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BBC Chinese: Chinese Netizens Doubt the Shanghai Government

BBC Chinese recently reported that the City government of Shanghai just announced that it will become a “government by law” within five years. The new announcement promised to change the role of the government dramatically, to improve the laws, to deliver better transparency, to encourage public participation in the political process, and to make Shanghai the regional government with the highest approval rating in the nation. The government claimed to have a detailed plan with a timeline. However no details have been released. The announcement triggered a widespread discussion online among Chinese netizens. Most of the comments online expressed doubt. Some suggested that, finally, the government admitted it is not based on the law. Some called for a deeper investigation into the recent scandal involving a group of Shanghai High Court judges caught on tape with prostitutes who a large state-owned company had paid. 
Source: BBC Chinese, November 7, 2013

OPEC: The Chinese Automobile Market will Support an Increase in the Demand for Oil

Global Times recently reported that OPEC just adjusted its earlier long-term oil market forecast on market demand to show an increase. This is the first time in six years that OPEC has projected an optimistic forecast. The organization also re-estimated China’s automobile market size. OPEC expressed the belief that the world demand for oil will be 108.5 million barrels per day by the year 2035. The organization also estimated that China’s “vehicle parc” will increase by 380 million over the next 22 years. That will be the equivalent of every 1000 people owning 320 vehicles. This rate of increase is based on the same pace that Japan had in the 1990s. The OPEC report also expected that the Indian automobile market would show rapid growth. However the U.S. shale oil and the Canadian oil sands have been rapidly changing the landscape of the oil market, making today’s reality very much different from OPEC’s forecast made two years ago. 
Source: Global Times, November 8, 2013

CRN: Chinese Army’s Regimental Combat Troops Armed with Beidou Positioning System

China Review News (CRN) recently reported that nearly all Chinese regimental combat troops have been equipped with the Beidou global positioning system. The Beidou system is the Chinese home-grown positioning system that the Chinese military operates. The system claims to be the world’s third largest global positioning system (the U.S. GPS being number one). The Chinese military started developing the system in 1985, after Chinese missiles failed to receive the U.S. GPS signals. The Chinese system uses only two satellites, which work jointly with a “height distance” database to offer precise positioning. It is considered to have the world’s most secure architecture with the widest coverage for a two-satellite system. The Chinese military aims to accomplish global coverage by the year 2020.
Source: China Review News, November 9, 2013

Qiushi on Chinese Culture Going Abroad

Qiushi republished an article from Guangming Daily about Chinese culture going abroad. The article drew the conclusion that "Chinese culture needs to go abroad; ‘going abroad’ is not to change other people but to let the world understand China and Chinese culture. Letting others accept Chinese culture is to let them accept it voluntarily."

The author discussed the forms for spreading Chinese culture. His suggestion was to provide as many culture products and culture services overseas as possible. Another approach is to have a large number of Chinese go overseas. Those people are the ones who spread Chinese culture. If they demonstrate a good personal quality and civilized behavior, Chinese culture will have a higher status.

Source: Qiushi, November, 8, 2013

Xinhua Comments on Explosions in Taiyuan

On November 7, Xinhua published a commentary on the multiple explosions that took place in front of the Provincial Communist Party building in Taiyuan, the capital of Shanxi Province.

“On November 6, there was an explosion in front of the Provincial Party building with one fatality, one in critical condition, and seven with minor injuries. Police have found steel balls and circuit boards on the site. The preliminarily determination is that the explosions were set off deliberately.” 

“Some recent bombings have gone beyond an ordinary individual ‘venting,’ and have even put on the cloak of terrorism. As ordinary citizens, on the one hand, [we] should be vigilant and create in the whole society a situation ‘to prevent and to fight back against such actions so that acts of extreme violence will have no opportunity to start. On the other hand, we must also remain cool and calm and not exaggerate the significance of such extreme violence. China has already entered the era of a complex society. Modern terrorism and extremist activities outside China are very frequent. Inevitably there are a few flies [in China] that follow them.” 
“Security and order are still the main theme in China. The law will eventually punish any acts of extreme violence.” 
Source: Xinhua, November 7, 2013

Xi Jinping Calls on Military to Resolutely Obey the Party’s Commands

Xi Jinping, China’s President, who is also chairman of the Central Military Commission of the Communist Party, met with delegates of the People’s Liberation Army (PLA) who were attending a seminar in Beijing on Party development. During the meeting, Xi called on the military to uphold the leadership of the Communist Party and advocated strengthening Party development in the military. 

“The most fundamental reason that our military has been able to overcome all kinds of hardships and has moved from victory to victory is that the military steadfastly obeys and follows the Party. This is the soul and lifeblood of our military which we should never change or lose. The primary task of the Party’s development in the military is to ensure the CPC’s absolute leadership which is also the fundamental requirement of Party development in the military. … [Our military] must unswervingly adhere to the fundamental principle and system of the Party’s absolute leadership over the military to ensure that at any time under any circumstances the military resolutely obeys the commands of the Party Central Committee and the Central Military Committee.” 
Source:, November 7, 2013

China’s Central Bank: Real Estate and Local Government Debt Are Most Worrisome

On November 6, Xinhua reprinted an article from Beijing Youth Daily on the worries that China’s central bank faces. The bank stated that real estate and local government debt have become its most worrisome macroeconomic issues. 

In the Third Quarter Monetary Policy Report from the People’s Bank of China, China’s central bank warned that inflation is likely to increase during the fourth quarter because of rising labor and service costs and higher rents. 
The bank stated that China faces many risks and challenges in its economic operations. “The new strong growth momentum remains to be formed. The economy may experience de-leveraging and capacity reduction over a long period of time. There are major problems in the real estate sector and in local government debts. The structural adjustment and transformation of the development mode remain as arduous tasks.” 
Source: Beijing Youth Daily reprinted by Xinhua, November 6, 2013

Qiushi on the Direction of China’s Economy

A recent Qiushi article discussed the direction of China’s economy. It stated that China should continue relying on development-based high economic growth to solve its problems.

The author argued that, with a per capita GDP of US$6,090, for the next ten years China should still rely on the high economic growth model in order to reach US$12,000. By then it will be able to join the ranks of developed countries.

He rebutted the idea of laying blame for China’s current economic and social problems, such as environmental pollution, an increasing gap in income distribution, an imbalance between urban and village development, an imbalance in regional development, and insufficient public services, on the rapid economic development in the past. Instead, the author argued that the problems that have occurred during economic development can only be solved in through the process of further development.

The author listed the following as the direction for economic development: expanding consumption by taking real estate and the automobile as the driving force; developing a third industry to absorb a large number of unemployed people; getting more farmers off the land to work in cities; building a system to encourage more innovation; and developing and improving capital markets.

Source: Qiushi, November 1, 2013