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Food and Beverage Industry Suffered Lowest Growth in 21 Years

On February 8, 2014, the China Cuisine Association published a report indicating that the revenue for China’s food and beverage industry in 2013 was 25.392 trillion yuan (US$4.19 trillion), up 9 percent from 2012. This represented the lowest growth in 21 years. The report also stated that, in 2013, the business structure of the food and beverage industry underwent a major shift: high end food and beverage businesses suffered the greatest losses. Their revenue declined for the first time, while the mid-range food and beverage businesses gained main stream popularity. The report said that the high end businesses are slowly adjusting their business model to find their niche in the industry. However, the pressure to stay in business in the industry remains high in general. The report also suggested that, in 2013, Microblog, food, and restaurant review websites such as weixin and WeChat became the new sales platform for food and beverage businesses.

Source: People’s Daily, February 9, 2014 The United States Has No Right to Make Irresponsible Remarks about the South China Sea, an authorized portal site established by the Chinese government, published a commentary stating that the United States has no right to make irresponsible remarks on the South China Sea issue. 

The commentary was responding to the statement the U.S. State Department made following a Japanese media report that China had developed a draft plan to establish an air defense identification zone in the South China Sea. The U.S. statement claimed that China’s action was “a unilateral provocative act.” 

The article stated that this was the second time in recent years that the United States had accused China of "provocation" for defending the sovereignty of the South China Sea. It argued that the Chinese government has the right and duty to implement management of the biological and non-biological resources in the related reefs and waters. Even if China really announces an identification zone in the South China Sea, it is China’s business and China has the right to do so. Why is the United States so sensitive about the South China Sea issue?
The article said that it is the United States that is provocative in the South China Sea. The new U.S. Navy Littoral Combat Ship is "free" in the South China Sea and earlier made a "standardized routine" cruise and carried out simultaneous "comprehensive reconnaissance missions." The United States has had a military presence in the South China Sea for decades. When did the U.S. ever give a reasonable explanation? The United States sending warships to the South China Sea is itself a "provocative" act and is a manifestation of the U.S’s strategy of returning to the Asia-Pacific. 

Source: and Huanqiu, February 4, 2014

IHL: The U.S. Military Does Not Have a Patent on the Hypersonic Missile

The International Herald Leader (IHL, under Xinhua News Agency) published a commentary regarding the U.S.’s response to China’s hypersonic missile "weapons" test. Below is a summary of the article. 

On January 9, 2014, China conducted a hypersonic missile "weapons" test. The missile will be used for defending the U.S. missile defense system. A U.S. official stated that China’s new hypersonic weapons test marks an important advance for the Chinese new strategic nuclear and conventional missile development program. 
The article stated that the U.S. has continuously hyped in high profile regarding China’s weapons and spacecraft tests, which is the same as hyping and spreading the “China threat" theory. The reason for this is to create a sense of urgency for the United States mission and arouse a sense of crisis among U.S. allies. After all, the U.S. is treating China as its core opponent in its Asia-Pacific rebalancing strategy. At the same time, hyping China’s military power can help "unite" the U.S.’s many Asia-Pacific allies to fight against China.
The article concluded that, to break the "missile defense system" built by U.S.-led allies and the "China threat theory" encirclement, and to control the discourse power, what China needs most is [military] strength. The U.S. does not, by any means, have an exclusive patent on the hypersonic missile. If the Europeans can make it, the Russians can do it, and the Japanese are also working on it, then China has no reason not to do it. Only when China becomes really strong will the [China military threat] noise eventually disappear. 
Source: International Herald Leader (under Xinhua), January 20, 2014                              

Health Authorities Downplay H7N9 Cases

Xinhua reported that the health authorities in Guangdong Province have beem downplaying information about the H7N9 epidemic. “They no longer actively release case information to the media and case notifications no longer contain the words ‘history of contact with live poultry.’” 

Reports indicate that poultry trade associations in Guangdong Province and Guangxi Province have submitted letters to different levels of the government requesting suspension of regular information release regarding H7N9 so they can avoid over-reporting on the epidemic.” 
According to health authorities, there were 110 confirmed H7N9 cases from January 1 to 28 and 20 fatalities. Most of these cases occurred in Zhejiang Province, Guangdong Province, and Shanghai. 
Source: Xinhua, February 4, 2014

Study Times: Ensure the Chinese Communist Party’s Publications Carry the Voice of Authority

On January 27, 2014, Study Times, a journal of the Party School of the Central Committee of the Chinese Communist Party, published an article on how to ensure the voice of authority of the Chinese Communist Party’s publications. According to the article, the Party’s publications must promote all kinds of achievements, lead the diverse social thought trend with the socialist core value system, and have the courage to face and actively respond to social hot spots and emergencies so as to lead public opinion. Internationally, the Party’s publications must create new concepts and new expressions that both China and the West accept and they must propagandize China and the Chinese Communist Party around the world.

“The essential attribute of the Party’s publications is to uphold the Party’s principles and lead public opinion. As for the management system, the organizations of the Party’s publications must be important departments of the Party and the government. In terms of the propaganda content, the Party’s publications must mainly promote the Party’s theories, the Party’s line, the Party’s principles, the Party Central Committee’s important decisions and plans, and the Party Central Committee’s major analyses and judgments on (China’s and the world’s) situation. Politically, [the Party’s publications] must maintain a high level of consistency with the Party’s Central Committee and resolutely safeguard the authority of the Central Committee. As for staffing, most news propaganda workers must become determined Marxists.”

Source: Study Times, January 27, 2014

Study Times: China’s Dream Includes a Stronger Army and an Outgoing Military Strategy

On January 27, 2014, Study Times, a journal of the Party School of the Central Committee of the Chinese Communist Party, published an article on how China’s dream includes a stronger army. Up until now, China’s basic military strategy has been self-defense, to defend China’s mainland. According to the article, as China rises, China’s military strategy should be more and more outgoing. “(We) should not only be effective in deterring and defeating any aggression against our native mainland; we should also be effective in deterring and stopping any country that is against our vital interests abroad and deterring and stopping any neighboring countries that play with fire and intensify conflicts.”   

As for China’s vital interests, the article particularly mentioned the Nansha Islands (Spratly Islands), the Diaoyu Islands (Senkaku Islands), and outer space. 

Source: Study Times, January 27, 2014

Xinhua: HSBC January Chinese PMI Hit Six-Month Low

Xinhua recently reported that the newly released HSBC January Chinese Manufacturing PMI (Purchasing Managers Index) number showed a six-month low, at 49.5. This is the first time since August 2013 that the number fell below 50. Qu Hongbin, HSBC Chief Economist of the China Region, commented that the Chinese manufacturing industry demonstrated a very weak start in 2014, mainly caused by the low volume of new export orders and the low level of domestic business activities. Companies surveyed suggested that some primary export markets are seeing a lower demand. Qu suggested that the decision makers should pay attention to the risks, which may require policy adjustments. PMI is an indicator of financial activity reflecting purchasing managers’ acquisition of goods and services. A PMI number below 50 typically reflects a decline.
Source: Xinhua, January 30, 2014

China Daily: ICBC to Take over the International Branch of Standard Bank

China Daily recently reported that the Industrial and Commercial Bank of China (ICBC), which is the largest commercial bank in China, will acquire 60 percent of the International Market Division of the Standard Bank of South Africa for US$765 million. The International Market Division is headquartered in London. If approved, ICBC’s control will make it the first large Chinese state-owned bank to have large-scale operations in London. The British authorities used to refuse Chinese banks wanting to establish branches in London. Standard Bank of South Africa is the largest commercial bank in Africa. In 2008, it sold 20 percent of its stock to ICBC. In recent years, the Standard Bank has been shifting its focus to high growth regions in Africa. The latest deal will also give ICBC a five-year right to acquire an additional 20 percent of the International Market Division from Standard Bank.
Source: China Daily, January 31, 2014