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China’s Health Ministry to Blacklist Reporters

On Monday, June 13, 2011, Mao Qunan, the Director of the Public Information Center of China’s Health Ministry, said at a conference themed “scientifically understanding food additives,” that media reports on food safety are increasingly worrying the public. The Ministry is establishing a media platform “to attack and contain the few media that are intentionally misleading the public by spreading wrong messages with ulterior motives.” “We will also establish a blacklist for a very few media reporters,” said Mao.

Source: Xinhua, June 15, 2011

Red Flag Manuscript: The U.S. Exports Inflation and Political Instability

A researcher on Marxism from the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences wrote an article for Red Flag Manuscript that was the reprinted in Qiushi (both are leading Communist Party publications). The researcher asserted that United States monetary policy “is causing global inflation and leading to political instability” to its own advantage. “In the past two years, food and fuel prices in many countries rose enormously. As the expenditures for the consumption of food and fuel account for a greater share in developing countries, the Federal Reserve’s expansionist monetary policy inevitably has a great impact on developing countries. Volatile international situations stimulate risk aversion and are conducive to maintaining the U.S. dollar’s hegemony.” According to the Red Flag article, that is the reason that, on the one hand, the U.S. is actively exporting its expansionist monetary policy and inflation, and, on the other, is trying to shift off its losses in the financial crisis by promoting "universal values” and exporting color revolutions and political turmoil.

Source: Red Flag Manuscript, reprinted by Qiushi, June 7, 2011

People’s Daily Warns Google over Its Gmail Hacking Statement

On June 6, 2011, a tough warning appeared in the overseas edition of People’s Daily, rebutting Google’s statement that Chinese hackers may have organized attacks on U.S. and Asian government officials using the company’s Gmail service. “In fact, it is not the first time that Google has defamed China,” the official newspaper said. Such a statement by Google “strongly insinuates [without evidence] that the Chinese government directed the alleged cyber attacks. As such, for Google to point to China is baseless, with ulterior motives and sinister intent.” People’s Daily further states that Google has fallen into the role of a political tool to vilify others, and warns, “The market may abandon Google and it may become a political victim once the political climate changes.”

Source: People’s Daily, June 6, 2011

China’s Oil Drilling in Cuba

On June 6, 2011, during his visit to Cuba, Chinese Vice President Xi Jinping visited an oil drilling field where Great Wall Drilling Co. (GWDC), a subsidiary of the China National Petroleum Corporation (CNPC), is arranging to provide drilling services to Cuba. Upon completion, the oil well will be the largest land drilling well in South America with a depth of 7,000 meters, and 6,200 meters of horizontal displacement. Since August 2005, GWDC has drilled 63 wells along the coast from Havana to Varadero, Cuba. The total output of petroleum and natural gas from these wells has reached 13 million barrels.

Source: Xinhua, June 9, 2011

PLA Daily: The U.S. Will Never Give Up the Use of Hard Power

The people’s Liberation Army Daily published an article that comments on U.S. Defense Secretary Gates’ recent speech. The article states that during the speech, Secretary Gates held that dealing with a complex and unpredictable international security environment needs size, steel, and strength. It marks a change from President Obama and Secretary Clinton’s earlier remarks that the new administration would adopt “smart power” diplomacy. “In short, to maintain its world hegemony, the normal practice of the U.S. is to use both hard and soft power; put figuratively, it is the ‘carrot and stick’ approach. In the future, the U.S. may still insist on building its soft power, but when it comes to maintaining its global hegemony, it will never give up or relax the use of hard power. In this regard, one should not have any wishful thinking or unrealistic expectations.”

Source: Ministry of National Defense of the People’s Republic of China, reprinted from People’s Liberation Army Daily, May 29, 2011

Lawyers Organized to Effectuate the Party’s Rule of Law

A government sponsored lawyer’s group has been established to “assist” lawyers without licenses in counties and cities. The Party’s United Front Work Department and the Ministry of Justice are sponsoring the "One Heart Legal Services Group,” which consists of 48 lawyers who are not Party members. According to Chen Xiqing, Deputy Chief of the United Front Work Department, establishing of the group is “an important measure to effectuate the rule of law, protect the less developed regions, and share the results of civilized society under the rule of law; to better "work the masses" under the new situation and maintain social harmony and stability; to build up the brand name of ‘one heart’ for the Party’s United Front Work Department and strengthen its political foundation; and to deepen the United Front Work on persons who have newly joined China’s social elite, and strengthen the importance of training and educating non-Party representatives.” 

[Editor: The Party’s United Front Work Department is a CCP agency to “unite” nongovernment groups and individuals so that they will carry out the Party’s agenda.]

Source: Xinhua, May 30, 2011

Chinese Lenovo Will Acquire Germany’s Medion

On June 1, 2011, Lenovo Group Limited announced its plan to acquire the German consumer-electronics group Medion AG, a well-known electronics manufacturer and supplier. The report indicated that the acquisition will be completed in the third quarter with a cash payment. The move is viewed as a major step for the Chinese Lenovo to penetrate the European market, particularly the German PC market, which will also promote Lenovo’s mobile Internet business. After the acquisition, Lenovo will become the third largest PC manufacturer in Germany.

[Editor: According to Deutsch Welle, "Under the deal, Lenovo plans to buy a 36.6 percent stake from Medion founder and chief executive Gerd Brachmann, who currently owns more than 55 percent of the company. It then wants to extend the 13-euro-a-share offer to other shareholders to build a controlling stake for a total price of 466 million euros."]

Sources: Xinhua, June 1, 2011
Deutsch Welle, June 2, 2011,,15124805,00.html

Scholar: International Financial Reform Does Not Give China More Voice

In an interview with the official Outlook Weekly magazine, Jiang Yong, a scholar with the China Institute of Contemporary International Relations, said that the international financial reform has not given China more of a real voice. Since April 2010, China’s voting right in the World Bank has risen from 2.77% to 4.42%, second only to the U.S. and Japan. Its voting power in the IMF jumped to 3rd place, after the U.S. and Japan. However, “After the reforms, the U.S. still sits in the top position at the World Bank and it retains a one-vote veto with its shares at the IMF. Although the EU countries ‘gave up’ some shares, they still retain a veto power. The fact that the top decisions on the world economy and financial system fall into the hands of Western developed countries hasn’t change,” said Jiang. He believes that if others control a country financially, the impact will be felt not only in financial security, but also in economic and national safety.

Source: Outlook Weekly, May 23, 2011