth Daily circulated a full page article about the incident. Its online version was then deleted, leaving a blank open page on its website. In its deleted article, China Youth Daily reported that Beijing University lagged behind in following the requirement of the Ministry of Education to disclose university information to the public voluntarily. Its ranking dropped below the top 50 in the “2016 China Higher Education Transparency Index Report.” Some faculty members and students acknowledged that, as soon as they requested that the university release the sexual harassment investigation information to the public, they also faced pressure from the university authorities. Some came to the conclusion that there is an underlying understanding that the university has shared all they are able to share with the public and that anything beyond that would impact the interests of the university. A twitter posting stated that the head of Ministry of Education reacted with outrage over the China Youth Daily article.

Source: Radio Free Asia, April 29, 2018

Chinese Military Airplane Trespasses into Korean Air Defense Identification Zone

On April 28, the second day after the historical meeting between South Korean President Moon Jae-in and North Korean leader Kim Jong-un and their signing of the Panmunjom Declaration, Chinese military aircraft trespassed into the Korea Air Defense Identification Zone (KADIZ) without notifying Korea ahead of time. According to a YouTube posting from the Korean Television Station Arirang TV, the plane entered the zone at 10:44 am Korean Time. It flew close to Pohang Southeast of Korea and then headed towards Ulleungdo in Northeast Japan. The plane flew out of the zone at 2:33 pm. A Korean fighter jet was forced to monitor the movements. Beijing later claimed it was conducting normal training exercises within legal international air space. Epoch Times reported that this is the third time that Chinese military aircraft trespassed KADIZ in 2018. The last two times were on January 29 and February 27. The one on February 27, in particular, drew 10 Korean fighter jets to monitor the airspace and a complaint that the Defense Ministry of Korea sent to the Chinese Embassy in Korea. The article also mentioned that other than KADIZ, in recent months, Chinese military aircraft did the same trespassing in the southern part of Japan and in the airspace near Taiwan.

1. Arirang TV, April 28, 2018
2. Epoch Times, April 28, 2018

Huanqiu Opinion Article: Xi-Modi Talks Set a New Milestone for Rational Relations in Asia

Huanqiu published an opinion article in which it stated, “A brand-new positive situation is forming around China. Some strategic risks are tending to ease. The possibility of serious conflict between China and individual surrounding forces due to specific disputes has dropped to a historical low. … The stability of China’s peripheral relations will reduce the likelihood that external forces around China will deliberately make a choice and intervene, thereby reducing the risk of conflict between China and the United States in matters concerning China’s major interests.” The article was referring to the recent softening relationship between China and India, Japan, the Korean Peninsula, the Philippines and Vietnam. It stated that Beijing made the effort to adjust its policy with its neighboring countries which has enabled those countries to realize that China’s rise is an opportunity for them rather than a threat. When friction arises, China and the neighboring countries need to appreciate each other and no one can force Asian countries to confront each other. The future of Asian peace and prosperity lies in the hands of Asians.

Source: Huanqiu, April 28, 2018

Huanqiu: Do Not Boycott U.S. Goods

Huanqiu, which is a subsidiary under People’s Daily, published an article asking the Chinese people not to boycott U.S. goods. This represents a rare positional shift for Huanqiu, which, since last month, has taken a hard line against the U.S. on the trade war between the U.S. and China.

The article stated that the American media have claimed that China has an ultimate weapon against the U.S., which is to mobilize the whole nation to boycott U.S. goods. “However, it could be a trap to hurt ourselves.”

“There is no ‘winner’ in a trade war. Each party tries to minimize its losses. That’s why China does not want to have a trade war and also why many U.S. main-stream media are against Trump on this.”

“American companies are already tightly integrated into China’s economy.” “They also play an important role in China’s economic and technology development.” The article concluded that boycotting American companies and goods will hurt China’s economy and factories.

Source: Sina, April 22, 2018

Kim Jong-un Sees off Train Carrying Chinese Victims

A Chinese tourist group got into a deadly accident on April 22 when their bus fell off a bridge in North Korea. Thirty-two people died and two were injured. On the morning of April 26, North Korea sent a special train to carry the bodies of the dead and to take the injured Chinese back to China. Kim Jong-un went to the train station to see the train off. He stepped on the train briefly to greet the wounded people.

{1} China News, April 26, 2018
{2} The China Press, April 23, 2018

State Council Information Office Published “2017 Human Rights Record of the United States”

According to Guangming Daily, on April 24. the State Council Information Office published the “2017 Human Rights Record of the United States” and the “Chronology of Human Rights Violations of the United States in 2017.” The 2017 Human Rights Record of the United States claimed that in the “2017 National Human Rights Report” that the U.S. State Department issued on April 20, the U.S. continued to be a ‘human rights defender’ and claimed themselves to be the moral magistrates while blaming other countries for their domestic affairs and human rights conditions and making it look like that the U.S. is the only country in the world with a perfect human rights situation. Looking back on 2017, people with a sense of justice will find that the U.S.’s own human rights record is still notorious and continues to deteriorate.” The 2017 Human Rights Record of the United States was divided into the following sections: preface; serious violations of civil rights; systemic racial discrimination that further split the country; serious abuses of American-style democracy; continued deterioration of polarization between rich and poor; discrimination and physical abuse by specific groups; and continued brutal violations of human rights in other countries. The 2017 Human Rights Record consists of 10,000 words and the Chronology of Human Rights Violations consists of 9,000 words.

Source: Guangming Daily, April 25, 2018

Supreme People’s Court and the Ministry of Justice Issued New Guidelines on Lawyers’ Conduct during Trial

Xinhua reported that the Supreme People’s Court and the Ministry of Justice issued a joint notice titled, “Protecting the Lawyer’s Rights of Law and Standardizing Lawyers’ Participation in Trial Activities.” The notice was said to “promote mutual respect, support, and supervision between the court and lawyers while, at the same time, defining the requirement to protect lawyer’s rights during trial and the lawyer’s code of practice.” One of the requirements stated that, “the lawyers are not allowed to interfere with a trial on the grounds of rights protection and are not allowed to use the Internet to publish statements, open letters, petition letters, etc. in their own names or through other people or the media. … Lawyers attending trials may not record, videotape, photograph, or use mobile communication tools to conduct court trial activities, and may not conduct other activities in violation of court rules and disobedience to court orders.”

Source: Xinhua, April 24, 2018