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Hangzhou Sent “Government Affairs Representatives” to 100 Companies Including Alibaba

According to “Zhejiang Online,” the news portal of the Zhejiang Provincial Government, on September 20, Hangzhou City held a comprehensive implementation of the “New Manufacturing” mobilization meeting. The “New Manufacturing Plan” was released at the meeting.

As part of the New Manufacturing Plan, the Hangzhou Municipal Government will assign 100 officials to 100 large private enterprises such as Alibaba, Geely Holding, and Wahaha as “government affairs representatives.”

The Hangzhou Municipal Government explained that the purpose of the move was for the so-called “service-oriented enterprises,” “to coordinate different types of government affairs for enterprises,” and “to promote project implementation.”

Source:, September 20, 2019

Epoch Times: Security Is the Priority for October 1

October 1, 2019, is the 70th anniversary of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) taking over China. Also, the 4th Plenary Session of the 19th CCP Central Committee will be held in October. The CCP will hold a military parade and other activities in Tiananmen Square in Beijing; also, members of the CCP Central Committee will go to Beijing to attend the 4th Plenary Session. To ensure the smooth progress of the above activities and meetings, the CCP is placing a high priority on maintaining stability, as if one were facing a formidable enemy.

In an exclusive report, the Epoch Times published a copy of an urgent and confidential document that the Shanxi Provincial Committee of the CCP National Security Commission issued on September 2. The document states that Shanxi Province is part of the overall Beijing defenses and is required to be ready for war and to be on duty 24 hours a day.

Following Shanxi, another province, Shaanxi Province, used the term “wartime” in its official document concerning social stability in October.

Hu Minglang, Deputy Governor of Shaanxi Province and Director of the Public Security Department, issued an order on September 4, 2019, imposing a “wartime” prohibition on alcohol for all Shaanxi public security personnel from September 15 to October 4. All public security organs, police officers, police assistants, and other public security personnel at all levels in Shaanxi Province are prohibited from drinking alcohol for any reason at any time and on any occasion. Violators and their chain of command will be held accountable.

As October 1 is approaching, the CCP has strengthened security from the top down. Starting from the end of August, Beijing entered the “October 1 modus operandi” which mandated the removal of knives such as fruit knives and kitchen knives from shelves in the stores. On the eve of the military parade rehearsal from September 7 to 8, Beijing made massive arrests of people who visited Beijing to seek redress of their grievances that the local governments caused.

Meanwhile, Beijing’s Municipal CCP Secretary Cai Qi spoke on August 31, 2019, at the kickoff of the October 1 security campaign asking Beijing security personnel to be “excellent and perfect, and never lose.” His remark became the headline in the State media, Beijing Youth Daily.

Overseas media observed that, by treating its people as the enemy, it appears that the CCP is not preparing for a celebration, but rather, for a major disaster.

Source: Epoch Times, September 12, 2019

Huanqiu Editorial: U.S. Slams Hong Kong Media

An official editorial from a China State media, Huanqiu (Global Times), attempted to rebut a statement that the U.S. State Department spokeswoman Morgan Ortagus made on August 8. Ortagus described China as a “thuggish regime” because it disclosed personal details about a U.S. diplomat who met student leaders involved in the Hong Kong’s pro-democracy movement. Earlier, a China-controlled media, the Hong Kong newspaper Ta Kung Pao, published a photograph of a U.S. diplomat, identified as Julie Eadeh of the consulate’s political section, talking to student leaders, including Joshua Wong, in the lobby of a luxury hotel. It also published personal details about her family members.

“However,” said Huanqiu , “the U.S. State Department slammed the Hong Kong media on Thursday, and described the report exposing U.S. diplomat Ms. Eadeh’s past experience in instigating a ‘color revolution’ as ‘disclosing the personal information of U.S. diplomats.’ It attributed the media report to the [Chinese] government, and said that is what a thuggish regime would do.”

Huanqiu continued, “The Hong Kong media have the right to expose the situation of U.S. diplomats who are actively intervening in Hong Kong and to let people know what kind of people they are in order to form a more comprehensive understanding of the situation in Hong Kong. This is the duty of the media and the [Chinese] government has nothing to do with it.”

It concluded, “All this that the internal and external forces created is nothing but a phantom. With the strong support of the [Chinese Communist Party] Central Committee, the vast Hong Kong people who are patriotic and love Hong Kong will have the courage to stand up. The conspiracy will be shattered and the turmoil will be crushed. The time will come when the mob will be brought to justice.”

Source: Huanqiu, August 9, 2019

Propaganda TV Shows Dominate the 70th Birthday of the People’s Republic

On July 29th, the State Administration of Radio, Film, and Television (SARFT) released a mandate to TV stations at all levels that, for the 100 days of celebration of the 70th birthday of the People’s Republic of China, they could only broadcast TV dramas that SARFT selected; no traditional costume dramas or idol dramas could be broadcast.

The SARFT mandate stated that, based on a careful review and repeated research, 86 TV shows were selected to be the TV stations at all levels in the country to broadcast, especially provincial satellite TV stations. These programs were predominantly pro-Communist propaganda TV shows.

The SARFT further warned that provincial radio and television bureaus must take politics as the lifeline of broadcasting and tighten up their control of the selection and broadcasting of TV shows during the 100 days of celebration.

Source:, July 31, 2019

Qiushi: Keep a Clear Mind and Fight till the End

Qiushi, the official journal of the Chinese Communist Party, published a commentary in its twelfth Issue for 2019. The subject was the trade war between China and the United States. It urged keeping a clear mind and fighting until the end. Xinhua and People’s Daily have since re-published the commentary. The following is a summary of some of the highlights:

The Sino-U.S. economic and trade relationship is not a “zero-sum game.” Rather, it is mutually beneficial.

The “fair trade” that the United States emphasized is not really fair at all. The United States purchases resources, labor, and products at a low cost from developing countries while selling its technology products at a high price.

Unilateralism is a dead end. Only through open cooperation can one gain more development opportunities and more room for development.

The United States hegemonism in the area of technology will not succeed. China’ technological advances are the result of the competition and hard work of the Chinese people and not the result of stealing or forced technology transfer.

The ultimate pressure applied to China will not work because such pressure will expose the true nature of the U.S. hegemony and further isolate the United States in the international community.

The trade protectionism of the Trump Administration will not bring the manufacturing industry back to the United States. On the contrary, it will seriously damage the global value chain, impact global resource allocation, generate widespread negative spillover effects, and reduce the efficiency of the global economy.

The trade war between China and the United States will not promote the prosperity of the U.S. economy. What goes around comes around. There will be no winner. Whoever initiates the trade war will eventually hurt themselves.

The Sino-U.S. trade war will not crush the Chinese economy.

The commentary concluded by stating that China has been firm and consistent in its position regarding the key differences between China and the United States on the trade war: zero-sum game vs. mutual benefit and win-win; opposition vs. cooperation; monopoly vs. competition; and unilateralism vs. multilateralism.

Source: Xinhua, June 16, 2019

Xinhua: Whoever Advocates Giving in to the U.S. in the Trade War Is a Rat Who All Should Chase

On June 9, 2019, Xinhua published a commentary on the  U.S.-china trade issues titled, “Let Everyone Chase the ‘Surrender Theory’ As If It Were a Rat Running across the Street.”

The commentary began with a reiteration of the Communist Party’s official position. “The attitude of the Chinese side has always been clear: not willing to fight, not afraid to fight, have to fight if necessary. In this regard, the vast majority of Chinese people are very firm on this position and are united as one in solidarity. However, a small number of people have developed ‘PF chondrosis,’ lost their national integrity, and have widely advocated a surrender theory because ‘China is in a disadvantaged position and should appeal to all to compromise,’ thus confusing, disturbing, and distracting the public. In this regard, we must unequivocally say ‘no.’ We will vigorously carry out the struggle and let the ‘surrender theory’ become a street rat.”

The commentary went on, “[T]hose who advocate the ‘surrender theory’ unconditionally tout the ‘rationality,’ ‘legality,’ and ‘necessity’ of the U.S. government’s trade bullying policy and power-political behavior against China. They put the blame for the Sino-U.S. trade war entirely on China. They allege that China bites the hand that feeds it ‘with no reasonable basis for resisting the U.S. trade bullying.’ It is an action to curry favor with the United States and it is an absurd theory that calls white black and black white.”

The commentary concluded with a warning, “I hereby notify those who worship, are eager to please, and are fearful of the United States that you should not continue to be an accomplice of the U.S. government in bullying; you should not try to use the ‘surrender theory’ to sabotage the Chinese people’s spirit of resistance. If you continue to be obsessed and stubbornly move forward, an abyss of 100,000 feet will be right in front of you.”

Source: Xinhua, June 7, 2019

Huanqiu Editorial: The Narcissistic U.S. Elite Attempt to Drive Away Chinese Companies

On May 29, 2019, Huanqiu published an editorial on how the U.S. Wall Street is trying to kick out Chinese companies. “As the U.S. trade war with China widens, the call to drive Chinese companies out of Wall Street is rising considerably in the United States. Extremists, who advocate depriving Chinese companies of their right to be listed in the U. S. stock exchanges, claim that Chinese companies have raised tens of billions of dollars from the U.S. stock market over the years and that it is another pipeline, in addition to the trade surplus, for China to take advantage of the United States. They are eager to push Washington to cut off the pipeline and decouple China and the United States in the financial market.”

If that happens, the State media reasoned, it would merely reduce the financing sources available to Chinese companies, but it would have a much greater impact on the U.S. investors wishing to benefit from Chinese economic growth.

To the extent the United States shuts out Chinese companies from its financial market, Huanqiu believed, “There will be many capital markets in the world that welcome China’s promising companies. The United States has closed down one road through which China opens up to the outside world and cut off its financing links with the world’s largest developing market. It would be an interesting question whether that causes more harm to China or to the United States.”

Finally, the State media concluded, “In our view, the arrogance of some Americans towards China has become abnormal; they increasingly live in all kinds of fantasies and (act on) impulse. They really seem to believe that the lifeline of China’s prosperity today is in the United States and that no matter how tall the big tree of China grows, most of its roots are deeply embedded in the United States. They imagine that as long as they cut those roots, China’s modernization will be struggling and eventually collapse. The arrogant American elite should go recalculate it.”

Source: Huanqiu, May 29. 2019

CCP Secret Document: Crackdown on Christian Churches

The United Front Work Department of the Central Committee of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) and the Ministry of Public Security of the Liaoning Provincial Government, issued a secret document directing the local governments to crack down on foreign-related Christian churches and demonize religious groups in order to legalize the CCP’s suppression.

The document, titled, “Work Plan for Investigating and Handling Foreign Christian Penetration in Accordance with the Law,” is a special action for local governments to implement. The main task of the special action is to require government agencies to “resolutely crack down on foreign religious believers, resolutely destroy the religious activities of foreign religious groups in the local area, and resolutely prevent organizations from attending training in neighboring countries and regions.” It also directs the tightening of restrictions on the use of foreign Internet websites to conduct online missionary work.

In addition to targeting the “Jehovah Witnesses” and several Korean Christian churches that have been suppressed before, the CCP’s secret document also named the Young Disciples of Jesus, Cru, the Evangelical Lutheran Church, the Bo Ai Church, the Ai Xin Church, the Canaan Christian Church, and a number of others.

In order to achieve the goal, the document recommends that the local governments first send out undercover agents to conduct detailed investigations on these religious groups, such as the scope of their activities, the status of get-togethers, personnel composition, background, funds, and the scale of their activities. The document recommends surveillance of relevant WeChat and QQ groups; in addition to recording all the believers’ information; establishing a “Resistance to the Overseas Christian Penetration Work Database,” as well as the use the big data analysis to keep abreast of church activities.

In terms of crackdowns, the document calls for the shutdown of church meeting places, training centers, and seminaries; the taking of a number of measures to combat the believers’ beliefs, such as criminal prosecution, education transformation, pressure on their work units and relatives, and cutting off welfare protection; “investigating and handling some, registering some, controlling some, and transforming some.” The document holds local CCP committees and governments responsible for the education transformation so as to eliminate completely any possibility of restoring religious activities.

Moreover, before each crackdown action, local authorities are required to demonize religious groups and guide public opinion to legalize the CCP’s suppression of them.

The document also requires that government propaganda departments should produce critical articles and videos to incite the masses. Internet censorship departments should control “harmful and sensational public opinion. Education departments need to strengthen the management of teachers and students with religious backgrounds. The document also requires that the crackdown work should not be conducted during the time when there are major domestic political activities or important sensitive anniversaries.

The document requires confidentiality. It is strictly forbidden to release crackdown documents on the Internet or notify personnel of their crackdown assignments through WeChat and other social media channels.

Source: Bitter Winter, May 27, 2019
遼寧機密文件內容曝光 全國性打擊涉外教會行動已開始