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People’s Forum: Public Authority Wrongly Transformed

After conducting a survey, People’s Forum, a sub-site of People’s Daily Online, commented on how the public authority in China has undergone a transformation in the wrong direction. The article stated that, from looking at the publicly exposed official corruption cases, it is clear that the public authority has gotten into the wrong hands:

The authority belonging to the public went into the hands of a department (a smaller group). The authority under the control of the department went into the hands of an individual (mainly the number one leader). The authority under the control of the individual went into the hands of his family.

According to the People’s Forum, 68.8 percent of the people surveyed thought that the public authority has been severely abused. Over 60 percent thought that, in China, there is widespread nepotism at the grass roots level. Over half of those surveyed thought that the county official’s power abuse was the most severe abuse. Over half thought that allowing an official’s family to control power was more damaging than other type of power transformation.

Source: People’s Daily Online, April 21, 2014

China Review News: Solve the South China Sea Problem û If Not Now, When?

On April 29, 2014, China Review News published an editorial proposing to settle the South China Sea conflicts. According to the editorial, Russia’s occupation of Crimea shows that the "law of the jungle" still plays an important role in terms of national interests. The Western world is very weak and the United States cannot keep its promise of assuring justice in international conflicts. China should learn from Putin and take a tougher stance on the South China Sea issues and see how it goes.

Source: China Review News, April 29, 2014

China Review News: The United States Will Pay for Assuring Japan of the U.S. Security Commitment

On April 29, 2014, China Review News published an editorial warning that the United States will pay for assuring Japan of its security commitment. According to the article, Obama’s security commitment demonstrates that the United States and Japan target China as their enemy. “If they honor their commitment, the United States will inevitably have military conflicts with China, which is not what the U.S. wants to see, but if the U.S. fails to keep its promise, it will inevitably lose its Asia-Pacific dominance.”

Source: China Review News, April 29, 2014  

People’s Daily: Bribery Is the Primary Reason That Rich Tycoons Are Jailed

People’s Daily recently reported that the Hurun Research Institute’s latest China Regal Special Report shows that 34 top ranking tycoons have been jailed in the past 15 years. For the past 15 years, the Hurun Institute has released an annual list of the Top 100 Richest People in China. The 34 jailed tycoons all made it to the Hurun Top 100 list. According to Hurun, the primary crime for which they were jailed is bribery. This is the third time Hurun has released its Special Report. Out of the 34 tycoons, 20 are in prison, seven have already been released from prison, and another seven have not yet been sentenced. The Hurun Research Institute’s Special Report has long been regarded as “the pig slaughter” in China because the Report brings the surprisingly wealthy people into the public spotlight. It also offers a good starting point for the authorities to begin their investigations. 
Source: People’s Daily, April 26, 2014

Xinhua: State Council Announced New Policies on Infrastructure Projects

Xinhua recently reported on an announcement that Chinese Premier Li Keqiang made at the State Council Executive Meeting. Li stated that the central government has decided to implement new policies allowing private capital to enter some markets involving the construction of infrastructure. These markets include transportation infrastructure like railways and ports, information technology infrastructure, clean energy infrastructure like hydropower, wind power and photovoltaic power generation, traditional energy infrastructure like oil and gas pipe networks, coal and petrochemical bases. The first round of this operation consists of eighty projects, which welcome private investments. A second round is being prepared to open up markets in oil and gas exploration, public utilities, water conservation and airports. The Executive Meeting also discussed the steps in the coming days to push related new laws and government monitoring regulations to ensure that the processes run smoothly.
Source: Xinhua, April 23, 2014

Chinese Currency Exchange Rate Hit a New Low

The well-known Chinese financial web site Netease Financial recently reported that the exchange rate for the RMB has reached RMB 6.2370 for $1 USD, which is the lowest point to which it has fallen in sixteen months. Within this year, the Chinese currency depreciated against the US Dollar by 3.17 percent, making this the fastest depreciation period since 2005. The Chinese central bank suggested that the Chinese authorities are letting the market decide the value of the RMB with less and less government intervention. However, many experts have expressed the belief that the Chinese currency is moving in the direction of continuous depreciation, especially now that the U.S. Federal Reserve is proceeding to exit its quantitative easing policies. As of now, the RMB depreciation has wiped out all the appreciation gained last year, establishing the Chinese currency as the worst performer of all Asian currencies.
Source: Netease Financial, April 24, 2014

Xi Jinping Mentioned “Anti-terrorism” Six Times within Two Months

On the afternoon of the April 25, the Chinese Communist Party’s Politburo held its fourteenth study session, with a focus on national security and social stability. Xi Jinping emphasized the importance of safeguarding national security and social stability in the face of the new situation and new challenges. China News Service estimated that this was the sixth time within two months that Xi Jinping mentioned anti-terrorism.

Xi pointed out, "We must soberly pay attention to the increasing threats and challenges to national security and social stability under the new situation, especially the resonance between a number of different threats and challenges." "The fight against terrorism matters for national security, for the vital interests of the masses, and for the overall situation of reform, development and stability. It is a battle to defend our national unity, social stability, and people’s happiness. We must take decisive measures, keep up the high pressure and firmly crack down on the terrorists’ blatancy."

These are the other five situations in which Xi mentioned "anti-terrorism."

On March 2, after the incident at Kunming’s railway station, Xi Jinping gave an instruction to understand deeply the seriousness and complexity of the anti-terrorism situation and to take effective measures to crack down resolutely on violent and terrorist criminal activities.

On March 4, at a meeting with minority ethnic groups, Xi Jinping said, "We must resolutely oppose all behavior that harms the great unity of all ethnic groups. We must resolutely punish and battle violent terrorist activities according to the law, and we must build an impregnable fortress of ethnic solidarity, social stability, and national unity."

On March 4, in his phone conversation with Russian president Putin, Xi Jinping expressed a willingness to maintain and strengthen anti-terrorist cooperation with Russia.

On March 10, in his phone communications with Obama, Xi Jinping emphasized his willingness to strengthen cooperation with the international community, including the U.S., in battling terrorism.

On April 9, Xi Jinping presented the flag to the "Falcon Commando" special forces of the People’s Armed Police. He asked the PAP, as an important national counter-terrorism force, to be conscientious in implementing the decisions and deployment of the Chinese Communist Party’s Central Committee, to be resolute in cracking down on violent terrorist crimes, and to safeguard national security and social stability.

Source: China News Service, April 27, 2014

China Completed and Handed Over $30 Million Road Project as a Gift to Sierra Leone

On April 26, in Regent, a suburb of Sierra Leone’s capital city Freetown, Chinese Ambassador to Sierra Leone Zhao Yanbo officially handed over the newly constructed Regent-Grafton Road to the Sierra Leone government.

China Railway Seventh Group (CRSG), a subsidiary of the construction conglomerate the China Railway Group, undertook the construction of the 11.26km road, including several bridges and 34 pipe culverts. The project started in April of 2012 and was completed on April 25, 2014. It connects Regent and Kossor Town and helped ease the burden of traffic in Freetown.

The Chinese government provided the funds for the construction, costing US$30 million, through their bilateral development funds. Other major projects of CRSG in this West African country include the 35 km Makeni-Matotoka highway, the 65 km Bo-Kenema Highway, the 62 km Port Loko-Lungi axis, and major urban thoroughfares, including the Wilkinson Road and the Spur Road.

At the ceremony, Sierra Leone President Ernest Bai Koroma praised the Chinese government and the Chinese companies for their active participation in these infrastructure projects.

Source: Xinhua, April 27, 2014