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China Consumes 10 Trillion Bottles of Intravenous Drugs Each Year, the Largest in the World

In the Chinese medical field, since the economic benefits from Intravenous (I.V.) drugs are much greater than from oral medication, I.V. drugs are overused. China has become the country that consumes the largest amount of IV drugs in the world. Experts have warned about the side effects of over usage.

According to China’s official site, statistics show that, in 2011, China consumed over 10 trillion bottles of I.V. drugs. That is the equivalent to eight bottles per person and is much higher than the international average of 2.5 to 3.3. One of the key contributing factors is that patients tend to rely heavily on I.V. drugs. In additon, it is due to the fact that hospitals, doctors, and drug companies receive a higher economic return on I.V. drugs.

Reports indicate that over 390,000 people die from improper use of I.V. drugs each year. Among those, 200,000 die from allergic reactions after I.V. treatment. Estimates are that at least 100,000 people have died after receiving I.V. treatment.

Experts warned that overuse of I.V. drugs will cause harm to the human body and that the body will develop a resistance to drugs.

Radio Free Asia, September 8, 2013
Xinhua, September 8, 2013

Sale of High Priced Items Slow as Mid-Autumn Festival Approaches

As China’s Mid-Autumn festival is approaching, the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection recently issued a notice to be strict in prohibiting the use of public funds for luxury gifts, food, and entertainment. Reports indicate that the market for high priced moon cake, mitten crab, cigarettes, and alcohol has been slow this year. Some food vendors have complained about the slow moving inventory and some expect that sales may be down as much as 10 percent compared to last year.

Source: People’s Daily, September 8, 2013

Xinhua Commentary Calls for Gaining Control of Discourse Right

Xinhua published a commentary on the discourse right stating that the discourse right is a key indicator of a country’s soft power. It is a critical aspect in formulating ideology work. According to the commentary, gaining the discourse right in the media battlefield should be established as an important goal for ideology work. The commentary also quoted Xi Jinping’s speech given on August 19. Xi emphasized that Marxist ideology is the foundation for the Party and (the Party) should be proactive when dealing with key issues and take control in formulating the Party’s ideology work.

Source: Xinhua, September 7, 2013

Xinhua Questions Obama for the Use of Force against Syria

A Xinhua article questioned five issues related to the “Obama War” against Syria. 

“First, how can the United States confirm that the Syrian government forces used chemical weapons (CW)? There are, at present, very divergent views on who on earth used the chemical weapons. U.S. Secretary of State Kerry announced with ‘conviction’ that Bashar was behind the scenes and instigated the CW attack. However Russia’s Foreign Minister Lavrov said that the United States neither had geographic coordinates and names, nor sufficient evidence from extracted samples. The U.N. Secretary-General Office of the Spokesman also said that the United Nations investigation team is the only organization that has the ability to carry out an investigation impartially and credibly. A U.S. news website said that the Syrian opposition has admitted that the ‘chemical weapons incident’ was caused by their own mishandling while processing chemical weapons. With so many different conclusions, what evidence does U.S. have to demonstrate that its own conclusion is the most credible? 
“Second, who gave the U.S. the right to place a ‘red line’ on Syria? 

“Third, did the United States violate international law in order to wage war against Syria? … In the absence of a U.N. Security Council authorization, is the U.S. military action against Syria also a violation of international law and should it be punished also? 
“Fourth, is the U.S. military action against Syria really to protect civilians? 

“Finally, why does the U.S. insist on using force while ignoring the opposition from all sides? 
“In a word, the United States, with its ‘warm heart,’ insisting on the use of force against Syria is by no means to protect civilians or to defend the dignity of international law. It has very vicious ulterior motives. Obama wants to use force to change the situation in Syria, to install a pro-American regime, and to pave the way to ultimately solve the Iranian nuclear issue.” 

Source: Xinhua, September 4, 2013

Huanqiu: The Chinese Style Represents Universal Values

Huanqiu published a commentary on understanding the advantages of the Chinese system. The commentary said that the Chinese style represents universal values. 

“Nowadays many people in China talk about universal values. In fact, they are nothing but Western stuff packaged like instant noodles. … To outsiders, the ‘universal values’ that the West preaches are [like Wuhan noodles] too dry to swallow. … Chinese need to govern their country. Americans need to govern theirs too. It is universal, but there may be different approaches on how to govern. It cannot and need not be generalized. … Americans have American ways. One cannot ignore the unique ways of the Chinese. Understanding the need to value diversity is the universal value.” 

Source: Huanqiu, August 30, 2013

Beijing Daily: Do Not Leave Space for Universal Values

On September 2, 2013, Beijing Daily published a commentary titled advocating ideological education.  Major State media immediately reprinted it under the title “Beijing Daily: Do Not Leave Space for Universal Values.” 

The Beijing Daily commentary warned that, if China does not engage in "ideological struggle," it could disintegrate and perish, in the same manner as the former Soviet Union and the Eastern Block. 
"Especially for those people who preach the so-called ‘universal values,’ ‘constitutional democracy,‘ ‘freedom,’ and other fallacies, we cannot give any space or assistance at any time to those malicious attacks on the Party’s leadership and the socialist system, to speeches that distort the history of the Party and the country, and to information that spreads rumors. We must take action to control what must be controlled, and punish those who violate the law. “ 

“Today, the Internet has become the main battlefield for ideological struggle. The Western anti-China forces seek to advance this ‘biggest variable’ to ‘topple China.’ Whether we can hold up and win in the battlefield directly relates to the security of our ideology and the ruling Party’s power. … We do not see gunfire in this ideological struggle, but all the same – it is a matter of life and death. … Dare to fight and dare to show the sword. That is the choice we must make now!"  

Source: Beijing Daily, September 2, 2013

Xinhua: The U.S. Use of Force in Syria Entails Great Danger

A September 4, 2013, Xinhua commentary expressed disapproval of the impending U.S. military action against Syria.

"Although the United States claims that military action will be very limited, there are indications that, once a war is launched, it will be difficult for the White House to keep its scale and progress under control. A number of new challenges are more likely to lead the U.S. into new troubles. Moreover, the U.K. has abandoned the use of force in Syria; France is unresolved; NATO’s stance is even more detached. Without the support of allies, one is more doubtful about the U.S.’s ability to end the war in a prudent manner."

"The U.S. military action against Syria may not only leave the problem of chemical weapons difficult to solve; it will likely trigger new threats. Igor Morozov, a member of the Russian Federation Council’s Foreign Affairs Committee, warned, on September 3, that if the U.S. adopts military intervention against Syria, the country’s chemical weapons could fall into the hands of terrorists and spread to the Middle East and all over the world. The U.S. itself would not be spared either."

"What’s even more frightening is that many of the Syrian opposition forces have been infiltrated by Islamic extremists and the al-Qaeda organization. If the extremist forces expand, Syria is bound to be led to a more dangerous path, with the U.S.’s strategic interests jeopardized."

Source: Xinhua, September 4, 2013

People’s Daily: The Consequences of Using Force against Syria Will Be More Serious than the Iraq War

A People Daily (overseas edition) article commented on the U.S. intention to intervene in Syria for its use of chemical weapons to kill civilians. Below is an excerpt from the article: 

“In the last few days, the so-called Syria ‘Chemical Weapons’ issue has been getting hotter and hotter. The United States and some other Western countries have suddenly increased their intensity about using force against Syria. … It seems that a ‘fight’ is imminent and inevitable. As for whether the U.N. team has completed its investigation [on the use of chemical weapons], whether there is definitive evidence for the accusation against the Syrian government, and whether the U.N. Security Council will authorize the use of force against Syria, all these matters seem too trivial for the Western countries to care about.
“It doesn’t matter whether it is a Humanitarian disaster or the ‘red line’ of using chemical weapons, these are just excuses to attack opponents and gain interests. For a long time, from Kosovo to Iraq, then to Libya, Western countries have been adept at this kind of trick. 
“However, the more they play these tricks, the more clearly people can see through them to their true face. Ten years ago the United States launched the Iraq war, resulting in more than 100,000 deaths of Iraqi civilians. A long time ago, the excuse for that war had already been proven to be a poor lie. Two years ago, the Western Countries, under the guise of ‘protecting civilians,’ launched a military action against Libya, causing more than 30,000 civilians to be killed in Libya. More distressingly, Iraq and Libya have not yet gotten over of the after-effects of these wars. Unrest and bloodshed still continue. Terrorist extremists are on the rise. They are still struggling on the edge of a ‘failing state.’ The Western countries use force and leave behind a ‘mess.’ Almost all of the consequences have to be paid by the people from these regions. The lesson is quite profound. 
“Compared to the above cases, the consequences of the use of force against Syria will be more severe. … External military intervention can neither fundamentally solve the problem of chemical weapons; nor is it the right way to resolve the crisis in Syria. …
“The ‘chemical weapons’ problem is a very serious issue. One cannot hastily jump to a conclusion without conclusive evidence. Unfortunately, the United States and some other Western countries seem to have decided on the ‘presumption of guilt’ instead of having an objective investigation and on using military intervention instead of political dialogue. This exposes their true purpose: It is not really to solve the ‘chemical weapons’ problem; rather, there is an eagerness to ‘plug contraband’ to help the opposition, in order to speed up the turnover of the government and establish international rules and an international order in their favor. The international community must remain vigilant against this kind of naked hegemonic act.” 
Source: People’s Daily, August 29, 2013