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RFA: Early Signs of Trade War Damage Are Emerging

Radio Free Asia (RFA) recently reported that, while the China-U.S. trade war has not seen the actual implementation of any tariff increases yet, significant early signs of impact on the Chinese market have started to surface. Three days after China’s announcement of the potential 25 percent tariff increase against U.S. soy beans, the price of China’s primary fodder raw material, “soybean meal,” increased by eight percent. This price point was nearly 20 percent higher than the price at the beginning of March. Data from multiple fodder manufacturers showed that the fodder price increased significantly a week before China’s soy bean announcement. This round of fodder price increase spread across most of the cultured species like pigs, poultry, and fish. Sources refused to disclose the degree of the price increases. The report covered the data provided by sources in critical food-supply provinces like Guangdong, Sichuan and Anhui. Some fodder companies have started adjusting their product formula. Observers expressed their belief that the Chinese government will allow the trade war damage to be passed on to the general public. Overall consumer product price increases are widely expected. The Chinese Ministry of Commerce did not respond to any calls from the reporter.

Source: RFA, April 7, 2018

Global Times: In the Trade War, Russia will Become China’s Primary Food Supplier

Global Times recently reported that, according to Russian news media, voices from the Moscow Economic Forum expressed the expectation that China’s tariff hikes on American food would be very helpful in turning Russia into China’s primary foreign food supplier. The CEO of the Central Russia Development Fund observed that the China-U.S. trade war would be a “giant opportunity” for Russia, especially when global pricing for agricultural goods are increasing at the rate of 4.5 percent per year. Russia has a great potential to expand its agricultural output. The CEO of China National Cereals, Oils and Foodstuffs Corporation International (COFCO Int’l) just visited Moscow a few weeks ago and had a formal discussion with the Russian Minister of Agriculture. COFCO International brought three investment projects to the table. China recently announced tariff hikes on 128 U.S. export goods as a counter to the U.S. tariff increases on foreign steel and aluminum.

Source: Global Times, April 4, 2018

Oriental Daily: Mainland China Banned Online Stores from Selling the Bible

The popular Hong Kong newspaper Oriental Daily recently reported via its online news site that online e-commerce platforms in Mainland China have completely removed their Bible offerings. Many of them also removed related Christian books. Some sellers even cancelled their sellers’ accounts altogether. According to some Mainland Christians, Bibles are now only available from the government approved Patriotic Church. According to a recently released official government Five-Year Work Plan, people should align their “position about the Bible” with the government approved view. The Chinese government is planning to re-translate the Bible and publish its own “official version” of the book. Oriental Daily has been Hong Kong’s number one newspaper in circulation since 1976, with a record readership of over 3,100,000.

Source: Oriental Daily, April 3, 2018

Rights Activist to Sue Ten Cent for Fabricating False WeChat Evidence against Him

Radio Free Asia reported that Wang Qi, a Chinese rights activist and founder of asked his lawyer to file a lawsuit against Ten Cent for fabricating a private WeChat conversation between him and two other petitioners. He said that the Public Security Bureau used the false evidence to arrest the three of them and they have been imprisoned for the past year and four months. Wang was allegedly charged with “illegally providing state secrets to a foreign country.” The trial still does not have a start date. Wang said he has been beaten and has suffered physical abuse while imprisoned and is currently suffering kidney failure. Wang’s mother tried to get him released on bail but her request was denied.

Source: Radio Free Asia, April 4, 2018

Beidou Navigation System Cell Phone Version APP to Launch on May 1

According to an article that Chongqing Economic Times published, the cell phone version of Beidou Navigation APP will be launched on May 1. It is expected to replace the U.S. made GPS (Global Positioning System) and meet worldwide demand by 2020. The Beidou App is reported to have a location accuracy that is within a 1 meter diameter (3.3 feet) compared to the 10 meters (33 feet) that GPS has. China Electronics Technology Group Number 24 research center in the City of Chongqing developed the Beidou Navigation System. The research center collaborates with the Chinese Academy of Sciences Chongqing Green Intelligence Technology Academy and conducts a large quantity of research and development work on satellite surveillance products. The article reported that the Beidou Navigation system has entered into stage III and that 29 satellites have been launched so far. It is expected to reach 50 billion yuan (US $7.92 billion) in production by 2020. Currently GPS has over 90 percent of the market share in the world.

Source: Chongqing Economic Times, April 8, 2018

RFA: Beijing Hospital Requires Sperm Donors Must Support the Party Leadership to Be Considered “Top Quality”

Radio Free Asia recently published an article about an ad that Beijing University Hospital posted about the high requirements that a top quality sperm donor must meet.  A donor is to “have fine political quality; love the socialist motherland, support the leadership of the Communist Party, and be loyal to the Party.” This “Political Correctness” statement turned out to be a topic for laughter on the Internet. The article stated that, in the current social environment, many companies in China have to display political slogans to prove that, “they are in agreement with the central administration” in order to survive. Many displays, however, turned out to be foolish jokes.

Source: Radio Free Asia, April 6, 2018

A Look at the Global Times’ Editorials on the Trade War with the United States

• 社评:如果美国都亏了,世界还有谁是赚的2018-04-05
• Editorial: If Even the United States Has Been Losing Money, Then Who Else Is Making Money? 04/05/2018

• 社评:中国重拳回击,美方带着痛苦反思吧2018-04-04
• China Fights Back with Heavy Fists; Let the U.S. Reflect on Its Pain 04/04/2018

• 社评:反击美方新攻势,专找它的七寸打2018-04-04
• Counterattack the U.S. New Offensive Move; Hit It Where It Hurts the Most 04/04/2018

• 社评:立威被北京戳破,华盛顿应该反思2018-04-04
• Beijing Pricked the (U.S.) Power Display; Washington Should Rethink (Its Actions) 04/04/2018

• 社评:美企在华分公司是美出口统计灯下黑2018-04-03
• U.S. Export Statistics Overlooked the Sales at the China Branches of U.S. Companies  04/03/2018

• 社评:中国报复美加征关税落下实锤2018-04-02
• China Punches Back against U.S. Customs. Tariffs are at the Center of the Target 04/02/2018

• 社评:华盛顿有“知识产权遭侵犯”妄想症2018-03-30
• Washington Is Paranoid about “Infringements on Intellectual Property Rights” 03/30/2018

• 社评:加拿大被揪耳朵上台为美国捧哏2018-03-30
• Canada Was Forced to the Stage to Sing with the United States 03/30/2018

• 社评:美方作用力越大,中方反作用力越强2018-03-28
• The Greater the U.S. Forces, the Stronger the Chinese Counter Forces 03/30/2018

China Review News: The Philippines Sets an Example for ASEAN Countries of How to Balance China-U.S. Relations

China Review News, one of China’s state controlled media in Hong Kong, published an article to propose that the countries of ASEAN (The Association of Southeast Asian Nations) should follow the Philippine’s example in balancing China-U.S. relations, which is to lean towards China. The article said, “Southeast Asian countries are under increasing pressure due to geopolitical competition between China and the United States. They must choose between China’s economic advantages and the U.S. security umbrella. However, the Philippines may be showing other countries the way out of this dilemma.”

The article referred to a New York Times publication to emphasize the point. It said, “So far, Duterte’s strategy (for the Philippines) and its results have shown other countries a “way out” if they have the political courage and domestic support to emulate the Philippines.” “The Philippines suddenly changed from a staunch American ally to a more independent and neutral position between the United States and China. So far, the Philippines has benefited from better relations with China. At the same time, it has maintained military relations with the United States, although its relations are not as firm as they were previously.”

Source: China Review News, April 5, 2018