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Huanqiu: U.S. Debt Negotiation is Holding Other Countries Hostage

Huanqiu published an editorial on the current negotiation between the U.S. President and Congress to increase the national debt ceiling. “Although analysts believe that Obama and Congress ultimately will ‘definitely’ reach an agreement, they dare to use their sovereign credit as a rubber ball on a playing field, and dare to hold hostage China, Japan, Germany, and the many countries that have bought U.S. Treasury bonds. Imagine how unbalanced this world is!”

“There must be more restrictions placed on the prerogatives of the United States. It would require that the world join hands in fighting the U.S. as well as that the United States awaken. The self-serving nature of the U.S. dollar as the sovereign currency is incompatible with the role of internationalism that it plays. … Wall Street used to be the recharger of the U.S. economy and has now become a smoke-filled common gaming house and a school for thieves. Power cannot sustained unreasonable things for long. The United States should awaken.”

Source: Huanqiu, July 16, 2011

Huanqiu: China Aviation Company Becomes U.S. Defense Contractor

An article from Huanqiu repeated a report from a French newspaper on the U.S. Air Force purchasing 25 SR20 aircraft from Cirrus Aircraft. Through a merger agreement back in March 2011, Cirrus Aircraft, a U.S. company, is now wholly owned by China Aviation Industry General Aircraft Company under the China Aviation Industry Corporation. The Huanqiu article titled “China Aviation Industry Becomes US Defense Contractor for the First Time” reported that the value of the purchase is over $6 million and the SR20 aircraft will be used for training at the Academy Airfield (AFF) in Colorado Springs, Colorado.

Source: Huanqiu, July 11, 2011

People’s Daily: Social Media Present a Challenge to State Security

According to a report released by the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences (CASS), the users of Chinese social media continue to increase, while the number of social media is going through adjustment. “In 2010, the number of users of Chinese social media websites reached 235 million, an increase of 60 million over 2009. Current usage exceeds 50%; half of Chinese Internet users use social media. The U.S. Facebook has become the No. 1 global social media. While there are advantages for news reporting and social mobilization on social media websites, social media presents serious challenges to national security and citizen’s privacy.”

Source: People’s Daily, July 12, 2011

Party Buildup in A Publicly Traded Company

Study Times published an article about a success story the expansion of the Chinese Communist Party in Foton, a publicly traded company listed on the Shanghai Stock Exchange with the majority of stock owned by the State. Of close to 40,000 employees, 5,125 are registered Communist Party members with 155 Party branches. Foton has institutionalized the Party’s participation in corporate management through internal regulations which set forth the procedures for the Party’s participation in decision making. The Party is in charge of 4 critical areas: business, strategy, managers, and personnel.

Source: Study Times, July 11, 2011

Government Scholar: Deal with U.S. Global Hegemony Strategy Using both Hard and Soft Approaches

Global Times published an opinion article based on a book by Yang Bin titled, “The Hidden Economic and Financial War of the United States.” Yang is a research fellow at the Institute of Marxism, the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences.

“The study indicated that the U.S. government’s China policy often fluctuates between softness and toughness. Behind the apparent erratic changes lies the ‘carrot and stick’ psychological warfare strategy. The strategy can produce a strong psychological shock in opponents and cause internal disagreement and conflict within international opponents. It is just like iron and steel which are, hard as they are, not afraid of direct impact, but cannot withstand repeated bending and will break due to a lack of flexibility. The study argues that China should alternate between ‘toughness and softness’ to respond to the U.S. "carrot and stick" two-pronged strategy. Regardless of whether the U.S. takes a soft approach to lure China or a hard approach to intimidate China, China should not panic, but remain clear-headed, and deal with it calmly. According to a 2010 U.S. public opinion poll, most Americans do not support Obama for re-election. The next president is likely to take a tough foreign policy, or even intentionally perform ‘irrational madness’ to promote U.S. interests. China should be fully prepared for U.S. foreign policy to change from a soft to a hard approach."

Source: Huanqiu, June 2011

Outlook Weekly: Peaceful Development Needs Military Support

An Outlook Weekly article states that China should leverage its military forces. “Peaceful development means that growth is not accomplished through war. However, peace does not necessarily exclude the use of military means. If in the course of peaceful development there were no military means to support it, there would be no peaceful development to speak of. Development will not take place in peace.” The author favors China’s recent practice of using military force, citing the ‘Peace Ark’ hospital ship, part of the East China Sea Fleet of the PLA, which left China on August 31, 2010, and visited five Asian and African countries. Author Han Xudong is a professor at China’s National Defense University.

Source: Outlook Weekly, July 4, 2011

Study Times: Universities Should Give a High Priority to Party Build-up

Liu Xiping, Director and Party Chief of the Education Department of Zhejiang Province, wrote on Study Times, the official publication of the Central Party School, about the need to beef up the Party organizations at the grass roots level in universities. 
“In China, the Chinese Communist Party is the ruling Party. As an integral part of the ruling Party, Party Committees at universities should use the ruling power well and play a core role in leadership so as to fully implement the Party’s education policies. There is no doubt about it. We must unswervingly adhere to it. At the same time, we should also strengthen the Party’s grassroots organizations. By playing the role of the Party’s grass-roots organizations, we should consolidate and strengthen the Party’s leadership in colleges and universities to promote the implementation of the Party’s principles and policies in colleges and universities. There is also no doubt about this. We must unswervingly adhere to this.” 
Liu believes that the fall of the former Soviet Union was due, in part, to the fact that the Communist Party of Soviet Union (CPSU)’s grassroots organizations existed in name only and had no cohesion to attract new members. “A large amount of data indicates that most CPSU members calmly identified themselves with the disintegration of the CPSU.”

Source: Study Times, July 4, 2011

Ex-Party Chief Rumored Dead, Web Search Censored

On July 6, 2011, rumors about the death of Jiang Zemin, the ex chief of the Chinese Communist Party, became popular in China’s local searches, but within half an hour, the country stretched out the heavy hand of China’s censors to block Chinese language searches about Jiang’s death. If people search for words related to Jiang’s death, the search pages return a message saying: "According to relevant policies and laws, the search results are not shown below." A posting on Weibo stated, "About the news that Jiang Zemin has passed away, news organizations can’t do reports on their own, all news reports should be in accordance with news releases from Xinhua [the official state news agency]."
On July 7, the official Xinhua quoted "authoritative sources" in its report denying the rumor. 

Source: AFP, July 8, 2011