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Outlook on National Security Commission’s First Meeting

Outlook Weekly published an article commenting on the first meeting of the National Security Commission which took place on April 15, 2014. Xi Jinping chaired the committee meeting, with Li Keqiang and Zhang Dejiang as deputies. The Commission was established in November 2013, with the responsibility to oversee all security matters that China faces.

The article stated that, in his speech at the meeting, Xi Jinping presented two new ideas:
1. He raised the “overall national security concept” and the “national security path with Chinese characteristics” for the first time. The “overall national security concept” is bigger than the previous security concepts. It encompasses the people’s safety, political security, economic security, as well as military, cultural, and social security.

2. He emphasized the concept of five “both’s": both external security issues and internal security issues, both the land security issue and the people’s safety issue, both traditional security issues and non-traditional security issues, both the (economic) development issue and the security issue, and both China’s own security issues and common security issues (with other countries).

Source: Outlook Online, April 21, 2014

RFI: The Yuyuan Shoe Factory Strike Continues

Radio France International reported on April 18 that more workers from the Yuyuan Shoe Factory have joined the strike that started a few days ago. The factory is located in Dongguan, Guangdong Province, which is very close to Hong Kong. The factory is owned by a Taiwanese company that is an important supplier of Nike and Adidas. The Yuyuan Shoe Factory is the largest shoe manufacturer in the world. The strike started a few days back when around 30,000 workers called for the company to make larger social security payments [some media reported that worker’s wanted the company’s social security contributions to be made in accordance with Chinese law]. The number of workers on strike quickly doubled within four days, to over 60,000 in total. This strike is becoming the largest labor strike in the history of China under communist rule. The communist labor union and the local police are siding with the company management by forcing the workers to go back to work. As of the time Chinascope published this briefing, the situation was still developing.

Source: RFI, April 18, 2014

BBC Chinese: One Fifth of China’s Arable Land Is Polluted

BBC Chinese reported that the Chinese Ministry of Environmental Protection recently released a research report which indicated that 16.1 percent of China’s land and 19.4 percent of China’s arable land are polluted. The scope of the research on which the report was based was sizeable, covering two thirds of all land in Mainland China. The research showed that the three heavy metals of cadmium, nickel, and arsenic are the primary pollutants in China’s soil. The Ministry said in an announcement that it is very hard to remain optimistic about the quality of China’s soil. Both the government and the Chinese people are worried about the irreparable damage brought about by China’s rapid industrialization process. The government is in the process of coming up with more comprehensive environmental protection laws. The research report also concluded that there are three primary heavy industry regions that have suffered the most severe damage from pollution. They are the Yangtze River Delta Area on the east coast, the Zhujiang Delta Area in the south, and the traditional heavy industry base in Northeastern China.

Source: BBC Chinese, April 18, 2014

Wal-Mart China Complained about the Food Safety Issue

Well-known Chinese news site Sohu recently reported that the top management at Wal-Mart China met recently with officials from the China Food and Drug Administration (CFDA). The management called for the scope of government monitoring of food labeling to be extended. Currently the CFDA only regulates retailers on food labeling but not manufacturers. In the past few years, a number of retailers have run into trouble because they were held responsible for the unsafe food that suppliers had provided. The best effort retailers can make for now is to ensure that the government correctly licenses these suppliers. The food quality is largely dependent on the supplier’s honesty. Retailers have been inspecting a certain number of samples of the food that the manufacturers supply, but this by no means covers the full range of the products they offer in stores. It is widely believed that end-to-end food safety control is required, especially on the source side, which includes suppliers. The cost for retailers to do a full-scale food inspection would be too high and unreasonable.

Source:, April 17, 2014

Silent Contest II

[Editor’s Note: The PLA National Defense University recently created an educational video called “较量无声” (Silent Contest) on the behind-the-scenes battle between China and the United States. [1] General Liu Yazhou, Political Commissar of the military institution and son-in-law of former president Li Xiannian, produced the work. It postulated that the Soviet Union’s collapse was due to the U.S.’ “peaceful revolution.” Using that viewpoint to examine the Sino-U.S. relationship, the video concluded that, while the U.S. has maintained an outward appearance of warmth and peaceful cooperation, beneath the surface it has always been trying to destroy China, using the same methods it applied to the Soviet Union.

To support its premise, the video further outlined five areas in which the U.S. is undermining China: political infiltration, cultural infiltration, public opinion and ideological infiltration, organizational infiltration, and political interference and social infiltration.

Silent Contest circulated widely on the Internet in late October 2013, and began disappearing from Chinese websites on Thursday night, October 31, 2013. [2] Nevertheless, a number of media have commented on it. [3]

Please note that the source of a number of quotes in English could not be identified. Unless the original English source is indicated in the end notes, the quotes in the video are translated from the Chinese text in the video. The translation of the Prelude and Part I of the video have already been published and can be found on the Chinascope website at:

The following is a translation of Part II.]

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In Spite of Concerns for “Ghost” Towns, Many Chinese Cities Plan for Massive Expansion

Prefecture-level cities are one level below the capital cities in China’s administrative hierarchy. In a government survey of 156 prefecture-level cities in 12 provinces, over 90 percent were planning for the development of new metropolitan districts. Additionally, the 12 provincial capital cities were planning for a total of 55 new districts. One city was found to be planning 13 new districts. At the same time, the planned areas of the new districts continue to increase in size. 
Experts have expressed concern for such a pace of "urbanization." One problem is the blind pursuit of large urban districts. In the same city, many features are being duplicated and the construction is redundant. There are also concerns about over-investment, potential bad debts, and more "ghost" towns.
Source: People’s Daily Online, April 20, 2014

Record High Chinese Investment in the U.S. in 2013

According to Jennifer Zimdahl Galt, the U.S. Consul General in Guangzhou, China has become the world’s fastest growing investor in the U.S. In 2013, Chinese investments in the U.S. hit a record of more than US$14 billion; double that of the 2012 level.
Starting in 2014, the U.S. stepped up its efforts to entice Chinese to invest. Between April 15 and April 18, "Select America," a U.S. Commerce Department program, for the first time reached out to four cities in China’s Pearl River Delta region: Hong Kong, Shenzhen, Shunde, and Guangzhou.
Source: China News Service, April 18, 2014

High Ranking Military Officials Collectively Vow Loyalty to Xi Jinping

On April 18, in a rare move, the PLA Daily dedicated a special page to the publication of a list of articles authored by a group of high ranking military officials. The main theme of the articles was "Conduct of an In-depth Study and Implementation of Chairman Xi’s Important Exposition on National Defense and the Buildup of the Military; Advance the  Great Practice of Building a Stronger Army from a New Starting Point."
The officials included:
Cheng Tongyi, Deputy Political Commissar and Chairman of the Political Department of the Beijing Military Region 
Wang Xixin, Deputy Commander of the Shenyang Military Region
Wang Jun, Deputy Commander of the Jinan Military Region
Miao Hua, Deputy Political Commissar of the Lanzhou Military Region
Zheng Qin, Deputy Commander of the Guangzhou Military Region
Xiong Andong, Commander of the Fujian Provincial Military Region
Ceng Xu, Assistant to the Chairman of the General Political Department
Chen Yong, Assistant to the General Chief of Staff
Lu Fuen, Deputy Commander of the Second Artillery Corps
Zhang Jianping, Deputy Commander of the PLA Air Force
Su Zhiqian, Commander of the East China Sea Fleet of the PLA Navy
Chen Pinghua, Deputy Political Commissar of the Chengdu Military Region
Wu Jieming, Deputy Political Commissar of National Defense University
Lang Youliang, Deputy Political Commissar of the PLA Academy of Military Sciences
Wang Jingzhong, Political Commissar of a base of the General Armament Department
Liu Shengjie, Deputy Political Commissar of the General Logistic Department
Dai Sujun, Deputy Commander of the People’s Armed Police
Source: PLA Daily, April 18, 2014