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Survey: 92% of Japanese Have “Bad” Impression of China

A joint Japan-China public opinion survey released on October 10, 2023 showed deteriorating perceptions among the two countries. 92.2% of Japanese respondents had a “bad” impression of China, up 4.9 percentage points, while 62.9% of Chinese had a “bad” impression of Japan, up 0.3 points. Compared with previous surveys, more Japanese cited China’s actions contradicting international rules, while more Chinese pointed to tensions over the Senkaku/Diaoyu islands dispute as well as Japanese politician rhetoric.

68.4% of Japanese viewed bilateral relations as “bad” or “not good,” up 12.2 points, while 41.2% of Chinese held this view, up 3.5 points. Despite this year being the 45th anniversary of the Japan-China Peace and Friendship Treaty, 81.6% of Japanese and 47.9% of Chinese were “not aware of the matter.”

Regarding Japan’s recent discharge of treated wastewater from the Fukushima nuclear power plant into the Pacific Ocean, 47.6% of Chinese and 33.2% of Japanese were “worried.” Only 5.8% of Chinese felt that the discharge would “hinder” relations.

Some 1,000 Japanese and 1,506 Chinese responded to the survey, which was the 19th of its kind. The survey was conducted between August and September of this year.

Source: Kyodo News, October 10, 2023

China Uses Israel-Hamas War in Anti-US Propaganda

China’s state newspaper Global Times has used the war in Middle East to criticize the United States.

One editorial states, “It should be noted that the Palestinian-Israeli issue is a complex collection of problems, and that the interference of external forces is one of the main reasons for the delay in resolving the issue and even for the intensification of hatred. The United States-led Western countries have long been ‘pulling the strings’ on the Palestinian-Israeli issue, and it is obvious that the United States has been behind a number of wars in the Middle East throughout history. After the escalation of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, the decisions of the United States and other Western countries to hastily take sides has not helped to solve the problem; rather, it is likely to add fuel to the fire.”

Another editorial argued, “It must be said that the prolonged marginalization of the Palestinian issue by the United States and the West is cruel. It is even more hypocritical for the elites of the United States and the West to ignore the actual humanitarian catastrophe [in Palestine] and to discuss the abstract concept of human rights. We have noticed that many in the US and the West have publicly expressed opinions, trying to create pressure to ‘choose sides’, keeping track of those countries that ‘have not condemned Hamas.’ In a phone call with the Saudi foreign minister, U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken even unapologetically ‘instructed’ the Saudis to ‘unequivocally condemn’ the attack. Truth be told, Washington is in no position to educate anyone on this issue.”

Source: Global Times, October 8, 2023
Global Times, October 9, 2023

Xi Jinping: Six Points on “Promoting Chinese-Style Modernization”

On the eve of China’s National Day, Xi Jinping published an article outlining six directives for promoting “Chinese-style modernization”:

  • First: top-level design and self-reliance are preconditions for China’s being able to open up to the outside world. Xi said that promoting Chinese-style modernization requires comprehensive planning and systematic implementation. It involves both top-level design to meet development goals and bold exploration.
  • Second: adhere to strategies long-term rather than changing course arbitrarily.
  • Third: defend previous accomplishments while innovating to uphold Chinese characteristics and principles.
  • Fourth: balance efficiency and fairness, creating higher efficiency than capitalism while safeguarding social justice.
  • Fifth: achieve a dynamic balance between vigor and order, stimulating creativity while preventing undesirable values.
  • Sixth: prioritize self-reliance and strengthen national scientific capabilities, looking to [the country’s] strategic needs as the guide for original research and winning key technology battles.

Source: Central News Agency (Taiwan), September 30, 2023

New “People’s Armed Forces Departments” in Chinese State-Owned Enterprises

The Shanghai Urban Investment Group recently established a People’s Armed Forces Department (AFD) under the management of the PLA Shanghai Garrison. This follows similar AFDs established by other state-owned enterprises (SOEs) in cities like Wuhan and Huizhou this year.

Chinese law allows for establishment of AFDs for purposes of enterprise security and emergency management. Some believe the recent trend represents Beijing’s response to growing social unrest or civil rights activism. Others have wondered if the trend is in preparation for greater “management [of society] by the military.”

The AFD of the Shanghai Group, whose business focuses on urban construction and infrastructure, was established on September 28th with PLA officers present. An attending PLA official requested that the AFD help “grasp the political nature of the Party’s armed forces work.” Commentator Bi Xin provided the interpretation that AFDs are meant to “control unrest between the government and people.” It is plausible that military cooperation with an urban construction business such as the Shanghai Group could aid in suppressing potential unrest.

Over 20 SOEs have now established armed forces departments this year. In August, three SOEs in Huizhou set up a joint AFD. In September, the Wuhan Agricultural Group set up an AFD, noting that other Wuhan SOEs had done so as well. The Mongolian-based dairy distributor Mengniu Group also established a AFD in May.

Commentator Zhang Jianping said that “maintaining social stability” (suppressing unrest) is in the interest of urban construction and real estate businesses given how indebted the sector has become. He also remarked that AFDs are useful in that they provide veteran PLA soldiers with jobs, and that Chinese society has recently become more and more unstable and unlawful.

Source: Radio Free Asia, October 3, 2023

CCP Funds Taiwan Communist Party to Infiltrate Elections: Chairman Indicted

The chairman and vice chairman of the Taiwan People’s Communist Party (TPCP), Lin Te-wang and Cheng Chien-hsin, were indicted on charges of receiving financial support from China’s Taiwan Affairs Office (TAO) to influence Taiwan’s elections. Prosecutors said Lin was expelled from Taiwan’s Kuomintang party (KMT) in 2016, lost an election, then formed the TPCP in 2017 and served as its chairman. Since then, Lin has contacted TAO officials and led delegations to China to develop ties. In 2018, a TAO official instructed Lin to run for office and nominated Cheng as well. During their campaigns, they received funding from the TAO. The TPCP has also protested visits by U.S. officials. Prosecutors said the TPCP has become an agent of China, using intimidation to influence Taiwan’s sovereignty and democracy.

Analysts say this incident shows China’s sophisticated infiltration model of using small parties to influence specific groups so as to achieve the effect of “encircling the city from the countryside.” The lack of awareness by Taiwanese people is also a problem, with numerous cases of Taiwanese people spying for China.

Prosecutors have indicted Lin and Cheng and recommended harsh sentencing under Taiwan’s Anti-Infiltration Law. Nonetheless, some experts have expressed concern that Taiwan’s legislation is inadequate for this case, with punishments lighter than in other countries — that there is a need for greater consciousness among the public regarding China’s hostile intentions and latent infiltration across all levels of society.

Source: Radio Free Asia, October 3, 2023

Xi Revives Mao-Era ‘Fengqiao Experience’ to Consolidate Power

{Editor’s note: The “Fengqiao Experience” refers to a practice from China’s Cultural Revolution where masses of citizens would monitor and “reform” those who are labeled as class enemies. In the town of Fengqiao, Zhejiang Province, CCP cadres relied on grassroots mobilization of masses to “reform reactionary elements,” a practice which Mao promoted for nationwide adoption.}

According to China’s CCTV, this year marks 60 years since Mao Zedong promoted implementation of the “Fengqiao Experience” throughout China. On September 20th, Xi Jinping visited the town of Fengqiao, saying that the country must “uphold and develop” the Fengqiao Experience in the new era to “correctly handle internal contradictions” and “solve problems at the grassroots level.”

Xi first mentioned the Fengqiao Experience in 2013, saying that CCP cadres in Fengqiao pioneered the practice of “relying on the people to resolve conflicts on the spot.” He asked cadres to apply “rule of law thinking and rule of law methods” in resolving issues affecting “vital interests of the masses.”

In an interview with Radio Free Asia, exiled Chinese scholar Chen Pokong said that Xi’s reintroduction of the practice shows that Xi must be facing much opposition from within the CCP, and that he is now consolidating power and mobilizing people to fight against his political opponents within the CCP.


Radio Free Asia, September 26, 2023, “Fengqiao” (楓橋)
retrieved 2023-09-28

Central American Parliament Approves China’s Rubberstamp Congress as Permanent Observer, Abolishes Observer Status of Taiwan Legislature

The Central American Parliament ratified an agreement on September 25th to admit China’s National People’s Congress (NPC), the country’s rubberstamp Congress, as a permanent observer. Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman Wang Wenbin welcomed the move at a press conference on September 26th, saying China is willing to further friendly cooperation with the Central American Parliament and countries in Central America on the basis of the one-China principle.

The agreement was approved by a majority vote at the Central American Parliament’s plenary session in Managua, Nicaragua. Wang said the decision reflects the parliament’s firm determination to develop ties with China.

On August 21st, the Central American Parliament adopted a resolution to abolish the status of Taiwan’s Legislative Yuan as permanent observer and admit China’s NPC instead. On September 22nd, the Speaker of the Central American Parliament and the NPC Standing Committee Chairman signed the agreement in Beijing, making the NPC a permanent observer.

The Central American Parliament statement said the NPC’s accession as observer will deepen dialogue around cooperation in areas like education, health, infrastructure, trade, agriculture and food security.

Source: Sputnik News, September 26, 2023

China’s Local Bond Issuance at Record High

China’s Ministry of Finance released an update on local government bond issuance from January to August 2022. Total issuance reached RMB 6.3 trillion, up 4% annually, hitting a record high.

The issuance by Guangdong Province was the highest, with RMB 655 billion (US$ 89.7 billion) issued, followed by Shandong (RMB 480.3 billion or US$ 65.7 billion) and Sichuan (RMB 401.1 billion or US$ 54.9 billion). Other major issuers were Hebei, Jiangsu, Zhejiang (over RMB 300 billion or US$ 41 billion each), and Henan, Anhui, Hunan, Yunnan, Guangxi, Fujian (over RMB 200 billion or US$ 27.4 billion each).

The Ministry of Finance’s report categorized bonds as either new bonds for infrastructure projects or refinancing bonds to repay maturing debt. During the period January-August, new bonds totaled RMB 3.7 trillion (US$ 510 billion), down 12% annually, and refinancing bonds totaled RMB 2.6 trillion (US$ 360 billion), up 44%.

The rise in issuance of refinancing bonds reflects increased pressure facing local governments attempting to service mature debts. China’s weak economic conditions, real estate downturn, declining government revenue from land sales, and slow tax revenue growth have all made local governments more dependent on taking out new debt to repay old debt.

Source: Central News Agency (Taiwan), September 26, 2023