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Propaganda and Lies: CCP Accused the U.S. and Italy of Being the Origins of the Virus

To defuse its accountability of hiding information and its inaction which caused the worldwide outbreak of the Novel Coronavirus, the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) tried to accuse other countries of creating the virus. The following are two cases:

#1: Zhao Lijian, Spokesman & Deputy Director General of the Information Department, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, after accusing the United States of sending soldiers to bring the epidemic to Wuhan, retweeted a tweet by an American named Beatrice (an anonymous name), as evidence that the U.S. had the virus earlier:

From Twitter: Rt: I really think COVID-19 has been here in America for awhile. Do you guys remember how sick everyone was during the holidays/early January? And how everyone was saying they had the “flu” and the flu shot “didn’t work”?

The Daily Beast interviewed Beatrice and reported that she is not a doctor, nurse, or epidemiologist. She was just a normal person wondering aloud on Twitter what was going on with this disease.

#2: Global Times, a media under the CCP mouthpiece People’s Daily, referenced an NPR report quoting Dr. Giuseppe Remuzzi, director of the Mario Negri Institute for Pharmacological Research in Milan. The doctor said general practitioners in the country “remember having seen a very strange pneumonia, very severe, particularly in old people in December and even November.” Global Times created an article stating that Italy had the virus back in November 2019. It also tweeted:

#Italy may have had an unexplained strain of pneumonia as early as November and December 2019 with highly suspected symptoms of #COVID19, reports said.

However, on March 24, il Foglio, an Italian media published a special interview with Dr. Remuzzi. Dr. Remuzzi said that Chinese media misquoted his words. He stated three times in the interview, “No doubt this virus is from China.” Guilia Pompili, the reporter who interviewed Dr. Remuzzi mentioned that Chinese news reporters had inquired of Dr. Remuzzi many times recently and each time Dr. Remuzzi clarified his position that the virus was from China. However, he had not yet seen any of the reporters reporting his clarification, which he felt quite bizzare.

Related postings on Chinascope:

1. Source: Twitter

2. Source: Daily Beast, March 25, 2020

3. Source: Twitter

4. Excerpt in Chinese


说出这话的意大利专家名叫朱塞佩·雷穆齐(Giuseppe Remuzzi),是意大利乃至全欧洲知名的马里奥·内格里(Mario Negri)药理研究所的主任。



Source: Global Times, March 21, 2020

5. Excerpt in Chinese:


意大利《罗马日报》(il Foglio)3月24日头版刊登记者庞皮利(Guilia Pompili)和卡彭(Luciano Capone)专访雷穆齐的文章,题为“病毒文宣”,文中雷穆齐指中共官媒“断章取义”,三次强调病毒来自中国,“毫无疑问,这病毒是中国的”。



Source: Epoch Times, March 26, 2020