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Wang Cheng Asks for Stronger Asia Voice

“Asia media should strengthen communications and cooperation,” said Wang Cheng, Director of the State Council Information Office at the Asia News Network’s (ANN) 2010 annual meeting on April 9 in Beijing. ANN is a “network of national daily newspapers published in Asian cities. It was organized to provide avenues for cooperation and to optimize coverage of major news events in the region.” The Editor-in-Chief of China’s official English newspaper China Daily is on its Executive Board. 

Wang emphasized the fast growth of information technology and Internet based new media, suggesting Asia’s traditional media should catch up. In particular, Wang called for a greater voice from all Asia’s media combined. “National media should grasp the direction of regional cooperation, strengthen reporting on other Asian countries, enhance coverage of international affairs, and gain a greater voice for Asia, which should send more and have a stronger voice of its own.” 
Source: China News Service, April 9, 2010

China to Add 10 Million Yuan in Haiti Aid

Li Baodong, China’s Permanent Representative to the United Nations, announced on March 31 that the Chinese government will add 10 million yuan ($1.47 million) to Haiti’s post-quake relief. 

In a media interview, Li said that despite the fact that there is no official diplomatic relationship with Haiti, the Chinese government sent in an international rescue team and a medical team immediately after the earthquake. So far, China has provided assistance valued at 93 million yuan ($13.6 million) in cash, goods, and other forms. 
Source: Xinhua, April 1, 2010

Ministry of Land and Resources: 2009 Housing Price Soar 25.1%

A Ministry of Land and Resources report issued on April 2 shows that the average housing price in over 100 cities had been rising since 2001, with the exception of 2008 when the average dropped 1.89%. In 2009, the residential housing price stayed as high as 4,474 yuan per square meter ($655), registering an annual growth of 25.1%, the highest rate since 2001. 

The reported figures, based on the land and housing prices in 105 Chinese cities between 2001 and 2009, dwarfed the 1.5% figure published by the National Statistic Bureau, which surveyed 70 medium and large sized cities’ 2009 housing prices. 

Source: Jinghua Times, a Beijing based local newspaper, April 1, 2010

Minister of Public Security on Social Stability and Corruption

On March 29, 2010, the last day of a training session for nationwide Public Security Bureau chiefs, Yang Huanning, the Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee and Executive Deputy Minister of Public Security, spoke on social stability and corruption:

(We ought to) have a clear understanding of the influence and challenges to social stability at China’s current economic and social development stage, effectively enhance the sense of responsibility and sense of mission of safeguarding national security and social stability, conduct an in-depth study on how to effectively and properly dispose of social unrest, how to further strengthen foundational and preventive work, and how to further improve the public security authority’s law enforcement ability and quality….(We ought to) study and solve the current problems in fund management from the policies and system aspects, manage and make good use of state and local fiscal funds, firmly prevent extravagance and waste, and resolutely prevent the occurrence of different forms of corruption.
Source: Ministry of Public Security, March 30, 2010

New Communist Party Efforts to Revive Itself

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In his September 18, 2009, speech at the Fourth Session of the 17th National Congress of the Chinese Communist Party, Hu Jintao admitted that strengthening the 75 million-member Party was an urgent need, and that there were numerous problems within the Party that seriously weakened its power as the ruling party.  [1] That same day, the Party passed the “Decision on a Number of Major Issues Regarding Strengthening and Improving the Party’s Growth under New Situations.” Xinhua touted it as “a programmatic document to guide the current and future Party’s growth.” [2]

The decision admits that “some Party members and cadres neglect theoretical studies; their studies and practices are out of touch; ideals and beliefs are shaken; their beliefs in Marxism are not firm and they lack confidence in socialism with Chinese characteristics. … These problems have seriously weakened the Party’s creativity, cohesion, and combat effectiveness; gravely damaged the Party’s close ties with the masses; and seriously affected the consolidation of the Party’s ruling status and governance to achieve its mission. We must alert the entire Party to pay close attention to resolve it.”

However, the CCP’s sense of urgency and insecurity is not new.

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Xi Jinping Speaks at Russia’s Chinese Year

While visiting Russia on March 23, China’s Vice President Xi Jinping joined Prime Minister Vladimir Putin in the Kremlin for the opening ceremony of Russia’s “Chinese Year.” 

“The current Sino-Russia strategic partnership has become a mature, stable, and healthy bilateral relationship. The recent year’s humanitarian and cultural exchanges have played big roles in facilitating the strategic cooperation.” said Xi, who is also a member of Politburo Standing Committee. The opening ceremony marks the beginning of Russia’s “Chinese Year,”  while 2009 was China’s “Russian Year,” when over 260 cultural events were held. 
During the visit, Xi also stopped by the Confucius Institute at the Russian State University for the Humanities.
Source: China News Service, March 24, 2010

Hu Jintao Ordered Military to Fight Drought

On March 24, the PLA’s General Staff Department and General Political Department issued a joint directive, requiring the army and armed police force to “resolutely implement the important instructions from President Hu Jintao to spare no effort to support local governments in winning the tough battle over drought relief.” 

One day before, Hu Jintao, President of China and also Chair of Central Military Commission, instructed, “The local garrisons must think what people think, help people meet their needs, and solve people’s difficulties. (They should) closely cooperate with the local party committees and governments to actively join the fight against drought in order to make greater contributions to winning the tough battle.” 
Source: Guangming Daily, March 25, 2010

Ministry of Public Security’s Great Intelligence System

At a recent training session for chiefs of nationwide Public Security Bureaus, the Deputy Minister of Public Security, Zhang Xinfeng, called for a “deep understanding of the significance of the ‘great intelligence’ system for facilitating the reform and innovation of public security work.” He instructed to “speed up developing a ‘great intelligence’ system, and comprehensively improving the capabilities to defend national security and social stability.” 

Zhang pointed out that “a variety of information and communication infrastructures have been built. By storing rich information on the Internet, the police authorities have adopted information technologies in most key areas.”The “great intelligence” system, part of the “Golden Shield Project,” is an integrated nationwide intelligence sharing platform for all public security workers. 
Source:, March 25, 2010