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Chongqing New Leadership Vows to Maintain a Clean Government to Gain the People’s Trust

On June 22, 2012, the 4th Municipal Committee of the City of Chongqing held its first plenary session. Zhang Dejiang was elected secretary of the Chongqing Municipal Committee. In a speech that Zhang gave, he promised, on behalf of the new committee, to run a “clean government.” Zhang requested that each committee member should exercise self restraint in his personal behavior and should manage himself, his spouse, his children and his assistants in order to establish a reputation for clean governance and to gain the people’s trust.

Source: Xinhua, June 23, 2012

Xinhua Commentary Calls for Counter Measures against the Law on the Sea of Vietnam

On June 21, 2012, the Vietnamese National Assembly passed the "Law on the Sea of Vietnam." The law proclaimed Vietnam’s sovereignty over the Paracel and Spratly Islands. However, China claims the islands are the “indisputable” territory of China. Jia Xiudong, a research fellow at the China Institute of International Studies, wrote a commentary on Vietnam’s action, originally from People’s Daily’s overseas edition, which Xinhua published on June 23.  

In the commentary Jia called the "Law on the Sea of Vietnam" viciously provocative, saying it openly intensified the dispute between China and Vietnam over the South China Sea. The commentary claimed that the law is illegitimate because it seriously violates the basic principles of international law, including the "Declaration on the Code of Conduct on the South Sea," an agreement that both parties reached last October. The article called Vietnam’s government “too selfish” and “lacking sincerity.” In the end, Jia called for counter measures against Vietnam until it backs off on this issue.

Source: Xinhua, June 23, 2012

Dai Xu on Establishing the South China Sea Construction Corps

[Editor’s Note: Dai Xu is a Chinese Air Force Colonel and a researcher at the Center for Strategic Study at Peking University. He is a leading “Hawk” in the Chinese military. Dai recently suggested establishing a paramilitary organization, the South China Sea Production and Construction Corps. Such a corps would combine both military and production functions. It would be stationed in the disputed South China Sea area to carry out economic development under a self-provided armed escort. The following is a translation of his article.] [1]

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Huanqiu Editorial Comments on U.S. Congress’s Regret for Passing the Chinese Exclusion Act

After the U.S. House of Representatives passed a resolution on June 18, 2012, expressing regret for having adopted the Chinese Exclusion Act 130 years ago, China’s state-run media, Huanqiu, published an editorial commenting on its passage. Huanqiu said, “China should probably not place a whole lot of hope on the American’s ‘new awakening.’ The U.S. Congress’s awakening has already sent us enough messages. The U.S. is a country that can also make mistakes. Its attitude toward other countries may well be out of whack, or even too extreme. When it involves China, we should particularly pay attention to the truth.” “Today, the U.S. attitude toward China is far from being based on any system of objective evaluation. A vast majority of the American elite are full of prejudice toward China, which is very similar to the situation over 100 years ago when Americans discriminated against the Chinese. American media usually use such labels as ‘tyranny’ or even ‘totalitarian’ to describe China. They are not willing to carefully study the internal force behind China’s rapid development.”

Source: Huanqiu, June 20, 2012

15,000 in Northern China Defend Falun Gong

On June 19, Epoch Times reported that 15,000 people defied Chinese authorities and signed a petition in support of a family that practices Falun Gong. Twenty-three year old Qin Rongqian wrote a petition asking for help. Qin wrote on her petition, “Every signature and thumbprint of yours, your kindness, and your attention to this matter will help my family obtain justice for my father and freedom for my sister and mother. In two weeks, she collected over 15,000 signatures and thumbprints. In February 2011, her father died in prison, where he was serving a 10 year sentence because he refused to give up the practice of Falun Gong, a meditation practice that has been banned in China since 1999. Although the father had injuries that were obviously from severe beatings, the authorities notified the Qin family that he died of natural causes. Qin’s mother and sister had recently been arrested due to their efforts to appeal the case to the authorities.

Source: Epoch Times, June 19, 2012.

A Crisis Looms in China: Too Many Males

Wang Xia, head of the National Population and Family Planning Commission, stated that the male-to-female ratio in China started to narrow in 2009 and declined to 117.78 in 2011 (117.78 males to every 100 females). He said that the decline is limited. As the ratio is over a dozen points above normal, the task to stabilize the ratio remains daunting.

A natural gender ratio at birth could be somewhere between 103 and 107 males to every 100 females. As a result of the one child government policies, China’s male-to-female birth ratio has hovered at a high level, reaching a record high of 120.56 in 2008. Xinhua reported that, according to official statistics, males under the age of 30 exceed females by more than 20 million. 

Source: Xinhua, June 21, 2012

PLA Officials Required to Report Personal Assets

PLA Daily reported on Thursday, June 21, 2012, that China’s military officers who are ranked above secondary regiment grade will be required to report their incomes and real estate assets, as well as their investment information.

The new amendment to the regulation on military officers’ personal information reports addresses President Hu Jintao’s order on discipline and on fighting corruption in the military.

The amendment also includes regulations that deal with the review, investigation, and approval of the reports of officials personal information.

Source: PLA Daily, June 21, 2012

Huanqiu Commentary: We Should Fight the U.S. with Wisdom

Huanqiu published a commentary in response to the remarks that U.S. Defense Secretary Panetta made at the Shangri-la Dialogue.

The Huanqiu commentary stated, “China will be at disadvantage in dealing with the United States for many years into the future. China’s ability to form alliances with others will also be greatly inferior to that of the U.S.” “There is no need for China to butt heads with the U.S. In other words, to do so is the worst strategy. The best way is for China to act in such a way that U.S. military deployment becomes useless and to lead Sino-U.S. game playing in a direction that is favorable to the growth of China’s power.” The commentary stated that the direction of Sino-U.S. economic cooperation is “for our interests to be increasingly intertwined,” which appears to favor the weaker party. “We should not fight the U.S. with our forces, but with our wisdom, with an open mind and with persistence.”

Source: Huanqiu, June 4, 2012