Starting on August 2, China carried out a large scale military exercise, Vanguard 2010. The five-day exercise took place over the central province of Henan and the eastern coastal province of Shandong, which borders the Yellow Sea. China Review News republished an article by China National Radio, which interviewed Major General Chen Wenrong, Deputy Commander of the Shandong Province Military Region and Commander of the Shandong Joint Air Defense Command. According to Chen, Shandong is the outpost of Beijing’s air defense system. It is responsible for both air defense early warning and air combat operations. The air defense forces at Shandong are composed of four parts, including coastal air defense, urban air defense, reserve air defense, and civic air defense forces. Besides the coastal air defenses, all three other parties have largely participated in the exercise.
Source: China Review News, August 6, 2010