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CRN: Xi Jinping Set Six “Must-Do” Requirements for High Ranking Military Officials

China Review News (CRN) recently reported that Chinese President Xi Jinping attended an important meeting with high ranking military leaders immediately after the new generation of the Communist Party’s Central Military Commission (chaired by Xi) was formed. Xi delivered a speech at the meeting setting six “must-do” disciplines for all high ranking military officials. The top requirement is loyalty to the Party and obeying the Party’s commands. Next to the top must-do comes the strict capability to win battles and wars. The third is to have passion for military reforms and innovation. As the forth must-do, Xi asked for scientific coordination and management. Next, he also wanted to push strong discipline and toughness in administration. Lastly, the speech demanded military “leadership by example,” and with high spirits. Xi’s “new era” military strategy focuses on strengthening military power. The improvement plan will take a top-down approach and start with high ranking generals. Political loyalty is repeatedly emphasized as the key competence for all members of the military leadership team.

Source: China Review News, October 29, 2017

LTN: The FBI Nearly Arrested Chinese Officials

The major Taiwanese news source, Liberty Times Network (LTN), recently reported that China sent four State Security officials to the United States in May to try to convince the exiled Chinese businessman Guo Wengui to return to China. One of the four agents was Liu Yanping, Secretary of the Commission for Discipline Inspection of the Ministry of State Security. The Chinese government asked Guo to stop talking about topics involving political scandal, as he had been doing for months. The FBI followed the Chinese agents for their entire trip and nearly arrested them before they boarded their return flight. However, because the White House, the State Department, the Department of Justice, and the Pentagon could not reach an agreement on this action, they called off the arrest. In the end, the FBI did confiscate the cell phones that belonged to the Chinese officials. The U.S. government decided to protect Guo Wengui, due to his deep insider knowledge of Chinese politics, and because of his use as a “bargaining chip.”

Source: Liberty Times Network, October 23, 2017

Ministry of Foreign Affairs: Taiwan Leader’s Intention is Obvious When She Stops in the U.S.

According to a recent article, People’s Daily reported on a Press Conference that the Ministry of Foreign Affairs held on October 28, in which a question was raised about Tsai Ing-wen, the President of Taiwan, stopping at Hawaii and Guam when she visits three diplomatic allies in the Pacific Ocean: “Does China plan to raise its concerns or negotiate with the U.S?” The answer was that “One China” is commonly recognized internationally and has always been the principal when China deals with Taiwan’s foreign policy. As to the Taiwan leader making a stop in the U.S., her real intention is obvious. We wish that the U.S. would comply with the “One China” policy as well as the rules contained within the Sino – US Joint Communiqué and not let her enter the U.S. It will send a false signal to the “Taiwan Independence” forces. The U.S. should take necessary action to safeguard the big picture of the Sino-U.S. relationship and the peace and stability in the Taiwan region. China has lodged solemn representations to the U.S.

Source: People’s Daily, October 28, 2017

Jiang Zemin Received Different Media Treatment at the 19th National Congress

Storm, a Taiwan media and BackChina, an overseas Chinese media both carried reports on how Jiang Zemin received different media treatment at the 19th National Congress, which indicates where he stands in Xi Jinping’s eyes. Storm reported that during the closing ceremony, initially Xi Jinping and Jiang Zemin were chatting while waiting for the ceremony to start. However, when everyone rose during the national anthem, Jiang apparently struggled to get up. It was not until two assistants ran over that Jiang was able to stand up. The article stated that Xi did not even look at Jiang during the entire process; whereas, at the 18th National Party Congress, Hu Jintao helped Jiang to get up. In some situations, Jiang was either “accidentally” blocked or completely taken out of the picture. One example was at the opening ceremony. When Xi Jinping bowed and acknowledged Hu Jintao, Jiang Zemin, and the entire conference, Jiang’s image was completely cut off. When Xi led the group of leaders entering the stage, Xi completed blocked Jiang’s image. Also, when Xi finished his report and returned to his seat, CCTV showed a close up image of Xi shaking hands with Hu Jintao who sat to his right. However when Xi shook hands with Jiang, a photographer blocked him. Taiwan Eastern Television reported that when Xi delivered his report and read the part that said, “Whatever the public is against and hates …” it was not a co-incidence that CCTV showed a close up image of Jiang Zemin. The article suggested that Xi Jinping broke a number of political protocols to demonstrate that even though he appears calm and emotionless most of the time, he is in complete control of the current situation.

1. Storm, October 24, 2017
2. BackChina October 23, 2017

Xi Jinping Directly Involved in New Leadership Selection Process to Weed out Opponents

Two articles that Xinhua published detailed the selection process for the new leadership candidates who were voted on during the 19th National Congress. The article gave an indication that, throughout the selection process, Xi Jinping was directly involved in weeding out his opponents. According to the article, the selection process started in February 2016, when a candidate selection committee that Xi Jinping led was first formed. During the process, Xi provided specific guidelines and criteria to use in the candidate selection. The criteria included, as the top priority, that the candidate must “meet political criteria and establish a political standard; the candidate must align himself with the Central Administration and be clear and firm about his political position; he must be clean and free from corruption while fit to get the job done.” From July 2016 through June 2017, the committee set up 46 observation teams to visit 31 provinces, 124 agency central administration agencies, financial institutions, and state owned enterprises to interview potential candidates. The Central Military Commission also formed 10 teams to visit military departments and agencies to talk to potential candidates. In the past year and a half, the candidate selection committee met seven times while the Standing Committee of the Political Bureau met six times to receive updates on candidate selection from the observation team. From April to June of 2017, Xi Jinping personally sat down with 57 existing party leaders to hear their opinions. The Political Bureau and Central Military Commission also set up hundreds of appointments to meet with members from the 18th Central Committee and leaders from a number of military divisions to hear their ideas. On September 25, a preliminary candidate name list was drafted and submitted to the Standing Committee of the Political Bureau. The final list was approved on September 29 before it was turned over to the 19th National Congress for a vote.

Sources: Xinhua, October 24 and 27, 2017

Taiwan Couple’s Taiwan Nationality Removed Because of Their Chinese Communist Party Representative Position

The National Security Bureau and the Mainland Affairs Council (MAC) of Taiwan confirmed today that Chinese Communist Party representative Lu Lian and her husband’s Taiwan ID registration have been canceled. Lu’s family was quite disappointed after hearing the news. The Taiwanese applauded the action.

Lu Lian was born in Taiwan. She went to China in 1997 to teach in Shanghai. While there, she acquired a Chinese nationality. This year she was elected as a representative of the Communist Party of China. She published a remark affirming she “loves Taiwan and also loves the mainland.” Zhou Meixu, deputy director of the Taiwan National Security Bureau, said that, based on regulations, Lu Lian’s household ID registration has been canceled. Her health insurance and other rights have also been nullified.

Zhou also revealed that Taiwan authorities have confirmed that there are 19 Taiwanese people holding mainland Communist Party and government positions. Some of their canceled ID registrations have not been announced.

Source: Liberty Times (Taiwan) and Yahoo News (Hong Kong), October 26, 2017台灣陸委會證實盧麗安夫婦被取消台灣戶籍-090723729.html

Duowei: Chinese Communist Party’s Grand Goal: Building “a Community of a Shared Future for Mankind”

Duowei, a state sponsored Chinese news media, based overseas, reported that the 19th Congress of the Chinese Communist Party is the beginning of a new era. In the 19th Congress report, the Communist Party of China formally introduced the idea of building a “community for the shared future of mankind.” Professor Fang Changping, director of the International Strategy Center of the National Development and Strategic Research Institute of Renmin University of China, said in his interview with Duowei that the report’s most outstanding highlight in the diplomatic section was its innovative ideas. The Communist Party of China is standing at the pinnacle, above humankind, to promote the initiation of such a magnificent goal, that is to promote the development of new international relations — the development of a “community of a shared future for mankind.”

Source: Duowei, October 24, 2017 Zhou Xiaochuan Warns about China’s Minsky Moment recently reported that, at a recent press conference, Zhou Xiaochuan, the governor of China’s central bank, expressed his views on “systemic financial risks.” He proposed that the bottom line of China’s risk control should be to get prepared for stopping any kind of “severe adjustment” in the economy when China faces its Minsky Moment. A Minsky moment, named after U.S. economist Hyman Minsky, is a sudden major collapse of asset values which is part of the credit cycle or business cycle. Such moments occur because long periods of prosperity and the increasing value of investments lead to increasing speculation using borrowed money. As part of Zhou’s further explanation, he gave examples about China’s debts, especially company bonds and local government debts (channeled through local financial platforms). Zhou emphasized the importance of taking this issue seriously.

Source:, October 20, 2017