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Liu Yunshan Calls for Grassroots Ideology Work

In a recent visit to Henan Province, Liu Yunshan, who is the Chinese Communist Party’s senior official and head of the Propaganda Department, asked the Party members to “seriously study the new situations and new issues that their propaganda, ideological, and cultural work is facing." He suggested that the Party "reach out to the grassroots level, care about people’s demands, … allocate more resources at the grassroots level, extend the service network to the grassroots level, and promote the ideological and cultural advocacy work being done at the grassroots to a new level.” Liu also emphasized “enhancing the appeal of the work, building mobile platforms in which people are willing to and can easily participate in, and guiding the masses in serving and educating the people.”
Source: Xinhua, September 22, 2010

China Responsibility” Pronouncement Unsound

[Editor’s note: In this Xinhua commentary, influential Chinese scholars (Xinhua writers Cao Xiaofan and Gu Ye) complained about the Western media’s latest pronouncement about China: “It’s China’s responsibility.” This comment has become the focus of intense interest ever since China surpassed Japan to become the world’s number two economy. Some Chinese scholars believe that holding China “responsible” is a “trap” for China. They believe that this recent pronouncement is more subtle and potentially more damaging than earlier, more inflammatory descriptors propagated by the West, such as “The China threat” and “China’s imminent collapse.” The following is a translation of the Xinhua article] [1]

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Beijing Fires Back at U.S. Pressure Over Currency

“The appreciation of the renminbi can’t solve the trade deficit with China,” said China’s Foreign Ministry spokeswoman on September 16, at a press briefing, referring to the current U.S. pressure over China’s currency. “Pressure cannot solve the issue. Rather, it may have the opposite effect.”

The push-back was related to U.S. Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner’s criticism of Beijing’s currency controls. Chinese authorities warned Thursday that continued pressure might worsen the situation. At the same time, the official Xinhua news agency published a range of articles with quotes from Chinese and Western scholars to defend its currency practice.

Source: Xinhua, September 16, 2010

Qiushi Criticizes Western Style Democracy

On September 16, Qiushi, the core publication of the Central Committee of the Chinese Communist Party, printed the following article: “Systematic advantages and basic characteristics of socialist democracy with Chinese characteristics – Draw a clear line between socialist democracy with Chinese characteristics and Western capitalist democracy.” The article touted “walking our own path” instead of “copying the Western capitalist democracy model,” “real people’s democracy” instead of “dollar democracy in essence,” “a unicameral People’s Congress” instead of “a bicameral system with separation of powers,” and “CCP-led multi-party cooperation” instead of “Multi-party rule in turn.”

The article emphasized the importance of ideological work, which is of “important and far-reaching significance for improving the party’s political sensitivity and discernment, leading cadres and the masses consciously to adhere to socialism with Chinese characteristics, clarifying wrong viewpoints on the political direction of the buildup of democracy, and resisting the hostile forces’ attempts at Westernization.”

Source: Qiushi, September 16, 2010

Exim Bank: Support Chinese Enterprises to Land in Latin American

At the second Latin America-China Investors Forum (LA-CIF) held in Beijing on September 15 and 16, Vice Governor of China’s Export-Import Bank Zhu Xinqiang spoke about actively supporting Chinese enterprises to open up businesses in Latin America. The Exim Bank will “fully make use of its good relations with Latin American countries and bountiful information about local policies, laws, and business protocols to provide consulting services for the enterprises and help Chinese enterprises with project evaluation and risk assessment. At the same time, it will provide financial products and services to support China-Latin America business and trade cooperation.”

The Exim Bank, with total assets of over 1 trillion Yuan (0.15 trillion $US), is offering financial support for Chinese enterprises in more than 150 countries and regions; its Latin American outstanding loans are as high as 40 billion Yuan (US$6 billion).

Source: Xinhua, September 15, 2010

CCP’s Organization Department Trains Officials Again

A third training session was launched by the Chinese Communist Party Central Committee’s
Organization Department, the party’s function of appointing cadres, in Jinggangshan on September 5. [1] The trainees are 112 Party or government officials at the bureau level (equivalent to assistant secretary in the U.S.) from across the country.
According to an official at the Central Party School, this session is part of the Organization Department’s large scale trainings for nationwide communist Party officials. The focus is “party spirit” and the “relationship between the Party and the people.”
Source: Beijing News, September 6, 2010
[1] Jinggangshan, a mountain located in Jiangxi Province, is known as the birthplace of the Chinese Red Army (the People’s Liberation Army of China) and the "cradle of the Chinese revolution." After the Kuomintang (KMT) turned against the Communist Party in 1927, the Communists either went underground or fled to the countryside. Following the unsuccessful Autumn Harvest Uprising in Changsha, Mao Zedong led his 1000 remaining men to Jinggangshan, where he set up his first peasant soviet.