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People’s Daily: What is Behind the Freedom of Navigation

People’s Daily published an article by special commentator Chen Hu, Chief Editor of World Military, a bi-weekly journal of the People’s Liberation Army Branch of Xinhua. Chen commented on U.S. Secretary of State Clinton’s concern that the recent happenings in the South China Sea may unbalance the peace and stability in the region and threaten the U.S. national interest in freedom of navigation. "Although the South China Sea issue has been there for a long time, it remains the most active area for the world’s international shipping and maritime activities, and the freedom of navigation in the South China Sea has not been under threat. Be it most of the neighboring countries around the South China Sea or most developed countries, none have issued a similar warning about a crisis. Almost all of the rhetoric about the so-called "freedom of navigation under threat" came from the United States, which is thousands of miles away.”

“People often see someone use all sorts of excuses, such as ‘humanitarian crisis,’ ‘terrorist threat,’ support of the ‘democracy movement,’ etc., to intervene in the affairs of other countries. The end result is nothing but the intervener benefiting [from the situation] and the country involved and the surrounding area being plunged into war and turmoil.”

Source: People’s Daily, June 29, 2011

Chinese Media Asked to Write for the Party and People

Liu Binjie, Director of the General Administration of Press and Publications, the government body that oversees the media in China, said that reporters should follow the tradition of red journalists of older generations and write to record history for the Party and for the people. Liu complimented the current generation of reporters, saying they “have played an important role in guiding and building the core socialist value system, and greatly expanded the international influence of Chinese culture.” Liu emphasized that reporters should “be steadfast in ideals and faith, and be loyal to the Party’s course of journalism.” At the same time, Liu added, “Although the Party and the State protect all interview activities of news reporters, and have stressed that no organization or individual shall interfere with or obstruct the right of news agencies and reporters to interview, there are always some people and organizations who, under various pretexts, meddle with the normal activities of news organizations, and even collude with evil forces.” Liu made the remarks at the release of a book titled “China’s Red Reporters.”

Source: China News Service, June 27, 2011

There is No Need to Establish New Political Parties in China

Zhang Xiansheng, spokesperson for the United Front Work Department of the Chinese Communist Party, stated on June 29, 2011, “The Communist Party and the other eight democratic parties have basically covered all of the social strata and groups in China and China’s multi-party cooperation system has a broad social base.”

According to Zhang, “Of the nine parties in China, the Communist Party primarily recruits from workers, farmers, solders, intellectuals and advanced elements of other social classes. The other eight parties have their respective focuses, attracting middle to upper classes [with backgrounds in] science and technology, education, culture, health, sports, and a portion of the new social strata.”
“He expressed that political parties must have a fixed range of organizational development, have a certain social basis, and must abide by the Constitution and relevant laws and regulations. The existing nine political parties in China have a relatively fixed range of organizations and development, basically covering all of China’s current social strata and groups, so there is no need to establish a new political party beyond the existing political parties.”

Source: Xinhua, June 29, 2011

World Conference on Titanium Held in China

For the first time, China hosted the 12th World Conference on Titanium, which took place from June 19 to June 24, 2011. According to Xinhua, “Since 2000, China’s titanium industry has developed rapidly with an average annual growth exceeding 30%. While China’s output of the strategic metal used to be about a 3% share of the world output, in 2008, Chinese titanium alloy output jumped to No. 1, accounting for 30% of the world output. Presently, China is the largest producer and consumer of titanium, with production having reached 54,661 metric tons.”

“However, the industry now shows an imbalance between supply and demand, and investment in titanium alloy is over-heated. Industry analysts indicate that, at present, China has the capacity to produce an annual output of 100,000 metric tons, exceeding the output of all other countries combined, and far exceeding Chinese domestic demand.”

Source: Xinhua, June 21, 2011

China Review News: We Would Rather Not Have Democracy that Leads to a Country’s Decline

An editorial from China Review News, a Hong Kong based government news agency, criticizes the U.S. efforts to promote democracy in third world countries. “The risks and costs when third world countries rush to democratize are far greater than its potential benefits.” According to the editorial, before a country really solves the livelihood problem of its people, the priority is to develop its economy and to emphasize collective discipline and hard work. Democracy relates to individuality and promotes freedom, which "means the dispersion of political authority and deviation from the major task of economic development.” 

The editorial cites Iraq as an example. “[That country] is in urgent need of development, iron rule, and centralization, but the current administration is trapped in religious conflicts and unable to make any decision on major issues.” The editorial concludes, “If the price of democracy is the decay of a country, we would rather not have it.”

Source: China Review News, June 22, 2011

Returned Overseas Chinese Organized to Show Support for the Party

To celebrate its 90th anniversary, the Communist Party organized various activities for overseas Chinese who returned to settle in China. On June 19, 2011, close to 2,500 attended the “Overseas Chinese Support the Party with Their Hearts” event at a Beijing stadium where the attendees sang pro-Party songs. People from 15 organizations formed groups to sing together. “The song ‘There would be no new China without the Communist Party’ opened the entire performance. People sang an array of select songs together to pay tribute to the Chinese Communist Party’s 90 years of struggle and great achievements.” Earlier, organizations of overseas Chinese from Vietnam, Laos, and Korea held various activities to celebrate the 90th anniversary of the Party, with pro-Party songs and music.

Source: Guangming Daily, June 21, 2011

PLA Daily Warns Countries to Stay Out of the South China Sea Dispute

The People’s Liberation Army Daily stated on June 14, that the live-fire military exercises that Vietnam planned for the South China Sea will intensify the conflicts in the region. "China resolutely opposes any country unrelated to the South China Sea issue meddling in the dispute. China opposes the internationalization and broadening of the South China Sea issue," said the military newspaper. “The countries concerned should stop the unilateral actions that broaden and complicate the South China Sea dispute and should no longer make untrue and irresponsible remarks.”

Source: PLA Daily, June 14, 2011.

Shanghai Cooperation Organization is Not an Eastern NATO

The People’s Daily (overseas edition) rejected the commentaries of the New York Times and the Christian Science Monitor which suggested the possible role of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) as a military alliance. Titled “SCO is not an Eastern NATO,” the article states, “Some countries are on guard as their attention turns to the SCO. …The remarks [of the New York Times and the Christian Science Monitor] reflect the mindset of those who are not willing to accept the fact that their ‘world police’ status is being challenged. … The SCO is not and will not develop into a military alliance, but the maintenance of regional security has been its important mission.” “The SCO military exercises target regional terrorism, and are different in nature from the recent military exercises that have been held frequently in various world regions with a color of military alliance.” “The killing of bin Laden is merely a symbolic achievement in one phase of global anti-terrorism, in addition to temporarily uplifting U.S. President Obama’s approval rating.”

Source: People’s Daily, June 15, 2011