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Xinhua: Wealth of the Chinese Working-Class is Shrinking

Xinhua recently reported that the Chinese stock market suffered another slide and the Shanghai Index is over sixty percent lower than it was at its peak point. Although the Chinese GDP is the world’s number two, only behind the United States, experts suggested that the Chinese stock market is close to being the worst bear mark in the world. China’s latest CPI (Consumer Price Index) showed an increase of 3.2 percent this year, while the Chinese central bank base savings interest rate is three percent. Thus working-class wealth in the banks is suffering an effective “negative interest rate.” In the meantime, both international and domestic gold prices are dropping. The Chinese financial market currently has nothing to offer working-class people to enable them to safeguard their money. Even investments in precious artwork do not bring a positive return. Experts called for more reliable financial investment channels and products to help today’s Chinese working-class protect their wealth.
Source: Xinhua, April 7, 2013

Xinhua: Shale Gas Revolution Was One Focal Point of the Boao Forum

Xinhua recently reported that shale gas was a hot topic at the Chinese government sponsored high profile forum – the Boao Forum. The U.S. success story of the “Shale Gas Revolution” demonstrated how the United States could rapidly get very close to energy self-sufficiency. In 2011, China surpassed the U.S. to become the world’s largest energy consumer. China is eager to “copy” the success. Multiple parties attending the Boao Forum expressed strong interest in taking this agenda further, including representatives from the U.S. State Department and Department of Energy, U.S. banks such as Merrill Lynch, U.S. energy companies, China’s central government, and both Chinese state-owned and private energy companies. However technical difficulties that are specific to China were also discussed. The United States is currently the largest controller of shale gas development related technologies. The Chinese government has already put out invitations for possible bidders for shale gas exploration rights in China.
Source: Xinhua, April 7, 2013

CRN: Clear Road Map Needed for Upgrading China’s Economy

China Review News (CRN) recently published a commentary discussing how to realize Chinese Premier Li Keqiang’s “Upgrading of the Chinese Economy.” The commentary suggested that Li apparently acknowledged concerns about the low efficiency and the high risks associated with the current Chinese economy. The commentator referred to a large quantity of data to demonstrate the “as-is” version of the economy as well as the “to-be” version, which is based on world leaders like the United States. However, the pathway between the two ends remains uncertain. The author offered some suggestions focusing on areas like financial market reform, research and design, system integration, privatization, high-end manufacturing, and new government policies. The article called for a clearer road map for the “Upgrade.”
Source: China Review News, April 4, 2013

Dead Fish Found in Rivers in Shanghai

People’s Daily reported that, starting at the end of March, dead fish have been found in the Si Jing Tang River in the Songjiang District of Shanghai. The number has continued to grow until, in recent days, it reached over a thousand dead fish found within one hundred meters (328 feet) of the river. It has caused concern over the safety of the drinking water in the area. The Authorities in the Songjiang district claim that the water quality remains normal and an investigation is being conducted into the cause.

Source: People’s Daily, April 7, 2013

Volume of Used Home Sales Dropped 50 Percent in Beijing

On March 30, 2013, the Beijing Municipal government introduced new measures to cool off the overheated real estate market. The measures included limiting unmarried singles to owning no more than one home and imposing a 20 percent capital gain tax on those who own multiple homes.

Xinhua reported that, as of April 7, the statistics showed that the transaction volume for used homes was down 50 percent compared with the week prior to the measure being introduced. Experts speculated that the slowdown was because both buyers and sellers are delaying their decisions as the result of the new measures. It is expected that the used home market may loosen up in the next six months.

Source: Xinhua, April 7, 2013

Qiushi Theory Commentary on Xi Jinping’s “China Dream”

On April 5, Qiushi Theory carried a commentary on Xi Jinping’s “China Dream” ideology. The commentary stated that in order to properly manage a giant country like China, no one can afford to make mistakes and cause instability. “…only when we properly take one step at a time to solve the issues and move forward with reform can we ensure that we are taking the right path to lead the country.” The commentary also called for the new administration to take action to "improve governance, resist corruption, curb housing price increases, reduce the disparity between the rich and poor, and deal with environmental issues." The commentary concluded that, in order to reach Xi’s China Dream, China must follow the path that has Chinese characteristics.

Source: Qiushi Theory, April 5, 2013

Editorial: China Needs to Improve Its Ability to Adapt to the North Korean Nuclear Problem

China’s state media published an editorial discussing China’s position in the escalating North Korea nuclear crisis. The article said the following about China’s part: 

“On the North Korea nuclear issue, China is in a ‘normal passive’ position. That is to say, China’s passivity is not more serious than that of any other country in the region. There are no true ‘active countries.’ China needs to further increase its national power, including its military and economic power. China’s continual accumulation of power will eventually ease the current embarrassment substantially and China will have more flexibility strategically.
“China should also continue shouting the slogans for the denuclearization of the peninsula. As long as we no longer seriously pursue it, it will be a lot easier. China’s strategic goal should be that a big war does not occur on the Peninsula. 
“All kinds of accidents will happen on the Korean peninsula in the future. China does not have the ability and will not have the opportunity to prevent them from happening. We can only continue to get more resilient from the accelerated growth of our national strength.” 
Source: Huanqiu, April 3, 2013/4/4

Person Who Had Contact with a Diseased H7N9 Patient Developed Symptoms

As of the end of April 4, 2013, Shanghai had reported four more H7N9 bird flu cases with four fatalities and two undergoing treatment, bringing the total number of cases in Shanghai to six. According to the local authorities, there is no connection between the six cases. One person who had contact with a diseased H7N9 patient has developed a fever, running nose and an itchy throat, and is presently undergoing treatment.

On April 4, China’s agricultural authorities announced that they had detected the infectious H7N9 avian flu virus in some pigeon samples collected at a marketplace in the Songjiang District of Shanghai, where agricultural products are sold.

[Editor’s note: So far, China has confirmed 14 H7N9 cases, six in Shanghai, four in Jiangsu Province, three in Zhejiang Province and one in Anhui Province. Of all, four died in Shanghai and one died in Zhejiang Province.]

Source: Xinhua, April 5, 2013