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China’s New Ambassador to the United States Comments on China-U.S. Relations

Recently, Cui Tiankai, China’s new ambassador to the United States, gave an exclusive interview to Foreign Affairs magazine on the subject of China-U.S. relations. The U.S. Foreign Affairs magazine published the article on May 15, 2013. Then on May 20, 2003, published an article about the interview. The title was “Cui Tiankai Ambassador: China Welcomes a Third Party to Mediate the Sino-Japanese Territorial Dispute.”

Cui Tiankai suggested that the United States not shift its military presence to the Asia Pacific area, warning the United States not to intervene in the Diaoyu Islands issue. According to Cui, China would welcome a third party to resolve the dispute between China and Japan under certain conditions. He stated that China has no intention of changing the existing international order but supports necessary reform of the international system. As for cyber security, Cui suggested that both the U.S. and China sit down and engage in constructive dialogues so as to avoid a recurrence of similar cyber attacks.

Source:, May 20, 2013