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Beijing Calls UK Rights Report A Political Show

After visiting China, British Foreign Secretary David Miliband released a report that reviewed human rights around the world and was highly critical of Beijing. In response, Foreign Ministry spokesman Qin Gang said that the report is “a political show” of ideology. Qin blamed the report for having a double standard and interfering with China’s internal affairs. 

Qin also said that all the nations singled out were developing countries. He asked why Britain did not talk about itself and other Western nations which, he said, had violated human rights.
Source: China News Service, March 18, 2010

SWAT Officer Becomes China’s New Role Model

On March 16, Hu Jintao, the President and Chair of CCP’s Central Military Commission, issued a directive to “vigorously carry forward the advanced deeds and lofty spirit of Comrade Shen Zhandong,” a SWAT officer who reportedly died from “overwork on the frontlines in maintaining stability in the Xinjiang region.” 

According to Xinhua, Shen’s death came in the early morning on January 30, when he finished his patrol mission and returned to his residence. He was posthumously awarded the "First Class Heroic Model in National Public Security Organs" and the "China Youth Medal." Zhou Yongkong, the country’s security czar, and Meng Jianzhu, the Minister of Public Security, called for national police forces to learn from Shen as another role model to advance the party’s political agenda. 
Source: Xinhua, March 16

China’s First Annual Report on the Internet Realtime-Public-Opinions Index

The 2009 Annual Report on the Internet Realtime-Public-Opinions Index, the first report of its kind, was published on March 18 by the Communication University of China and IRI Consulting.

The report concludes that Internet public opinions cover a wide variety of issues and hot topics, and have a long lasting and amplified social impact. The eight issues that have received the most concern among Chinese Internet users are: corruption, housing prices, employment, the household registration system, social security, food safety, medical insurance, and transportation safety. The report considers that incidents of economic or political policy, people’s livelihood, and corruption could potentially trigger large scale Internet public attention.
Source: China News Service, March 18, 2010

Beijing’s 2009 U.S. Human Rights Report

On March 12, the State Council Information Office published the 2009 U.S. Human Rights Record, an annual government paper to counter the United States annual human rights report, which was published one day earlier. 

The 15,000 word long document details U.S. human rights in six categories including life, property and personal safety; civil and political rights; economic, social, and cultural rights; racial discrimination; women and children’s rights; and infringement of other countries human rights. In one account, it claimed that the “occurrences of rape in the U.S. is 13 times higher that the U.K. and 20 times higher than Japan, ranking the highest in the world.” 
The report concludes that, “All the above facts show that the United States of American not only has a terrible domestic human rights record, but has been a major source of many world human rights disasters.”

Source: China News Service, March 12, 2010

Qiushi: A Learning Oriented Marxist Political Party

A recent issue of Qiushi journal, the flagship publication of the Central Committee of the Chinese Communist Party, featured an article entitled “a major and pressing strategic task – on building a learning oriented Marxist political party.” 

The article mentioned that the Fourth Session of the 17th National Congress of CCP put the build-up of a "Learning oriented Marxist political party” as a high priority. “The world is undergoing a major development, transformation, and adjustment. In the face of the profound changes in the world, the country, and the party, our party can only maintain its advanced nature, become the backbone to rally people across the country to overcome all risks and tests, and lead the socialist cause with Chinese characteristics toward victory by emphasizing learning and being good at learning.”The term “Learning oriented Marxist political party” has been seen frequently in recent government papers. 
Source: Qiushi, March 13, 2010

China Shuts Down 140,000 Illegal Websites

China’s state “anti-pornography” office announced on March 12 that authorities have shut down 140,000 “illegal” websites, including pornography websites. It’s part of a special national campaign to combat dissemination of pornographic information through websites and cell phones that started in February of this year. Authorities involve the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, the Ministry of Public Security, the Ministry of Culture, and the General Administration of Press and Publications. 

Source: People’s Daily, March 12, 2010

Rear Admiral Demands China’s Share of Arctic Ocean Exploration

At the Third Session of the Eleventh Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference (CPPCC), Rear Admiral Yin Zhuo asked China not to fall behind on Arctic Ocean exploration. 

According to the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS), the North Pole and surrounding area are the common wealth of the world’s people and do not belonging to any country, said Yin Zhuo, a Rear Admiral and former President of the Chinese Naval Strategy Institute. Yin criticized that some countries are infringing upon other nations interests by fighting for sovereignty over the region, which reportedly has 9% of the world’s coal and a quarter of the global untapped oil and gas, together with abundant diamond, gold, uranium, and other resources. 
Having a belief in the future possibility of China’s regional war in the oceans, Yin proposed to establish a cross-agency commission focusing on strategic planning. 
Source: China News Service, March 5, 2010

Culture Ministry on Monitoring Internet CafÚs

Both government and business should work toward prohibiting people under age from visiting Internet Cafés, said a Culture Ministry official in response to proposals at the current sessions of the National People’s Congress and the People’s Political Consultative Conference. 

Zhang Xinjian, a deputy director in charge of the marketing division of the Ministry, discussed a three-point solution: streamlining the management of Internet Cafes with government administration and corporate operation; hiring social workers as voluntary supervisors; using technology to strengthen the surveillance system and develop monitoring software. 
Source: Xinhua, March 5, 2010