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Apple Daily: Wen Jiabao May Publicize His Family’s Assets

On October 28, 2012, China Gate reprinted an article from Apple Daily (the original article is only available to Apply Daily subscribers) titled “It is Said that Wen Jiabao Will Publicize His Family’s Property and Assets.” Recently, a New York Times article alleged that Wen’s relatives had illegally accumulated a fortune amounting to US$2.7 billion. Two lawyers responded on behalf of Wen’s family members and denied the allegations.

If Wen does make information about his family members’ property and assets available to the public, he will be the first CCP national level leader, since the establishment of the People’s Republic of China, to dare to let the public know about his family’s assets. Such an action may cause a chain of reaction among the CCP leadership community. It is not known at this time whether Wen will receive his colleague’s consent to move forward.

Source: Apple Daily, October 28, 2012

Xi Jinping Admits that the Legitimacy of the CCP Ruling Position Is in Danger

On October 28, 2012, China Gate reprinted an article from Hong Kong’s Trends Magazine titled “Xi Jinping Admits, in a Secret Meeting, that the Crumbling Legitimacy of the CCP’s Governance Has Set off Alarm Bells.”

According to Hong Kong’s Trends Magazine, at a secret meeting, incoming CCP Chairman Xi Jinping again admitted that the CCP faces a fatal crisis. On September 26, 2012, at the 41st enlarged meeting of the 17th CCP Politiburo Standing Committee, Xi Jinping gave preparatory comments about the 18th National Congress and its agenda, putting forward 5 key issues. Xi asked, "Why is there so much tension between the people and the CCP?" and "Why is the people’s distrust of the Party growing?” He also pointed out that the CCP’s legitimacy in governance is crumbling, setting off alarm bells to all.  In May, Xi Jinping talked about the collapse of the CCP. At that time, the Chinese Communist Party’s own investigation showed that 90% of the family members of CCP Central Committee Officials have emigrated overseas.

Source: China Gate, October 28, 2012

People’s Daily: Government Planning 70 Billion RMB Rescue Package for the Solar Industry

People’s Daily recently reported that the Chinese government is planning to invest in the domestic solar industry. The planned total investment will be around 70 billion RMB. This plan is in response to the fact that both the United States and the European Union are filing anti-dumping and countervailing cases against China. The Chinese solar industry relies heavily on exports. Sixty percent of the production output goes to the European Union, while 30 percent goes to the United States. With the coming trade wars, the entire Chinese solar industry faces the possibility of total bankruptcy. The Chinese government’s plan is to establish a large domestic market that will be funded mainly by government investment. Meanwhile the government is also coordinating an effort to lower the cost of delivering solar-generated power to national networks.
Source: People’s Daily, October 27, 2012

CRN: Significantly More Environmental Emergencies in China

China Review News (CRN) recently reported that the 11th National People’s Congress Standing Committee held a seminar focusing on environmental protection issues. Since 1996, major environmental emergency events increased at an annual rate of 29 percent. Since 1995, the Ministry of Environmental Protection has directly handled 927 emergency events. In 2011, major emergencies suffered a 120% increase over 2010, especially in incidents involving heavy metals and dangerous chemicals. Experts suggested in the seminar that the country needs to establish an environmental public interest litigation system and also to pass an Environmental Damage Compensation Act. It is widely recognized that the government’s current environmental information lacks sufficient transparency and that environmental regulations are incomplete and vague. In the past decade, only one percent of the environmental conflicts were resolved through legal channels. Even today, much large scale environmental damage remains unresolved. 
Source: China Review News, October 27, 2012

Xinhua: Hong Kong Increases Real Estate Cost for Outsiders

Xinhua recently reported that the Hong Kong government just extended the real estate stamp duty for another three years. It also added a 15 percent duty for buyers, which will apply to local businesses and to non-residents. According to the Hong Kong government, the new requirement will help lower the cost that local permanent residents have to pay to purchase real estate. Another goal of the new policy is to place a more substantial restraint on the recent speculation in the housing market. Large outside capital has been targeting Hong Kong real estate. However, the government suggested that this new tax is a temporary measure designed to reduce the number of external buyers. Eventually the policy will expire. The background of this recent change in real estate policy is the loss of balance between demand and supply. The influx of capital has resulted in a sharp increase on the demand side of the housing market. If the new policy is not strong enough to improve stability, the government is determined to do more.
Source: Xinhua, October 26, 2012

Deng Yuwen: The Political Heritage of Hu and Wen

[Editor’s Note: In anticipation of the transition of power from Hu Jintao to Xi Jinping, Study Times’ Deputy Copy Editor Deng Yuwen published a three-part series on the political heritage of Hu Jintao and Wen Jiabao. In the first part, he praised Hu and Wen’s achievements. [1] In the second part, he listed ten major problems left in their wake and stated, “In their ten years in power, many huge problems were created and the problems outnumbered the achievements.” [2] In the third part, he advocated for a transition in the economic structure and for political reform. [3] Shortly after they were published, his articles were taken down from media sites in China. The following is a translation of part 2 of his article.]

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Senior Population to Reach 430 Million or over 30 Percent of China’s Population by 2050

The United Nations Population Fund and the China National Committee on Aging held a forum on October 22, 2012. A research study discussed at the forum suggested that, in the year 2010, an average of 24.1 percent of China’s seniors were dependent on their pensions for their living expenses; this figure is up 4.5 percent from 2000. Another 40.7 percent of seniors relied mainly on support from their family members. There was also a large gap between the urban and rural regions. Among the seniors living in the city, 66.3 percent relied heavily on their pensions, but only 4.6 percent of seniors were able to rely on their pensions as their major source of income. The study estimated that the senior population will reach 430 million or more, or 30% of the total population, by the year 2050, which means that one out of every three people will be seniors.

Source: Xinhua, October 24, 2012

Xinhua: Bo Xilai Removed from People’s Congress Post While under Investigation

On October 26, 2012, Xinhua posted two news articles about Bo Xilai. The first one carried an announcement from the Standing Committee of the National People’s Congress that the Chongqing People’s Congress had removed Bo Xilai from his post as the Deputy to the National People’s Congress. In the second article the Supreme People’s Procuratorate announced that Bo is currently under investigation for suspected crimes.

Source: Xinhua, October 26, 2012