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Xinhua Published Analytical Article on U.S. Launching a “301 Investigation”

On August 18, the U.S. officially launched an investigation into China’s trade policy on intellectual property under Section 301 of the Trade Act of 1974. On August 20 Xinhua published an analytical article on the “301 investigation.” As to the motive for the investigation, the article stated that it was because Trump wants to fulfill his campaign promise and solve the “so called” unbalanced trade issue. Also the U.S. is taking advantage of the length of the investigation, which may take between six months and one year, to further push China to open its market in service or high value-added industries. As to the impact of the investigation, the article quoted an expert who said that it is unlikely that a trade war between the U.S. and China will take place as the investigated products only account for a small portion of the total U.S. China trade and because the U.S. and China are heavily dependent on each other economically. It further quoted a source that said some believe that the investigation will hurt Chinese companies, their suppliers, and their sales agents, as well as the retail business in the U.S. Others said that China needs to be on the alert for the investigation having a chain effect because other countries may follow the same path. As to how China should react, the article stated that China should monitor the progress closely and use international rules to protect its own interests. According to one expert, in order to minimize the impact of a “301 investigation,” China should change itself from a “factory” into a “headquarters” that is equipped with the capability of doing research, manufacturing, and sales.

Source: Xinhua, August 20, 2017

Duowei: China’s Politics Has Gotten Rid of the Shackle of Veteran Interference

The Chinese media Duowei, an online news publication that the Chinese government sponsors, published an article stating that China’s political “Beidaihe time” is nearing completion. The current incumbent high-level Chinese Communist Party leaders and many political veterans will also end this rare summer vacation model.

The article predicted that China’s politics today has basically gotten rid of the shackles of the “veteran politics” as compared to before the CCP’s 18th Congress when Communist veterans were the heavy weights and played an important role in decision making. The article particularly singled out Jiang Zemin as a bad example of “veteran’s political intervention.”

The article said, “The most typical case of Jiang Zemin’s “political intervention” was that during the 2008 Wenchuan earthquake in China, the PLA senior officials said that they would like to consult the ‘old leadership’ and refused to listen to the directives of Premier Wen Jiabao who represented Hu Jintao and went to the disaster area as the commander-in-chief. Behind this embarrassing phenomenon was the influence of Jiang Zemin, who was in the position of Chairman of the Central Military Commission for an extra two years, and the long-term existence of the ‘Jiang Zemin Office’ until the CCP’s 18th Congress. It hindered Hu Jintao’s leadership.

“Jiang Zemin’s ‘political intervention’ meant that he didn’t want to let go of power while the country’s political situation was stable, and he interfered with the high-level personnel arrangements of the Chinese Communist Party when he should not have.”

Source: Duowei, August 14, 2017

Chinese Government Leaders Spoke at the 2017 Conference of the Global Overseas Chinese Association for the Promotion of Peaceful Reunification in Italy

The 2017 General Assembly of the Global Overseas Chinese to promote China’s peaceful reunification was held on July 23 in Florence, Italy. The Italian Chapter of the China Association for the Promotion of Peaceful Reunification organized the conference. The theme was, “Persisting in the 1992 Consensus and Promoting Cross-Strait Integration and Sharing the Chinese Dream.” Zhang Baowen, Vice Chairman of the Standing Committee of the National People’s Congress, Chairman of the Central Committee of the Democratic League and Vice President of the China Association for the Promotion of Peaceful Reunification, delivered a speech at the opening ceremony.

Zhang Baowen pointed out that Hong Kong, Macao, and Taiwan compatriots and overseas Chinese are important forces to promote the development of cross-strait relations and promote the peaceful reunification of China. The Overseas Chinese Association for the Promotion of Peaceful Reunification is an important link to uniting the compatriots at home and abroad and is the backbone of the global campaign of “anti-independence” and promoting unification.

The Chinese Ambassador to Italy, Li Ruiyu; the Deputy Director of the Taiwan Affairs Office of the State Council, Long Mingbiao; and the Vice President of the China Overseas Exchange Association, Jiang Yan, also spoke at the conference.

More than 1,000 people from the mainland government representatives, leaders of the Overseas Chinese Association for the Promotion of Peaceful Reunification, local Chinese government representatives, and international friends from more than 40 countries and regions attended the activities.

At present, Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan compatriots and overseas Chinese have more than 200 institutions and similar organizations in more than 100 countries and regions.

The Global Overseas Chinese Conference for the Promotion of Peaceful Reunification is an important platform for the overseas “anti-independence” movement. Since 2000, there have been 17 such overseas conferences, three of which were held in the U.S. (2000 in Washington, D.C.; 2009 in Los Angles; and 2011 in Washington, D.C.).

Sources: Xinhua, July 24 and 25, 2017;; July26, 2017

85 Percent of Communist Party Members Believe in Religious Gods

Fenggang Yang, the Director of the Center on Religion and Chinese Society at Purdue University, organized a survey involving Chinese. The survey results showed that 85 percent of Chinese people have religious beliefs or have conducted activities similar to religious rituals.

The survey also showed that the same percentage (85 percent) of Chinese Communist Party (CCP) members believe in Gods as described by religions, even though the CCP promotes an atheist ideology and denies the existence of any higher level beings.

Fenggang Yang described the reasons: As the society opens up, Chinese people start to get in contact with religions. When people face high risk or cannot control their fates, they tend to turn to a supernatural power for help. “The spiritual belief is not something that any society can stop or prohibit.”

As the ruling party, the CCP members have more resources and opportunities. Therefore people still want to join the Party. “However, joining the CCP does not mean they have completely abandoned their beliefs in supernatural power or Gods.”

Since 2004, over 280 million Chinese have announced that they quit the CCP or its affiliated organizations including the Communist Youth League and Communist Pioneers.

Source: Epoch Times, July 31, 2017

Central News Agency: The List of Commanders of Each Army

Taiwan’s Central News Agency reported a list of the commanders and political commissars of each of the 13 Armies of the People’s Liberation Army (PLA), which they said they obtained recently. The PLA has recently cut its 18 armies down to 13. Comparing the heads of the old 18 armies and the new 13 armies, most of them remain at the top army posts and some were re-assigned as the Army Commander or Army Deputy Commander at a military region (theater command).

Top commanders of each army were all moved out of their own army unit and assigned to another one to eliminate the small interest groups they might have formed when they were in charge at the old army.

Source: Central News Agency, July 30, 2017

China Economy: India’s Interest Rate Cut Exposed the Fragile Side of Its Economy

China Economy recently reported that India’s central bank just announced an interest rate cut. This is the first time since the end of last year that an Asian central bank has cut its interest rate. The cut brought India’s interest rate to a seven-year low. Apparently, the Indian economy is facing a serious challenge. Ever since Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s banknote demonetization last year, India’s manufacturing and consumer spending has been suffering major declines. The Modi administration also started its tax reform in July, which caused serious chaos in India’s supply chains as well as distribution channels. It significantly worsened India’s commercial market to its “lowest point” since the global financial crisis. Although the tax reform may have some benefits in the long run, the solution for the immediate chaos should not depend on creating a distraction by triggering military disputes with neighboring countries, which will prove to be “extremely stupid.”

Source: China Economy, August 7, 2017

China News: University Dean Accused of Plagiarism after Copying Students’ Thesis

China News recently reported that Cai Jianchun, Director and Deputy Communist Party Secretary of Zhongshan Hospital at Xiamen University, Executive Deputy Dean of the Xiamen University School of Medicine, and winner of multiple national and provincial awards, was accused of directly copying his graduate students’ thesis for his own doctoral thesis. More than half of Cai’s doctoral thesis (in Polymer Chemistry and Physics) was a word-for-word copy of his students’ graduation thesis. Xiamen University said the university is currently conducting its own internal investigation. Cai also works at Fujian Medical University and some parts of his thesis were copied from students’ work of that University. Fujian Medical University refused to comment on this matter. Reporters have been trying to contact Cai using a number of channels of communication, but they could not reach him. Cai Jianchun is a very well-known oncologist in China.

Source: China News, August 10, 2017

The Paper: India Started Charging China Anti-Dumping Duties in 93 Categories

The well-known new Chinese news site The Paper recently reported that the Indian government started charging anti-dumping duties in 93 categories of products imported from China. The decision was made after key players in the Indian tire industry met with government officials. The 93 categories include products in a wide range of industries such as chemical and petrochemical, steel and other metal products, fiber and yarn, mechanical products, rubber or plastic products, power electronics and different types of consumer goods. India also launched an anti-dumping investigation in July on photovoltaic cells and modules from China, Taiwan, and Malaysia. India currently has a US$51 billion trade deficit with China. Indian media have been complaining about cheap Chinese products filling up the Indian market. However, reports from India’s own market study agencies showed that Indian consumers have preferred affordable Chinese products that typically are of better quality that India’s similar ones. According to the Chinese Ministry of Commerce, in the first half of this year, India became the country that had the largest number of anti-dumping investigations against China.

Source: The Paper, August 11, 2017