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Housing Market Continued to Decline in November

According to the latest data released on December 18 by the National Bureau of Statistics, November saw prices for new homes fall, when compared to the prices in October, in 67 of the 70 medium and large cities. There was no change in the remaining three cities. Thus, November is the third consecutive month of overall decline with no price increase across the board. Compared to November 2013, the prices for new homes dropped in 68 of the 70 cities. 

With respect to existing houses, when compared to prices in October, November prices dropped in 58 of the 70 cities and in 67 cities when compared to November 2013. 

Source: National Bureau of Statistics, December 18, 2014

After Ling Jihua, Who Else Will Fall?

On December 22, 2014, after the announcement was made that Ling Jihua was under investigation, Mr. Ho Pin, CEO of the Mirror Media Group, told VOA that the next downfall of a big tiger (corrupt high official) could be Guo Boxiong, the former vice chairman of China’s Central Military Commission (a Jiang Zemin supporter). Mr. Ho Pin did not release the name, but he said that another big tiger will be exposed after Guo Boxiong. 

In an interview with Epoch Times on December 23, 2014, Dr. Li Tianxiao, a political critic of China issues, predicted that (Xi Jinping’s) next step to combat corruption will focus on the forces of Jiang Zemin’s fraction (Jiang Zemin was the General Secretary of the Chinese Communist Party from 1989 to 2002 and President of the People’s Republic of China from 1993 to 2003). He stated, “The ultimate goal of Xi Jinping’s movement to combat tigers (the anti-corruption movement) is to target Jiang Zemin himself.”

Source: Voice of America, December 22, 2014 and Epoch Times, December 23, 2014

Huanqiu: Ling Jihua, Now under Investigation; Owes a Sincere Apology to the Entire Society of China

On December 22, 2014, the official Xinhua News Agency published a brief announcement about the investigation of Ling Jihua for “suspected serious disciplinary violations.” Ling is vice chairman of the Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference, director of the Central United Front Department of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP), and former chief of the Communist Party’s Central Committee’s General Office.

According to an editorial that Huanqiu (the Chinese edition of Global Times) published on December 23, 2014, Chinese netizens cheered across the Internet that same night. There had been speculation as to whether Ling would get into trouble. He was removed from his position as the former chief of the Communist Party’s Central Committee General Office prior to the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China held on November 8, 2012. The editorial hinted that Ling’s downfall was related to “a Ferrari Car Accident” in Beijing on March 18, 2012. His son died in the accident. “Yesterday’s news released a strong message, ‘Anti-corruption will not stop or pause. Regardless how high and how powerful an official is, or how big a tiger, as long as he is verified as being a corrupt official, he will not be exempt.’” Huanqiu‘s comments continued, “We hope that he (Ling) has a deep feeling of guilty now. He owes too much to the public, including a sincere apology to the entire society (of China).”

Source: Xinhua, December 22, 2014 and Huanqiu, December 23, 2014

Huanqiu: Corruption Is Very Serious in the Army

On December 23, 2014, the military section of Huanqiu (the Chinese edition of Global Times) published an article titled, “Corruption Is Very Serious in the Army; Some Corrupt Officials Still Have Not Stopped Being Corrupt.” Corruption includes using the ability to trade in power, money, and sex. Some cases have involved huge amounts of money.

“Some stubborn, deeply hidden corrupt officials have attempted to muddle along.” They have not been discovered. Some even turn a deaf ear to the anti-corruption movement. They have not concluded their corrupt acts; nor do they stop their bribery. The problems are very shocking. “(We) must punish them. Let the corrupt officials really pay a heavy price.”

Source: Huanqiu, December 23, 2014

China News: China Firmly Opposes Obama Selling Frigates to Taiwan

China News recently reported that U.S. President Obama just signed a bill to sell Taiwan four “Perry Class” frigates. These are the USS Taylor, USS Carr, USS Gary and USS Elrod. It is expected that the two parties will complete the transaction next year. The U.S. Congress started pushing this bill toward the end of 2013. It took 13 months to go through the legislative process. The Senate passed the bill on December 4 and the House passed it on December 10. Before the Congress passed the bill, the Spokesperson for the Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs made it clear that the United States is once again breaking its promise and that China strongly opposes this bill. He also called for a complete stop to pushing this bill through and recommended that the President should not sign it. The Chinese government expressed the belief that this bill will “hurt the relationship” between the United States and China.
Source: China News, December 19, 2014

Reporters Without Borders: China Has the Largest Number of Jailed Reporters

BBC Chinese recently reported that the Reporters Without Borders Organization, headquartered in Paris, just released its 2014 summary of global statistics on reporters subjected to violence. According to this latest summary, in 2014, 178 professional reporters were jailed worldwide. Among these reporters, Mainland China jailed 29, which represents a 17 percent share. That is the worst in the world. Also, out of all “citizen journalists” (non-professionals) jailed globally, the Mainland China government jailed 78. Combining the professional and non-professional jailed reporters, Mainland China has a share of around 30 percent, the highest among all nations. The Reporters Without Borders summary especially mentioned well-known Chinese reporter Gao Yu, who is facing a possible 15-year term, which is on top of the seven years she has already served. The summary also mentioned that 1,864 reporters have been attacked or threatened globally. Mainland China attacked or threatened 84 of those, thus ranking it number five (Ukraine, Venezuela and Turkey are the top three nations). 
Source: BBC Chinese, December 16, 2014

The U.S. Plan to Tax Imported Chinese Steel

Well-known Chinese news site Sina recently reported that the U.S. International Trade Commission (ITC) confirmed that carbon and alloy steel imported from China unfairly damaged the U.S. domestic steel industry. It will therefore tax these imports with anti-dumping and countervailing duties. The ITC vote was the final step in the process of approving these punishments. The Chinese steel exporters include three steel manufacturers (Benxi Steel, Rizhao Steel, and Hualing Xiangtan Steel) and an international trade company (Jiangsu Shagang). The ITC ruling was based on complaints filed by ArcelorMittal (USA), Charter Steel, Evraz Pueblo, Gerdau Ameristeel, Keystone Consolidated Industries, and Nucor. 
Source: Sina, December 16, 2014

China’s New-generation Cloud Computing Operating System

According to an article in People’s Daily a new-generation cloud computing operating system, Cloudview 1.8, was recently launched in Beijing. Industry experts indicate that the system is the leader in cloud computing products that comply with the highest national standards. Its launch marks an important step forward in autonomous controllability.
Dawning Information Industry Co., Ltd, (中科曙光”), a state enterprise, developed the system. According to the CEO of Dawning, Cloudview 1.8 has gone through several different versions of technological upgrades in computing, storage, and networking. It can better meet the demand for the infrastructure management of cloud computing while upgrading multi-tenant management, project resource management, and service process management. It has achieved strategic integration of IT infrastructure management and business operation and has fully realized autonomous controllability.
Source: People’s Daily, December 21, 2014