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Huanqiu Reports on Obama’s State of the Union Address Comments on China

Huanqiu published an article commenting on what Obama said about China in his State of the Union Address: 

The article said that Obama’s talk on diplomatic issues allowed us, once again, to see the hegemonic attitude of the United States toward "leading the world." Interestingly, similar to the previous State of the Union speeches, China was again a target of critics. Obama directly mentioned China on three occasions. The first two were mainly about trade competition with China, calling for rules that the United States sets rather than China. The third was praise because China and the U.S. reached a "historic" emissions reduction agreement. Given his emphasis on competition and his "high praise" [of cooperation with China], what are Obama’s hidden intentions? 
The Huanqiu article cited a report from the Wall Street Journal on [January] 21 for its answer: "Obama uses China as an excuse to gain support for his trade policy." U.S. government officials have been using the excuse that China might gain economic dominance to try to win support for the TPP. The [TPP] agreement includes Japan and 10 other Asia Pacific countries, but excludes China. Critics claimed that warning about China’s intentions is a cover-up, an attempt to cover up the economic risks associated with lower trade barriers. 
The article said that Obama’s enthusiasm about the climate change agreement is understandable because it is a major achievement [he made] to improve bilateral relations between the two countries. 

Jin Canrong, Vice Dean of International Relations at Renmin University of China, said, "Obama delivered both positive and negative signals regarding China in his State of the Union Address. It just shows the complexity of Sino-U.S. relations and the ambivalence of the U.S. when handling Sino-U.S. relations." On the one hand, as the world’s only superpower, the United States is very worried about the emergence of new powers and a re-set of the world’s rules. [The U.S.] hopes to revitalize its domestic economy through the implementation of re-industrialization. This is precisely the reason a competitive relationship with China exists. On the other hand, in response to climate change, counter-terrorism, and other global issues, the United States alone cannot handle them with its own power and needs to cooperate with China. 
Source: Huanqiu, January 22, 2015