Fang Fang, a Chinese novelist living in Wuhan, wrote a diary during the Wuhan lock-down. She wanted to publish her diary in Chinese, but no publisher would take it because of political concerns. Then she published it in English as Wuhan Diary. The diary recorded her life and did not have a strong message against the Chinese Communist Party (CCP). However, many Chinese, led by the some CCP loyalists, criticized Fang Fang for being a traitor and defaming China.
These people not only bullied Fang Fang, but also any people supporting Fang Fang. Thus Fang Fang called these Internet perpetrators “Internet Hooligans.”
#1: Deutsche Welle reported that in April, several professors supporting Fang Fang were reported for political problems.
Professor Liang Yanping of Hubei University wrote an article to support Wuhan Diary. Fang Fang reposted the article. Some netizens dug out Professor Liang’s past posting on Weibo and claimed that she supported Hong Kong Independence (a bad action in the eyes of the Chinese people). This led to Hubei University’s setting up an investigation group to inquire into her case.
Poet Wang Xiaoni, a retired professor from Hainan University, wrote an article related to Liang Yanping and Fang Fang reposted the article. Then some people targeted Wang and claimed that she supported Taiwan Independence (another totally unacceptable deed to Chinese) and Hong Kong Independence. Hainan University said that they also formed an investigation group to look into her speeches.
The Internet bully also called out other Fang Fang supporters, including Liu Chuan’e, Dean of the College of Liberal Arts, Hubei University, Tan Banghe, Deputy Dean of the College of Liberal Arts, Central China Normal University, and Jing Ya, Professor of Nanchang University. (Deutsche Welle)
#2: Recently, Lao Lishi, a former Olympic Diving Champion, has been running an online store. She received many curses for reposting one of Fang Fang’s Weibo posts. Fang Fang’s Weibo was in remembrance of the death of a nurse from Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region who came to Wuhan during the coronavirus pandemic; and her Weibo was just quoting a Xinhua article.
This time, Lao fought back against the Internet bully. She posted, “I was accused of various things because of reposting a Weibo post. Some accused me of lacking education, some accused me of being brain retarded, some accused me of lacking judgment, some accused me of supporting evil, and some accused me of having no conscience. Ha ha, I am very happy because I have not lived the way you like. If I had to live the way you like, I’d rather jump off a ten-meter platform into a pool without water.” (Back China)
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1. Excerpt in Chinese:
Source: Deutsche Welle, May 1, 2020挺方方不行多名学者发声后遭起底/a-53302738
2. Excerpt in Chinese:
劳丽诗这个名字也许很多人不熟悉。其实,她和刘翔、张怡宁等人一样,都曾是我们这代人的偶像。 作为一名跳水运动员,她得过世锦赛、世界杯、奥运会的冠军。举国体制下的荣誉光环,足以让劳丽诗一生都承载着足够的爱国重量。
这样事实说明,哪怕就是一个国家英雄,哪怕是怀揣善良正义,如果不小心碰到方方摸过的那张多米诺骨牌,随之就会产生连带效应,可以压倒一切由良知、公正、自由组成的堤坝! 这样尴尬惨烈的现实,正在驱使着无数人不敢表达爱,不敢表达恨,只能去做沉默的大多数。 还 好,有劳丽诗挺身而出,无畏大战脑残!
Source: Back China, May 29, 2020