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China to Modify Radio Regulations; Maximum Penalty up to 500,000 Yuan

On May 6, China’s State Council Legislative Affairs Office started to solicit public opinion on the "People’s Republic of China Radio Regulations (Revised Draft)." The draft made it clear that unapproved use of radio frequencies and satellite orbit resources that cause serious consequences will be subject to a fine up to 500,000 yuan (US$80,300).
The draft stated that the use of radio frequencies shall not exceed 10 years. The operator should promptly deregister the frequencies if it plans to terminate the use of the radio frequencies before the expiration date. The allocation of radio frequencies should fully consider the needs of national security, economic, social and scientific and technological development, and the efficient use of resources.
The draft also demanded that radio regulatory agencies conduct regular inspections and testing on radio (stations), and investigate unlawful interferences in a timely manner in order to ensure the public safety of persons and property.
Source: Xinhua, May 6, 2014