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China News: Significant Bursts in China’s Housing Bubble

China News recently reported that China’s official top-level think tank acknowledged the fact that prices are plummeting in some areas of China’s housing market. Li Wei, Director of the State Council Development Research Center, reported at a conference that risks are escalating in the housing market. The bubbles are already bursting in tier-three and tier-four cities. [Editor’s note: tier-three and tier-four cities are typically mid-sized cities that are not the national or provincial capital.] The Research Center recently released a report on studies and statistics which demonstrated that the Chinese housing market shows the “highest uncertainty in today’s Chinese economy.” While top-tier cities still enjoy rising housing prices, more and more “ghost towns” [Editor’s note: These are newly developed towns that remain vacant because there are no real estate buyers.] are appearing in or near smaller cities, which is becoming a heavy burden to the financial system.
Source: China News, October 30, 2013

Xinhua: Japan Unable to Understand China’s Protest on Exercise Interference

Xinhua recently reported that Yang Yujun, spokesperson for the Chinese Defense Ministry, announced at a press conference that the Japanese Navy has performed intensive following, monitoring, and intelligence gathering whenever the Chinese Navy was in the middle of a military exercise mission in the Western Pacific high seas. China officially protested against the Japanese Navy’s behavior. However the Japanese Defense Minister stated on November 1 that he was “completely unable to understand” China’s reaction as international law permits Japan’s activities, so they are therefore fully lawful. The Japanese government expressed the intent to continue to pay attention to China’s military activities. Yang Yujun also warned that Japan’s recent activities have frequently “produced a war-time atmosphere.”
Source: Xinhua, November 1, 2013

Beijing to Include Counter Terrorism and Anti-Violence in Public Stability Work

Following the October 28 incident in Beijing in which a car crashed into a crowd in Beijing’s Tiananmen Square causing five deaths and dozens of injuries, Guo Jinlong, Secretary of the Beijing Municipal Party Committee, issued a directive that counter terrorism and anti-violence measures are to be included in the city’s public stability work. According to Guo, the effort will focus on the development of public safety measures in strategic key locations and improve the early warning ability of the city’s management system, especially in its data collection on the mobile population living in leased apartments and hotels.

Source: Xinhua, November 3, 2013

Qiushi Commentary on Firming Up Party Member’s Ideology Beliefs

Qiushi published a commentary in which it reiterated the importance of the recent speech that President Xi Jinping made about firming up Party member’s beliefs in ideology. Xi recently participated in a Party committee forum in Hubei Province where he again stressed that the Party cadres must not waver in their beliefs and should “strive for the lofty ideal of achieving socialism with Chinese characteristics.” Xi said that wavering in one’s belief creates the most danger; it matters to the success and survival of the Party and the country.

The commentary said that Xi’s speech carries significant meaning in maintaining the Party’s absolute leadership and in being persistent in moving forward in the development of socialism with Chinese characteristics under the current “complicated international environment.” It talked about the importance of holding a belief in ideology and alerted the Party members to be on guard against slipping and wavering in their belief, which, it said, is what caused the collapse of the Soviet Union. It also listed four standards that are the requirements for Party members. These include a willingness to serve the people; to suffer hardship; to work hard and be ethical; and to be willing to sacrifice their personal life for their belief.

Source: Qiushi Theory, October 30, 2013

Media: The Communist Party Covered up Bo Xilai’s Real Crimes

A recent VOA report discussed how the Bo Xilai trial covered up both the political coup in which Bo had been involved and the crime of live organ harvesting.

The article reported a netizen’s comments on the end of Bo’s political life after his appeal was rejected. It quoted a tweet from a netizen named "Handsome Water:" "Bo Xilai thought he had the upper hand against the CCP’s vital position and could escape the legal punishment due because of his political coup and the crime of live organ harvesting, so he kept showing off his ‘smile’ during the trial." "Although, Bo Xilai could escape for this moment, he will never escape for his whole lifetime. When the CCP collapses, Bo Xilai’s live organ harvesting crime will for sure be brought up and he will be tried. At that time, he will finally face his punishment under the law."

The report didn’t specifically mention the victims of live organ harvesting. Falun Gong practitioners have reported repeatedly that the CCP has committed this crime against its members in China.

Earlier, Epoch Times published a special commentary on Bo’s trial, stating that he and the Communist Party acted in concert; they deliberately covered up the most crucial truth about his trial: a political coup and the persecution of Falun Gong practitioners.

The commentary pointed out that the trial was not about Bo’s strategy of "Sing Red and Strike Black." Rather, it was about the underlying conspiracy to usurp power, which the Communist leaders could not tolerate. It further pointed out that Bo’s conspiracy to seize power was not simply a matter of personal ambition, but a major step for a group that former President Jiang Zemin, Zeng Qinghong, and Zhou Yongkang led to continue the persecution of Falun Gong and to avoid accountability for that persecution. According to the commentary, the group decided that Bo Xilai would take over instead of Xi Jinping, would continue the persecution, and would make Hu Jintao, Wen Jiabao, and other political opponents the scapegoats.

1. VOA, October 31, 2013
2. Epoch Times, September 8, 2013

Red Flag Manuscript: Develop and Expand the State Economy

[Editor’s Note: Red Flag Manuscript published an article that pointed out how critical the State-Owned Economy is for China in its current stage of development. The article argued that the world is in an era of capitalism in which financial monopolies prevail. In this era, the dominant force is the international conglomerates that have monopoly or oligopoly positions in an industry. Therefore, China should also develop and expand its State-Owned Enterprises (SOEs) so it can stay alive. The author, Zhou Miao, is from the Institute of Marxism at the China Academy of Social Science. The following is an excerpt from the article.] [1]

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Media: The Communist Party Covered up the Real Purpose of Bo’s Trial

A recent VOA report discussed how the Bo Xilai trial covered up both the political coup in which Bo had been involved and the crime of live organ harvesting.

The article reported a netizen’s comments on the end of Bo’s political life after his appeal was rejected. It quoted a tweet from a netizen named “Handsome Water:” “Bo Xilai thought he had the upper hand against the CCP’s vital position and could escape the legal punishment due because of his political coup and the crime of live organ harvesting, so he kept showing off his ‘smile’ during the trial.” “Although, Bo Xilai could escape for this moment, he will never escape for his whole lifetime. When the CCP collapses, Bo Xilai’s live organ harvesting crime will for sure be brought up and he will be tried. At that time, he will finally face his punishment under the law.”

The report didn’t specifically mention the victims of live organ harvesting. Falun Gong practitioners have been repeatedly reporting that the CCP has committed this crime against its members in China.

Earlier, Epoch Times published a special commentary on Bo’s trial, stating that he and the Communist Party acted in concert; they deliberately covered up the most crucial truth about his trial: a political coup and the persecution of Falun Gong practitioners.

The commentary pointed out that the trial was not about Bo’s strategy of “Sing Red and Strike Black.” Rather, it was about the underlying conspiracy to usurp power, which the Communist leaders could not tolerate. It further pointed out that Bo’s conspiracy to seize power was not simply a matter of personal ambition, but a major step of a group that former President Jiang Zemin, Zeng Qinghong, and Zhou Yongkang led to continue the persecution of Falun Gong and to avoid accountability for that persecution. According to the commentary, the group decided that Bo Xilai would take over instead of Xi Jinping, would continue the persecution, and would make Hu Jintao, Wen Jiabao, and other political opponents the scapegoats.  

1. VOA, October 31, 2013
2. Epoch Times, September 8, 2013

China Won’t Use War to Destroy Japan but Will Use a Protracted Fight to Make it Suffer Chronic Pain

Huanqiu [under People’s Daily] published a commentary claiming that, in case the conflict between them escalates into war, China will let Japan suffer long-term chronic pain instead of a one-time hit. Below are some selected excerpts from the article.

"Japan announced that it would consider "shooting down" China’s drone if it flew over the Diaoyu Islands. China’s Defense Ministry spokesman responded by saying that, if the Japan were to do so, it would be an ‘act of war.’ The Chinese side would certainly and decisively ‘fight back.’" 
"Today, the official exchange of words between China and Japan no longer avoids such words as ‘shooting down,’ ‘war,’ and so on. Japanese media keep shouting about ‘besieging’ China. The possibility of the Sino-Japanese friction escalating into military conflict is becoming more and more real."  
"We believe that China must be clear about what we really want to fight for in the conflict over the Diaoyu Islands and what we should insist on in the escalating fight with Japan." 
"War is probably a hurdle that China needs to step over. We need to cross it mentally." 
"We should not have illusions that, once the war starts, that we can ‘destroy Japan.’ We need to do serious damage to Japan and let its losses be ‘slightly bigger’ than China’s. We should fight a protracted war with Japan and make it suffer long-term chronic pain. China will not use the war to ‘destroy Japan.’ China will ultimately crush Japan with the increase in its strength. In fact, what Japan fears most is China’s calmness and lasting determination."

Source: People’s Daily, October 28, 2013