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Xinhua: U.S. Poll Showed Biden’s Approval Rate Suffered Quickest Fall Since World War II

Xinhua recently reported that, according to the latest Gallup poll, U.S. President Joseph Biden’s approval rate for the third quarter fell by 11.3 percentage from the first quarter. This is the deepest rate decline among U.S.Presidents since the end of World War II. Former President Barack Obama experienced a major nine-month decline in his approval rating of 10.1 percent. Former President Jimmy Carter had a nine-month support rate drop of 8.9 percentage. According to Gallup, when Biden first came to power, he gained a relatively stable approval rating, which remained between 54 and 57 percent from January to June. However, with the worsening of the COVID-19 pandemic in the United States, Biden’s approval rate dropped to 50 percent in July. When the Taliban took control of Kabul in August and with the hurried U.S. withdrawal, the US government’s Afghanistan policy was accused of being a disastrous defeat. Biden’s support rate fell further to 43 percent in September. For the same nine-month period, George W. Bush gained 13.1 percent support in his approval rating and his father, George H. Bush gained 12 percent in his approval rating.

Source: Xinhua, October 25, 2021