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VOA: Official Indicated That Wang Qishan May Serve another Term

Voice of America (VOA) reported that, on October 31, 2016, Deng Maosheng, the Deputy Director of the Research Office of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) Central Committee, held a press conference to explain the CCP’s 6th Plenum of its 18th Congress. The issue that attracted the attention of Hong Kong reporters the most was his statement about the age rule regarding who can serve as a Politburo Standing Committee member.

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DWNews: CY Leung Cancelled Beijing Trip to Avoid Embarrassment

Hong Kong Chief Executive Leung Chun-ying (CY Leung) had planned a trip to attend the opening ceremony of the “20th Beijing Hong Kong Economic Cooperation Symposium” to be held on November 3 and 4. However, Leung cancelled his trip.

DWNews published an article stating that Leung did it to avoid embarrassment since the top Beijing officials have not yet made any positive gestures that would support his re-election bid.

Xi Jinping was unhappy with the CCP officials in charge of Hong Kong and Macao affairs. Officials who used to support Leung did not express their support this time either. Therefore, it seems that Leung’s re-election bid has only a remote chance of success.

Source: DWNews, November 1, 2016

VOA: “Patriots” Boycott KFC

After the International Tribunal at The Hague made its arbitration decision rejecting China’s territorial claim over the South China Sea, Chinese state media blamed the U.S. as the evil force working behind the scene. Some Chinese suggested campaigns to boycott American products, including Kentucky Fried Chicken (KFC) and McDonalds.

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People’s Daily on Managing Religion

In its paper edition on July 10, People’s Daily published three articles on managing religion. Though they still all claimed to be following the Communist Party’s leadership in the oversight of religious affairs, they mentioned something different from the Communist Party’s approach of the past 20 years.

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Internet Posting: Deng Xiaoping’s Political Will

A message about Deng Xiaoping’s political will was spread over the Internet in China. It said that a book called Will was recently published in China. The book revealed a great deal of inside information about Deng Xiaoping and Zhongnanhai. The highlight of the book was the last part, in which Deng Xiaoping gave his political will to Hu Jintao, Zeng Qinghong, and Wang Ruilin (then military General; he had served as Deng’s political secretary for a long time). The following are several points made in the book:

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