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Globe: Hillary’s Asia-Pacific Dream

[Editor’s Note: Globe magazine, under the official Xinhua News Agency, published a response to U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s article, “America’s Pacific Century,” which was published in the November issue of Foreign Policy magazine. [1] The response criticized Secretary Clinton’s article as being “far from reality,” and having “hegemonic hierarchic thinking and a Cold War mentality.” The full text of the article is translated below.] [2]

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Qiushi: The Trend of Communist Parties over the Last 30 Years

A Qiushi article discussed the trend of the world’s Communist Parties over the last 30 years. It stated that the Communist movement has been through major changes. At present, there are over 130 Communist Parties in the world with a total of just under 90 million members. China itself has over 74 million Communist Party members, accounting for 85% of the Communist Party members in the world. North Korea has about 4 million, Vietnam 3 million, Cuba 900,000 and Laos 100,000. The Communist Party is the ruling party in five countries with 83 million Party members, about 93% of the total in the world. It has six notable features. There is no more central leadership based on personalities; countries where the Communist Party is the ruling party, such as China and Vietnam, have made major achievements; now there are multiple Communist Parties in one country; gradual peaceful development is taking the place of violent revolution; the Communist Party is becoming the ruling party through elections such as in Moldova, Cyprus, and Nepal; and new international communication modes are replacing separate and isolated struggles for survival.

Source: Qiushi, December 5, 2011

Major General Luo Ruan: China Does Not Lack the Will to Fight for Its Fundamental Interests

Major General Luo Yuan, deputy secretary of the Chinese Society of Military Science, responded to the question, "Facing the recent conflicts with neighboring countries, what attitude should China have?" Luo said the answer was discussed at the Chinese Navy Communist Party Congress held on December 6, 2011. According to Luo, “‘China does not want to go to war,’ but that is only half right. The other half is that ‘China Does Not Lack the Will to Fight for its Fundamental Interests either.’” “At present, most of the neighboring countries are not capable of forcing China to enter into a war. However, (China) must be prepared because these countries may incite conflicts and get the United States involved. … Only by being prepared for a medium sized war, can we stop a small war. Only by being prepared for a big war, can we stop a medium sized war. Only by being prepared for involvement with a strong enemy can we stop a small enemy from being too arrogant and aggressive.”

Source: Xinhua, December 9, 2011

Qinghua Scholar: China Should Form Alliances with Other Countries

The International Herald Leader interviewed Yan Xuetong, a professor at Qinghua University in Beijing and Director of The Institute of International Studies. In the interview, Yan advocated that China should form alliances with other countries. He suggested that if China continues its non-alliance policy and does not provide security protection to others, China will not be able to expect support from others if its national security interests are threatened. He also suggested that ideology has no bearing on forming alliances with other countries. Even though Vietnam shares the same ideology as China, it is not China’s ally. The US and Saudi Arabia have totally different ideologies, but they have been allies for dozens of years.

Soruce: International Herald Leader reprinted by Xinhua, December 5, 2011

Hu Jintao Urges Naval Preparedness

On December 6, 2011, Hu Jintao met with senior naval officials in Beijing. At the meeting, Hu stressed the “need to accelerate the transformation of naval buildup, to expand and deepen the preparedness for military struggles, to push forward with modernization of the Navy, and to make new and greater contributions to national security and world peace.”

On December 5, 2011, a separate meeting was held in in Beijing dealing with Chinese military equipment, with the main task being “to fully develop military equipment during the Twelfth Five-Year-Plan Period, to unify thinking, clarify requirements, and advance the scientific development of weaponry and equipment to a new starting point.

Source: Xinhua, December 6, 2011

IHL: China Should Build its Own Pacific Fleet

A special commentary in the International Herald Leader stated that to become a strong power in the Pacific, China should build its own Pacific Fleet. The article acknowledged that, compared to U.S. activities in the Pacific, China’s naval military exercises are too few and far between. “The objective of the U.S. and Japan is obvious; it is to contain and oppress China and to ensure the dominance of the U.S. and Japan in the Western Pacific region.”

The commentary stated, “The Pacific is not someone’s ‘private swimming pool.’” “Mutual respect, cooperation, and mutual benefit” can only occur when we have a strong Chinese navy. “On condition of anonymity a military expert pointed out that China should build its own Pacific Fleet, and that only then can China become a true power in the ocean and its navy be a true ‘blue water force.’”

Source: International Herald Leader reprinted by Xinhua, December 5, 2011;

IHL: U.S. Aid to China Will Decrease in Public but Increase behind the Scenes”

The International Herald Leader, which is under Xinhua News Agency, published an analytical article regarding the U.S. decision to decrease aid to China. The article asserted that the U.S. government’s aid to China will gradually decrease in public, but funding to support “the promotion of human rights and democracy” will increase behind the scenes. The article said, “‘Aid to China’ is not so simple and filled with good will. … A considerable number of the programs for China aid that the the U.S. Congress has approved are so-called ‘democracy aid’ and ‘human rights aid.’ Some human rights religious NGOs conduct clandestine activities and even support some of the dividing forces or anti-China forces. … In the new international situation, such aid is an important means for the U.S. government to realize its interests utilizing its soft power.”

Source: International Herald Leader, December 2, 2011

China Criticizes the U.S. and the Western Countries’ Interference in Libya’s Internal Affairs

On December 5, 2011, Xinhua News Agency’s Outlook Weekly published an article titled “The Facts and the Truth about the Humanitarian Interventions." The article criticized the United States and the Western countries interference in the internal affairs of other countries, such as Libya, Iraq, Kosovo, and Somalia. “These ‘humanitarian interventions’ that the Western powers implement, are, in essence, to seek their political and economic interests in the name of ‘humanitarianism’ and ‘the responsibility to protect.’”

“If the United States, Britain, France, and others had truly intended to avoid an even greater humanitarian disaster, they should have strictly implemented the UN Security Council resolution 1973 (2011) on Libya. By establishing a no-fly zone, on the one hand, they could keep Gaddafi’s government from using their Air Force to attack the rebels and kill civilians. On the other hand, they did not have to support the rebels beyond the resolution. In the meantime, the United Nations could have sent in peacekeeping forces to isolate the two sides and keep them apart from each other, which would probably have stopped the expansion of the civil war and brought the two sides together at the negotiating table to work on a solution. Then, today’s serious humanitarian disaster would not have happened. However, the purpose of the United States, Britain, France, and other Western countries was not to urge the cessation of hostilities, but to achieve a regime change by supporting one party against the other in order to take control of the strategically important land and oil resources in North Africa.”  

Source: Xinhua News Agency’s Outlook Weekly, December 5, 2011