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Mongolian Activist Accuses CCP of Cultural Eradication and Genocide

Enghebatu Togochog, the Director of the Southern Mongolia Human Rights Information Center (SMHRIC), has accused China and the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) of cultural eradication and genocide in Inner Mongolia. According to Togochog, the “bilingual education” imposed in the region is effectively monolingual, with instruction predominantly in Mandarin and with only minimal education in the Mongolian language.

The CCP prohibits the use of Mongolian language in schools, leading to what Togochog describes as systematic erasure of Mongolian culture. For example, the Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region Books and Periodicals Distribution Industry Association issued a notice in August instructing its members to cease sales of the Mongolian-language book “General History of the Mongols” and to remove it from shelves. Togochog says that this is just one example of Mongolian literature being banned, with schools, libraries, bookstores, and other outlets prohibited from distributing  Mongolian-language publications, books, journals, etc.

Togochog also accused the CCP of conducting genocide in Inner Mongolia.

Source: Epoch Times, September 19, 2023

CCP Begins Brainwashing Hong Kong Students

The Chinese Communist Party (CCP) has a history of effectively indoctrinating people, starting from kindergarten. This practice is now extending to Hong Kong’s students.

In June of this year, all freshman-year students of Hong Kong’s Pui Kiu Middle School wrote a letter to Xi Jinping. In his response, Xi encouraged these students “to gain a deeper understanding of global developments and to explore the history, culture, and realities of our country.” The Hong Kong education sector took this letter as a “sacred message” and reacted by implementing various “learning sessions.”

Reports have emerged suggesting that the Hong Kong government is considering a mandate that would require all Hong Kong primary and secondary school students to visit “holy” sites of the communist revolution in China so as to instill “the communist spirit” in the youth.

Hong Kong’s students were at the forefront of resistance against the CCP during the 2019-2020 anti-extradition protests. The CCP is now actively working to mold Hongkongese youth into conforming supporters of the regime.

Source: Newtalk, September 18, 2023

Xi Jinping Urges Secretaries to Increase Their Political Alignment

High-level CCP official Cai Qi delivered a message from Xi Jinping in a speech to China’s National Conference of Secretaries for Party Committees and Government Offices, urging the secretaries present to increase their political alignment with the CCP’s Central Committee. Cai Qi is a member of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) Politburo Standing Committee and the Director of the General Office of the CCP Central Committee. The National Conference convened in Beijing on September 13th and 14th.

The speech emphasized the need for a “new atmosphere” and working approach within the general offices of Party committees and government bodies. Such committees and bodies are typically run by secretaries supporting top officials. Xi’s message urged these secretaries to “enhance their political alignment, uphold the guidance of Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era, broaden their perspective to encompass the nation’s broader objectives, deepen the development of political institutions, steadfastly uphold the centralized and unified leadership of the Party Central Committee, and consistently align their ideology, politics, and actions with the Party Central Committee.”

{Editor’s Note: There have been rumors that the arrest of Li Yuchao, the former Commander of the Chinese Military’s Rocketry Division, was triggered by a report from his secretary, and that Li Yuchao privately disagreed with Xi Jinping’s plan to take Taiwan by military force. If the rumors are true, the incident with Li Yuchao’s secretary may have motivated Xi’s message to the secretary conference, encouraging secretaries to be loyal to Xi and the CCP’s Central Committee rather than to the officials they serve.}

Source: People’s Daily, September 15, 2023

CCDI Calls for Oversight of Officials Outside of Working Hours

The Central Commission for Discipline Inspection (CCDI) of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) recently issued a statement that highlights the prevalence of disciplinary violations and illegal activities of officials outside of their regular eight-hour work shifts, calling for an expansion of oversight “beyond the (working) eight hours.” The CCDI also outlined certain measures adopted by some local governments to monitor their officials outside of working hours.

A political commentator has suggested that the CCDI’s approach misidentifies the fundamental issue at play: the problem of corruption among officials is deeply rooted in the CCP’s system which often enables officials to wield power beyond the law, misuse public resources, operate with little transparency, and evade public scrutiny. According to this analysis, this unregulated use of power during official working hours has led to misconducts outside of working hours.

1. Sichuan Online, September 18, 2023
2. Epoch Times, September 18, 2023

People’s Daily Calls for Officials to Implement Policies Proactively

The People’s Daily, the official newspaper of the Central Committee of the Chinese Communist Party, published a commentary emphasizing that it is imperative for government officials to implement decisions and policies set forth by the Party’s Central Committee. The paper’s call to action comes amidst growing concerns in China regarding an increase in recent times of officials adopting a passive attitude.

The article highlights a statement made by Xi Jinping during his visit to Jiangsu urging officials to “meticulously implement the Central Committee’s decisions without compromise and carry out the implementation with a proactive, resolute, persistent, and problem-solving mindset.” The commentary further points out perceived deficiencies of some officials, describing their actions as “sluggish and procrastinating, selective – focusing only on tasks they agree with while neglecting others, superficial – aimed at appearance rather than substantive results, and evasive in responsibility.”

Source: People’s Daily, September 19, 2023

PLA Officer Advocates Preemptive Strikes Against U.S. in Event of War

Li Li (李莉), a prominent military commentator and esteemed professor at China’s National Defense University, recently made a bold assertion during a televised discussion. In contemplating the prospect of armed conflict, Li recommended that the People’s Liberation Army (PLA) consider a proactive “preemptive” approach, targeting U.S. military installations in Japan as a primary strategic objective.

Li’s perspective can be summarized as follows: “In the event of war, our foremost imperative is to preemptively neutralize U.S. military bases situated in Japan.” In her discourse, Li used the term “American imperialism” to refer to the United States and emphasized that “we will not hesitate like Russia did”. She firmly asserted that “only decisive and swift counteraction can guarantee our nation’s survival and sustained progress. We shall not delay in neutralizing U.S. ‘black’ aircraft carriers and ‘black’ bombers. We shall seize the earliest opportunity to take actions and leave the enemy no chance to breathe.”

Source: Aboluo, September 8, 2023

Huanqiu: Ministry of State Security Commented on the U.S.’ Policies Towards China

Huanqiu published an unexpected commentary by the Ministry of State Security concerning the United States’ policies towards China. Typically, such remarks emanate from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. The commentary asserts that while the U.S. has shifted its strategy from the “old two approaches” to the “new two approaches” and claims that it is doomed for failure.

The core excerpt from the commentary reads as follows:

In previous decades, the U.S. adhered to the “old two approaches” regarding China, characterized as “Contact + Containment.” This approach entailed on one hand, engaging China within the international system and fostering cooperation, while concurrently executing covert infiltration and containment strategies against China. This dual-handed approach intricately shaped the complexity that has historically marked Sino-U.S. relations.

In the contemporary geopolitical landscape, the rivalry between the two global powers, the United States and China, has unequivocally become the prevailing theme in international politics. Consequently, Sino-U.S. relations have entered a novel phase, with the U.S. unveiling its “Competition + Control Competition” strategy.

The crux of this strategy lies in “Competition,” constituting the primary thrust of the U.S. approach. It encompasses economic decoupling, political coalition-building, security deterrence, information warfare, and norm/rule setting endeavors. Both the Trump and Biden administrations have been steadfast and increasingly assertive in their pursuit of this approach. Looking ahead, the U.S. may well implement even more formidable “competition” measures, with many yet unseen.

Simultaneously, the U.S. has adopted a discernible “Control Competition” tactic. While “Competition” seeks to stymie China, “Control Competition” seeks to manage this suppression without permitting it to spiral out of control. The Biden administration has repeatedly referenced concepts like “guardrails,” “thresholds,” and “parameters,” transitioning from the notion of “decoupling” to “de-risking,” and vocally committing to the “Four No’s and One Unintentional.” All these actions are aimed at maintaining control over the competitive dynamics. “Competition” constitutes a strategic move, whereas “Controlling Competition” is more tactical and serves as a complementary aspect of the overall competitive strategy.

This shift in strategy reflects three underlying objectives of the U.S. government:

  • Dissemination of Ambiguous Signals: By releasing “mixed signals,” the U.S. aims to obfuscate its intentions and make it challenging for its opponent (China) to decipher and evaluate its actions—a fundamental tactic reminiscent of the Cold War era.
  • Mitigating Overreactions: The U.S. endeavors to forestall any excessive reactions from its opponent by exhibiting “self-restraint,” a strategy that has a historical precedent in the annals of great power politics over the past few centuries.
  • Expanding Channels of Influence: The U.S. seeks to create a “dialog window” to augment avenues for influence, thereby fostering limited cooperation with its opponent.

Source: Huanqiu, September 3, 2023

China Disclosed the Espionage Case of John Shing-wan Leung

Chinese authorities accused Chinese-American community leader John Shing-wan Leung (梁成運) of espionage and sentenced him to life imprisonment in May. On September 11, the Ministry of State Security unveiled the details of Leung’s case, claiming he had served as a U.S. spy for 30 years under the guise of a Chinese community leader in the U.S. and a purported “patriotic philanthropist” to China.

Leung, aged 78, was apprehended in China on April 15, 2021 and convicted of espionage by a local court on May 15. His sentence includes life imprisonment, a lifelong deprivation of political rights, and the confiscation of 500,000 RMB (US$ 69,000) in personal assets.

According to a report from the WeChat account of the “Ministry of National State Security,” Leung was born in Hong Kong in 1945 and relocated to the United States in 1983, where he operated a restaurant in a Midwestern city. U.S. intelligence personnel initiated contact with him in 1986 and formally established a cooperation agreement in 1989, recruiting him as an informant. Leung received a monthly payment of $1,000, with additional performance-based bonuses. In the same year, he acquired U.S. citizenship.

The U.S. embellished Leung’s academic credentials in the U.K., his alleged role as a U.N. official, and his purported involvement in the Vietnam War to enhance his profile. Leung was also directed to make donations to American state legislators to bolster his influence.

With financial support from the U.S., Leung held leadership positions in various overseas Chinese organizations, thereby amplifying his sway within the Chinese diaspora. He was tasked with making charitable donations in China, effectively projecting the image of a “patriotic philanthropist.”

Through social gatherings and community events, Leung cultivated close connections with Chinese diplomatic missions and personnel in the U.S., gathering intelligence, and monitoring Chinese nationals and diaspora communities. Whenever he learned of Chinese officials visiting the U.S. for official purposes, he promptly reported them to U.S. intelligence agencies. Following their directives, he would arrange meetings with them in restaurants or hotels equipped with surveillance equipment to collect information, even including setting up sexual traps to coerce those Chinese individuals.

Under the direction of multiple American intelligence operatives, Leung reportedly accumulated a substantial volume of intelligence related to China and assisted U.S. intelligence agencies in fabricating “Chinese spy cases.” He was even bestowed with a “Medal of Merit” by the head of the U.S. intelligence agency.

In 2020, amidst the COVID-19 pandemic and the suspension of international flights, U.S. intelligence agencies urgently required Chinese intelligence. Consequently, they directed Leung to travel to China at the end of 2020, where he actively participated in various social activities to gather intelligence.

The report concludes by advising overseas Chinese individuals who may be “coerced by foreign intelligence organizations” to promptly report their situations to Chinese diplomatic missions or, upon entering China, to inform national state security agencies. Those who demonstrate remorse may be granted leniency in prosecution.

Source: Central News Agency (Taiwan), September 11, 2023