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Xinhua: Obama Is in Trouble, but the China Card Can Save Him

Xinhua published an article stating that, in the upcoming mid-term election in the U.S., Obama is in trouble. The article suggested that playing the China card can help him get out of trouble. It reported that recent polls, conducted one month before the mid-term election, showed that Obama’s public support was 43 percent, far below the 75-year average of 53 percent. "According to a New York Times report, Obama’s low public support makes him a ‘negative asset’ for the Democrats. Many Democratic candidates in swing states have clearly rejected his help in their campaigns, including Iowa, where Obama started his political life."

The article predicted that Republicans will continue to hold the majority of the House but Democrats may lose the Senate. If that happens, "President Obama will become a complete ‘lame duck.’" Then Obama will not be able to achieve much in the next two years, which is likely to burst the Democrats’ dream of keeping the White House in 2016.

Obama’s domestic challenges include the fact that the living standard for the average American has gone down and he has only done a lot of talking about the immigration reform issue. In international affairs, such as the Ukraine crisis, the wars in the Islamic world, and the outbreak of Ebola, Obama’s reaction has been "slow, weak, and ineffective." "His actions have also given the international community a reason to talk about the ‘Decline of the U.S.’"

The article claimed that Sino-U.S. relations are something that Obama can use to improve his international performance.

Source: Xinhua, October 14, 2014

Central Bank: Companies Not Willing to Borrow in Third Quarter

The well-known Chinese news site Sina recently reported that the Chinese Central Bank found that, in the third quarter of this year, the willingness for Chinese companies to take out loans reached the lowest point since the Bank started recording this number. The managers of most of the state-owned Chinese companies are worried about getting further into the debt. It is widely expected that the Chinese economy will not be able to achieve the goal of a 7.5 percent growth rate that the government set. At the same time, the government is also trying to control high risk loans. In addition, the banks are paying more attention to risk management. Trust companies are reducing their business activities in this downturn – they usually obtain funds from small investors and lend money to real estate developers with higher-than-usual interest rates. 
Source: Sina, October 9, 2014

Xinhua: Russian Poll Showed China Considered the Friendliest Country

Xinhua recently reported that the All Russia Public Opinion Research Center released its latest poll results, showing that over half of the Russian population recognized China as the friendliest country. The poll used a sample of 1,600 people across 42 regions of the Russian Federation. When the Research Center conducted the same poll six years ago it found that only 23 percent of those surveyed said China was the friendliest. The poll also showed that Belarus, Kazakhstan, and India are considered friendly. In the meantime, the Russian people have a much worse impression of the United States, the European Union, Germany, and Ukraine. Around 73 percent of those surveyed thought the United States was the biggest enemy. The ratio was only 25 percent six years ago. 
Source: Xinhua, October 9, 2014

Global Times: China Has Become the Largest Economy

Global Times recently reported that, based on the World Bank’s latest calculation, China is now the largest economy in the world. Economic power also brings the power of political influence. Over a decade ago, China surpassed Japan to take second place. Some experts have suggested that China may not be at the top if a different method of calculation is used. The United States has been the largest economy since 1872. After around one and a half centuries, China has finally unseated the United States. China is seeking more power in world class organizations like the International Monetary Fund. With this new development, China hopes the current political balance will have to be adjusted. However China should be worried that the international community may ask China to shoulder more responsibilities. In the long run, India and Indonesia may catch up as challengers. However China is very likely to break the record that the Unites States set, which is to hold the top title for one and a half centuries. 
[Editor’s note: The method of calculaton used is called “purchasing power parity." It compares the purchasing power of the yuan inside China to the purchasing power of a dollar inside the United States.]
Source: Global Times, September 28, 2014

Hong Kong, a Trap Set up for Xi Jinping

Many people view the current Hong Kong democracy movement as a confrontation between the people of Hong Kong and Beijing over universal suffrage and who controls the nomination. Not that many have realized that it also represents in-fighting within the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) itself.

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Central Bank Implies the Economy Has Worsened

China Business News reported that China’s central bank, the People’s Bank of China, stated at its third quarterly meeting that "The intricacies of the financial situation in China should not be underestimated," indicating the economy has worsened. 

According to financial analysts, the statement was significant in view of the message from the previous quarterly meeting where the central bank stated, “The economic and financial structure began to show positive changes, but the situation is still complicated. Both favorable and unfavorable factors coexist." Removal of the positive remark at the central bank’s third quarterly meeting may mean that, presently, negative factors have probably increased compared to the second quarter, adding pressure to the economy. These negative factors are mainly reflected in business conditions and the slowing down of the growth of profit. The latest PMI index shows that the trend of recovery in manufacturing and service industries has stopped. 
As China’s central bank, the People’s Bank of China issues monetary policy and regulates financial institutions in mainland China. 
Source: China Business News, October 8, 2014

The Paper: The True Ranking of the Communist Party Leaders

Recently The Paper, a Shanghai based news portal, reported that there are stringent protocols about the sequential order in which Communist leaders are mentioned in news reports, and that such protocols are not officially acknowledged. 

 The commonly used term, “Party and State leaders,” in news reports is based on the Civil Servant Law of the People’s Republic of China, Article 16, which divides the posts of civil servants into the category of leading posts and non-leading posts. The top levels of leading posts are chiefs at the state level and deputies at the state level. “Party and State leaders” refers to the chiefs and deputies at the state level. 
“Party and State leaders” include the following Communist Party officials: Central Committee General Secretary, Politburo Standing Committee members, Politburo members, Secretariat of the Central Committee, Chairman and Vice Chairman of the Central Military Commission. 
“Party and State leaders” include the following state leaders: President and Vice President of China, Chairman and Vice Chairman of the Standing Committee of the National People’s Congress, Premier, Vice Premiers, State Council members, Chairman and Vice Chairman of the National Committee of the Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference, Chairman and Vice Chairman of the Central Military Commission of the People’s Republic of China.  
Also included in the term “Party and State leaders” are President of the Supreme People’s Court and the Procurators-General of the Supreme People’s Procuratorate. 
It is common that one person holds multiple positions, so the actual number of “Party and State leaders” is lower than the total number of positions. Currently, the total number of Party and State leaders is about 70. 
There are stringent protocols about the sequential order in which Communist leaders are mentioned in news reports. No official documents are available for the public on this matter. Thus, people must figure it out from the news reports. 
Source: The Paper reprinted by, October 9, 2014

People’s Daily: Japan-U.S. Alliance Beautiful Packaging, Ugly Essence

On October 8, Japan and the United States jointly issued an interim report discussing revisions to the "Japan-U.S. Defense Cooperation Guidelines." In a commentary, People’s Daily [overseas edition] stated that the report is just a product beautifully packaged on the outside, but ugly in essence. It exposed the two countries’ true intention of pursuing their selfish interests. 

The article said that Japan has two purposes in promoting the revision to the "Japan-U.S. Defense Cooperation Guidelines." The first is to get rid of the restrictions of the post-war international order. In particular, it wants to eliminate the limitation of its peace constitution on Japan’s development of its armed forces and the rights of the [Japanese] Self-Defense Forces. The second purpose is to target China. 
From the U.S.’ perspective, revising the Defense Guidelines will serve its "Asia-Pacific rebalancing" strategy. The way Americans care about their dominance in the Asia-Pacific region is extreme. However, currently, their internal and external problems plague them. This superpower has difficulty achieving its goals using only its own power. Therefore, the interim report pointed out that the United States needs to develop more balanced and effective alliances. 
The revised "Japan-U.S. Defense Cooperation Guidelines" provide a “blueprint" of how to grab the common interests in the world using the alliance between the two countries as a tool. The thought of Japan-U.S co-dominance is growing insidiously. With the connivance of the United States, Japan may become the new "international police," waving the flag for the "new interventionism." 

Source: Xinhua, October 9, 2014