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Qiushi Advocates Red Culture to Safeguard the CCP’s Ruling Status

On September 24, 2013, Qiushi, a journal of the Central Committee of the Chinese Communist Party, published an article titled, “Red Culture: The Chinese People’s Spiritual Backbone.”  The "red culture," according to the article, is the “advanced culture” that the Chinese Communist Party created during the process of leading the Chinese people of all ethnic groups to carry out the revolution (overthrowing the Nationalist government that the Kuomintang Party led), to build the nation (the People’s Republic of China) and to reform the country’s economy. China’s red culture originated from Marxism-Leninism and selected “excellent” traditional Chinese culture including folk culture and selected “excellent” world culture. “We can proudly announce that the Chinese Communists and the Chinese people are excellent successors and developers of mankind’s outstanding cultures.”

According to the article, the soul of the red culture is Marxism and the theme of the red culture is the socialist ideal with the Chinese characteristics, i.e., the China dream. The purpose of promoting China’s red culture is to fight against 1) the infiltration of universal values, 2) Neoliberalism that advocates complete privatization across the country, 3) "constitutional democracy" which copies the Western multiparty system and would subvert the Chinese Communist Party’s ruling status, 4) the theory of "modern civil society" that permits the set up of new political forces and opposition parties, 5) the public intellectuals’ theory which would create a legal basis and the space in public opinion for intellectual dissidents, and 6) freedom of the press which would negate the principle of the Party’s control over news reports. The article further enumerates several suggestions on how to promote China’s red culture and expand the soft power of red culture.

Source: Qiushi, September 24, 2013

Xinhua: Government Cracked Down on Illegal Mobile News Apps

Xinhua recently reported that the National Internet Information Office has been cracking down on some mobile news apps such as “ZAKER News Reader” and “Bee News." The Office has required that these mobile apps be removed from the market and report back to the authorities to confirm their legal compliance status. The key accusation against these mobile news clients was “offering news services without proper government certification.” The National Internet Information Office provided more details, suggesting that these news apps distributed “inappropriate information that may have endangered adolescent health” and that they disrupted “the orderly dissemination of online news.” According to several Chinese laws governing Internet information services, all Chinese Internet news providers must register with and get certified by the corresponding government administrative office which regulates and manages Iinternet information content. 
Source: Xinhua, September 30, 2013

People’s Daily: Beijing PM2.5 Pollution Reached Hazardous Level

People’s Daily reported that, on October 5, Beijing’s air pollution level peaked out in the morning with PM2.5 readings in a number of different locations reaching as high as 240. The Beijing Municipal Environmental Monitoring Center has been monitoring PM2.5 levels continuously and has strongly suggested that Beijing residents stay indoors, especially children, the elderly, and people with heart or lung disease. On October 6, the pollution intensified. In some areas the PM2.5 24-hour average number reached 435.
PM2.5 particles are air pollutants with a diameter of 2.5 micrometers or less, small enough to invade even the smallest airways. These particles generally come from activities that burn fossil fuels, such as traffic, smelting, and metal processing. The World Health Organization (WHO) considers a PM2.5 number below 10 to be safe. The highest PM2.5 level in Beijing was recorded by the U.S. Embassy on December 4, 2011. That number was 522. China started official monitoring not long after that. New York’s PM2.5 peak level was 68 on October 5, 2013.

[Editor’s note: According to a U.S. Embassy site in Beijing (, a reading of 201 to 300 is considered unhealthy; 301-500 is considered hazardous.]

Source: People’s Daily, October 5 & 6, 2013

BBC Chinese: Internet Public Opinion Analyst Has Become an Official Career

BBC Chinese recently reported that the Chinese Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security officially recognized a new career category called Internet Public Opinion Analyst and has started to issue certificates. These analysts are expected to collect netizens’ viewpoints and attitudes and then to come up with reports for government decision makers. It is estimated that there are around two million people currently performing this type of work in China. Some experts described it as “browsing the web for leaders.” The announcement triggered a widespread discussion on the Internet and many netizens called the new position “Professional 50-Cent Party Members.” [Editor’s note: It is well known that the Chinese government secretly pays people 50 cents per posting to post pro-government comments on the Internet. These people are considered members of the “50-Cent Party.”] Government experts suggested that the new job category is a direct result of the Internet’s impact on media that is traditionally government controlled. 
Source: BBC Chinese, October 4, 2013

Housing Prices Rose for 16 Consecutive months; Beijing Had the Highest Increase

Guangming Daily carried an article stating that, according to the statistics published by the China Index Academy, in September 2013, the average increase in housing prices for 100 cities in China was 10,554 yuan (US$1,724) per square meter, up 1.07 percent from August. According to the article, this was 16th consecutive month that saw an increase. The average increase in 10 large cities, including Beijing and Shanghai, was 18,179 yuan (US$2,930) per square meter, up 13 percent compared to the same period last year. The article stated that, of those 10 cities, Beijing had the highest increase. It also pointed out that, while the housing prices for the first tier cities kept increasing, the prices in third and fourth tier cities have  remained relatively stable and are not expected to see much fluctuation in the future..

Source: Guangming Daily, October 2, 2013

Guangming Daily on the Importance of the Party’s Ideology Work

Guangming Daily published a commentary on the importance of the Party’s ideology work. It stated that, whether the party ideology work can do well or not affects to “Party’s future fate, its long term stability, and the country’s unity.” According to the article, the western countries have always held hostile, biased opinions towards the socialist system. The propaganda emanating from western democracies consists simply of “beautiful lies,” which are mainly against the Chinese Communist Party and China’s socialist system. Therefore, the article stated, the Party members should constantly be clear headed and on guard to react while understanding and "clarifying the truth about the western political value system and not to be fooled by it.”

Source: Guangming Daily, October 4, 2013

On the New Requirements for Party Development Work at the Grassroots Level

Guangming Daily published an article exploring ideas on the new requirements for Party development work at the grassroots level including how to comply with the current situation while coping with new challenges resulting from social and economic development. The article suggested that, in order to cope with the constant job changes and urbanization, the grass roots Party unit can be set up as the “community based” Party unit in addition to the traditional work unit or residential association based unit. The article also emphasized the need to strengthen the Party unit’s scientific operation at the grassroots level in the new informational technology era. It stated that, currently, the Party cadres are lacking the ability to conduct grassroots work using the new media and guiding public opinion. Therefore, it urgently needs group Party cadres who can be professionally trained to manage the Party members properly, as they are constantly on the move, and who are able to utilize the Internet to host Party organizational activities.

Source: Guangming Daily, October 3, 2013

People’s Daily: The Only Thing the U.S. Wants Is To Be the Dominant Power in the Middle East

People Daily published an article commenting that U.N. resolution 2118 will not be able to restrict the U.S. from taking military action against Syria in the future. The following is an excerpt from the article:

On September 27, 2013, the UN Security Council unanimously adopted Resolution 2118 on the issue of Syria’s chemical weapons. This means that the U.S. will temporarily suspend its military strike against Syria. … The result did not come easily. It was not only a fight between the United States and the international peace forces, but also a contest between the U.S. and the Russian military power. However, this compromise represents only a temporary peace. The resolution also left a "back door" for the U.S. to strike Syria [in the future]. 

A U.S. military strike against Syria has the intention of accelerating the shift in strategic focus "eastward." … In order to speed up the adjustment of its strategic focus, the United States needs to accelerate its deployment of troops to shift in direction from the Middle East to the Asia Pacific. However, today the United States does not have a commanding control over the security of the Middle East. This is an important reason that restricts the United States from deploying its troops eastward. Following the removal of Saddam, Gaddafi, and other stumbling blocks, Syrian President Bashar al-Assad became the next block in the Middle East that the United States is eager to move away. "Chemical Weapons" is merely an excuse for the United States to occupy the moral high ground. 
Reading carefully, one sees that the resolution contains content allowing that the Security Council can take measures under the "UN Charter" Chapter VII in the event of non-compliance with the resolution. This is a major concession that Russia made. The United States specifically emphasized this point, implying that the U.S. has left itself a "back door" to further strike Syria [in the future]. This means that even after the destruction of the Syrian chemical weapons, the U.S. will still likely find an excuse for its military strike operations. It’s like the old Libya: after it surrendered the right to develop and produce nuclear weapons, the U.S. still overthrew the Gaddafi regime.  
In the future battle between the United States and Russia, military pressure against the Bashar al-Assad regime will be the U.S.’s determined policy. Syria’s chemical weapons will be the main theme for the battle. The U.S. will likely continue to seek other moral justification for war. Russia and others in the international community may use the tactics of "an eye for an eye [letting them have a taste of their own medicine]." That is, using the grounds that Syrian has given up its chemical weapons, they may support Syria with international public opinion to curb the possibility of the United States taking military action. 
Source: People’s Daily, October 2, 2013