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World against the CCP: Sichuan Citizens and Politicians from U.S., U.K, Brazil, Australia, and Italy Criticized the CCP

Many people, including politicians, news reporters, and citizens in China criticized the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) for bringing disasters to the world.

#1: China: Zhao Kai, a citizen in Sichuan Province, published a video calling for dissolving the CCP. He also thinks that the international righteous forces should help the Chinese people dissolve the CCP. This will not only benefit the Chinese people, but also help the world as the CCP has always been a great threat to the world’s civilized system. (Epoch Times)

#2: U.S.: On March 25, Secretary Pompeo, stated at a press conference after the G7 Foreign Minister’s meeting:

“First, we spent a substantial amount of time on threats posed by authoritarian states.  The Chinese Communist Party poses a substantial threat to our health and way of life, as the Wuhan virus outbreak clearly has demonstrated.  The CCP also threatens to undermine the free and open order that has underpinned our mutual prosperity and safety in the G7 countries.

“I urged every one of the countries to work together to protect the UN and other organizations from its malign influence and authoritarianism.  We G7 countries must promote our shared values of freedom, sovereignty, good governance, transparency, and accountability, and push the UN to uphold these principles as well.”

#3: U.S.: Morgan Ortagus, a Whitehouse spokesperson, said that the Global Engagement Center (GEC) under the Department of State is currently working hard to deal with the war of false information from foreign countries. The GEC formed three new teams to deal with false information from Russia, China, and Iran, respectively. The GEC was originally founded to focus on anti-terrorism tasks. (Radio Free Asia)

#4: U.K.: The Mail on Sunday reported that, on March 29, Boris Johnson, Britain’s Prime Minister, who has been infected with the coronavirus, was furious with China’s way of handling the epidemic. He will review the U.K-China relationship after the pandemic is over and may take counter actions, including excluding Huawei from the U.K.’s 5G infrastructure work. (Mail on Sunday)

#5: Brazil: On March 19, Eduardo Bolsonaro, Congressman and son of Brazil’s President, tweeted, “Once again, the authoritarian regime chose to hide some serious matters instead of revealing the facts, which could have saved countless lives. China should be condemned, and democracy is the solution.” (Epoch Times)

#6: Bernie Finn, a member of the Australia parliament, posted on Facebook on March 20:

“The communist regime in China is no friend of Australia. It’s really gone out of its way to prove that this time. We should NEVER believe or trust it again!”

He posted on March 27 again:

“I have no problem with Chinese people, whether they be here or in their homeland. My issue is with the communist Chinese Government that lied, covered up and allowed the Wuhan virus to kill not just its own people but engulf the world.

“Despite the best efforts of communist shills, my position is VERY clear: Chinese people – good; Chinese Government – bad.

“Anyone who says otherwise is a liar.”

#7: Italy: On March 26, Marco Respinti, an Italian news reporter, published an article on Rete Liberale, an Italian newspaper, stating, “Don’t call it ‘Chinese virus,’ but call it ‘CCP virus.’” (Epoch Times)

Related postings on Chinascope:

1. Excerpt in Chinese:








Source: Epoch Times, March 26, 2020

2. Source: State Department Website, March 25, 2020

3. Excerpt in Chinese:




Source: Radio Free Asia, March 31, 2020

4. Excerpt in Chinese:

英国周日邮报(Mail on Sunday)29日报导指出,目前被确诊武汉肺炎的英国首相约翰逊( Boris Johnson) 对于中国处理疫情的方式感到愤怒,一旦疫情危机过后,将重新审视双边关係,并且可能採取相关的反制措施,包括将中国科技巨头华为排除在英国的 5G 基础建设之外。

周日邮报指出,英国官员认为,中国散布疫情的不实消息。包括英国的科学家们就中国现阶段只有 81,439 确诊人数发出警告,恐怕隐匿了至少 15 到 40 倍的确诊人数,还有,中国政府放任散播美军是病毒源头的谣言。

英国内阁大臣在相关邮件中还表示,英国不能袖手旁观,坐视中国以隐匿疫情的态度来破坏世界经济,然后回头显现甚麽事都没有的态度。3 名英国官员也愤怒指出,中国透过疫情试图以医疗物资掠夺性地提供协助其他抗疫的国家,来扩大自己的经济实力。在中国疫情最严重的时候,大量徵收中国各地生产及准备出口的防护医疗装备,并指示国外特工人员从西方国家大量购买医疗用品,导致现在英国医护和其他卫生人员的防护装备短缺。然而,中国现在却向各国捐赠口罩及防护装备,以建立经济实力。

Source: Radio Free Asia, March 30, 2020

5. Excerpt in Chinese:

圣保罗州国会议员爱德华多(Eduardo Bolsonaro)是巴西总统的儿子。他周四在推特上写道:“再一次,独裁政权选择隐藏一些严肃事宜、而不是揭露事实,而事实原本可以挽救无数生命。中国(中共)应该被谴责,民主才是解决方案。”




Source: Epoch Times, March 20, 2020

6. Source: Facebook, Bernie Finn MP’s posting, March 20, 2020

Source: Facebook, Bernie Finn MP’s posting, March 27, 2020

I have no problem with Chinese people, whether they be here or in their homeland. My issue is with the communist Chinese…

Posted by Bernie Finn MP on Friday, March 27, 2020

7. Excerpt in Chinese:

《寒冬》杂志主任、意大利记者马可·莱斯宾蒂(Marco Respinti)3月26日在意大利自由党报“Rete Liberale”上发文称,“不要称中国病毒(Chinese virus),要称中共病毒(CCP virus)”。他督促人们要区分中国人与中共,该受谴责的对象是中共。



Source: Epoch Times, April 1, 2020